I had my first run yesterday, unsuccesfull unfotunatley, the temeprature took ages to rise, about 2 hours to 130c, and after 3 hours it reached 210 c, stayed at this temp for a while then started to slowly drop, to about 180, when i shut things down. I was thinking this happened because it was getting dark and chilli and the draft cooled it... I am using gpl gas and a crude flamethrower(need to change it), also my temperature probe isn't in direct contact with the air from the reactor, but it is a prope inside a tube that goes in the reactor, need to change that as well... I will post some pictures later, maybe you can shed some thoughts. Thanks!
Also i filled the reactor with unshreded plastic, big pieces, il post pictures!
Also i filled the reactor with unshreded plastic, big pieces, il post pictures!