Here is an easy to duplicate circuit without bifilar coils that will light a fluorescent tube for 4 min and 20 sec from 20,000 uF capacitor charged to 12 volts. It should light tube for about 9 minutes with a 40,000 uF capacitor. Tube is not full bright, but is bright enough that it can be seen without turning off all the lights. This is just a basic Joule thief circuit with the resistor and capacitor values selected for run time. I am still not sure how LaserSaber is getting the bifilar coils to work so I am looking forward to his next video. Current drain of this circuit is 0.53 mA when 20,000 uF capacitor is at 6 volts.
EDIT: I have tried using 2N2219 and MPSA06 and neither of them worked in this circuit. It may be that it will only work with the components specified.
Also, oscilation may not start if input voltage is increased slowly, charge capacitor before connecting to circuit.
EDIT: I have tried using 2N2219 and MPSA06 and neither of them worked in this circuit. It may be that it will only work with the components specified.
Also, oscilation may not start if input voltage is increased slowly, charge capacitor before connecting to circuit.