Here is another one of my replications of the 3.0 ringer circuit, and a couple of pictures of my yoke core. It has 20 turns primary on one side of the yoke, and about 250 turns on the opposite side of the yoke, of 28 gauge. It's working pretty well considering that there is not a lot of turns on it. I may add more turns when I have more wire to work with.
Transistor is a MJE (TIP) 3055. Running on a bad 12v battery. Transistor is stone cold, as if its not even being used. NO HEAT, at all
Showing a 25wtt Cfl, and the circuit will brightly light 65 watt Cfls, also, but not full on, yet. I do have to put my hand on the bulb, or it does not fully light. Only one wire connection to the Cfl, as it does not like to go to the positive or negative rail, without ringing. Neon is lighting wireless all around the bulbs.
Although this set up might cost you a little to buy the right transistor, and such, but is costed me nothing, , Zilch. Only my time. I'll show a video as soon as I get it further along. Main thing is there is absolutely,NO HEAT, anywhere, except for the Cfl does put out some heat off the bulb. Touching the secondary feels a bit like when one is touching the mains, but I'm getting used to it, shock therapy.
Edit: (last picture)
Here one more picture (last one) of it lighting the 65 watt Cfl bulb, with a second 25 watt Cfl bulb also on the same line.
Here is another one of my replications of the 3.0 ringer circuit, and a couple of pictures of my yoke core. It has 20 turns primary on one side of the yoke, and about 250 turns on the opposite side of the yoke, of 28 gauge. It's working pretty well considering that there is not a lot of turns on it. I may add more turns when I have more wire to work with.
Transistor is a MJE (TIP) 3055. Running on a bad 12v battery. Transistor is stone cold, as if its not even being used. NO HEAT, at all
Showing a 25wtt Cfl, and the circuit will brightly light 65 watt Cfls, also, but not full on, yet. I do have to put my hand on the bulb, or it does not fully light. Only one wire connection to the Cfl, as it does not like to go to the positive or negative rail, without ringing. Neon is lighting wireless all around the bulbs.
Although this set up might cost you a little to buy the right transistor, and such, but is costed me nothing, , Zilch. Only my time. I'll show a video as soon as I get it further along. Main thing is there is absolutely,NO HEAT, anywhere, except for the Cfl does put out some heat off the bulb. Touching the secondary feels a bit like when one is touching the mains, but I'm getting used to it, shock therapy.
Edit: (last picture)
Here one more picture (last one) of it lighting the 65 watt Cfl bulb, with a second 25 watt Cfl bulb also on the same line.