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new here, bought everything last night. Where's plans for house size power or 2-3 to

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  • new here, bought everything last night. Where's plans for house size power or 2-3 to

    I bought this package last night and wondered if anyone helps anyone here? The few threads I read had no response. Did I get ripped off, or am I wrong?
    Just in case this is for real I was wondering where the plans for a house powering size magnetic generator might be? All I have seen so far on these videos look like a small grade simple school experiment.
    I can be contacted at if anyone has anything at all that may come in handy.
    Thanks, DCL

  • #2
    What Plans ?

    You do not seem to be very clear. What plans are you talking about ?



    • #3
      home power

      do some research...watson displayed a 600 pound 8 kilowatt energizer at the
      tesla symposium in 1984...him and his family were never heard from again....bedini can't talk about any of this...learn on your
      can succeed but don't be too ready to say you have.....good luck,,,,,


      • #4
        Originally posted by grim1pisces View Post
        I bought this package last night...
        What "package did you buy"?

        I'm never one to be a complete "naysayer" - at all - I'm not going to say that a magnetic power generator cannot be made, but.. by the time you scale it up to the mass that would have an excess of 2 or three kilowatts... to power your house... you'd probably wish you spent the money on something else. That is, if it worked. For example if I spent 40,000 dollars building something that creates 3 kilowatts of "free energy" - that 40,000 dollars buys me 16,600 watts of solar power panels. Currently I have 1300 watts of solar power panels and I budgeted those panels by cutting back a little here, and there... doing without this, or that... trade offs. So, they didn't cost me anything other than driving around less, closing doors more, riding my bicycle more, and eating less meat. Every joule they produce is free, excepting the cost of batteries and that is where Bedini technology / Radiant technology can possibly help by recycling other's throwaways. And building some of your own.

        If you want to bank your money on a concept that is quite "apparently" a working model of "free energy", my money, personally would go to replicating this device:

        Veljko Milkovic - Home Page - Official presentation of the researcher and inventor Veljko Milkovic

        I haven't tried, so don't take "my" word for it.
        It has, however been examined and to the best of my knowledge not been "debunked" by Physicists and Ph.D.'s

        If you watch his video, it is a real eye opener in what exactly takes place in a Two-Stage Mechanical Oscillator.

        Built large enough, feasibly it could power a dynamo, outputting more power than put in, though I have not seen that particular application beyond Mr. Milkovic's demonstration of how an occasional tap of the pendulum can create enough force in the hammerhead to drive a "pump-flashlight" vigorously.

        If you take the time to watch his video of just what phenomenons are taking place, it'll probably impress you. Some very unexpected characteristics of power transmission are displayed in this device not seen in gears / pulleys etc. I was very impressed, and quite convinced it could work.
        Last edited by kcarring; 01-25-2011, 10:17 PM. Reason: addition
        Alberta is under attack...

        Has anyone seen my Bedini Ceiling Fan that pushes the warm air down, and charges batteries as an added bonus? Me neither. 'Bout time I made one!!!!! :P


        • #5
          Originally posted by grim1pisces View Post
          I bought this package last night and wondered if anyone helps anyone here? The few threads I read had no response. Did I get ripped off, or am I wrong?
          Just in case this is for real I was wondering where the plans for a house powering size magnetic generator might be? All I have seen so far on these videos look like a small grade simple school experiment.
          I can be contacted at if anyone has anything at all that may come in handy.
          Thanks, DCL
          Oh no, you paid someone money for a magnet motor kit thinking it would produce free energy? I think you should look into suing your high school for not teaching you enough basic science to know why such a thing is impossible. Everything we know about how the universe works, reinforced by hundreds of years of experiment and observation proves to us that such a thing is impossible. It would, in effect, be creating MORE universe. That just isn't something that happens.
          Many people have claimed to have created such a device, and in every single case when the device was subjected to independent testing, it has proven to be a fraud, a hoax, or an error.


          • #6

            Looks like you have not read much of the threads in this forum.



            • #7
              Originally posted by FRC View Post
              Looks like you have not read much of the threads in this forum.

              I have, but he sounds like he isn't totally brainwashed by the frauds, hoaxers, undereducated well meaning dreamers, and whackos yet. I'm hoping being burned by the scam will save him from being caught in the free energy cult.


              • #8
                Originally posted by grim1pisces View Post
                I bought this package last night and wondered if anyone helps anyone here? Thanks, DCL
                What help do you need? I have found a lot of helpful people and conversations here. Go ahead and ask your question.
                There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


                • #9

                  I have the same dream. Asked the same question.
                  What I have learned from/about this forum.
                  1.Read every post...should take a year or two.
                  2.Watch every you tube vid....another year or two.
                  3.BUY every book ever published by Aron/Peter/borderland.
                  4.Replicate every gadget/circuit/device....A few more years and 2nd mortgage.

                  5. If you're still alive and not too old and have any money left.
                  Ignore & forget everything you've read and start over. DIY learn the hard way, for and by yourself.

                  6.NEVER get sucked into participating in a FORUM discussion. unless you are bored lazy and it's pissing rain outside.

