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If we find free energy, then what?

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  • #16
    I can't agree or disagree cause I don't have enough knowledge about electronics.

    I am finishing mechanical engineering and in two more years hopefully electronic engineering and then I hope I understand this stuff.

    For me right now I think HHO and diesel from plastic are the winner in non-electronic devices (though HHO electronic plays an essential role).

    But I think we could try to develop several ideas at the same time. Some mechanical (magnet motors, etc) some electronic like your propusal.
    I like the idea of collaboration.
    Last edited by bugler; 01-04-2011, 02:36 PM.


    • #17

      Cikljamas and Bugler, thanks for posting beter renditions of the circuit. Still
      have trouble reading some of the print. What was the the source of this
      circuit ? Looks like it came from some kind of magazine.



      • #18
        That drawing is from Don Smith's Resonate Energy Systems PDF, That would be a very good project, but there is a lot of high voltage there.

        Item 9 from the parts list Frequency adjuster is missing, if you watch part 3 or 4 of the 5 part video presentation. He explains that. It is a resistor or capacitor I think. But it looks like it is missing from the drawing.

        cikljamas, What are the resistance readings of the transformer you have ?

        He says the one in the video is a 30 Kw system or something like that.



        • #19
          Farmhand, i told you yesterday i was going to buy 220/12 0 12 transformer
          and i did it, i bougth two of them, one solenoid 25 VA, and one toroid 50 VA,
          so i hope this information could help you...
          Resistance readings are impossible if i remember well, when i tried before
          to measure resistance of transformer coils i had jumping up and down of
          readings so i am not sure how you guys achieve to measure accurate
          transformer resistance...I will try this again later...

          FRC, this is what you are looking for :

          Cheers !
          "There is no love without prayer - there is no prayer without forgiveness because love is prayer - forgiveness is love." Virgin Marry - Immaculate Conception ...The geologists say it's not in the ground, the airforce says it's not in the air, the astronomers say it's not from space, so we are running out of options...


          • #20
            Originally posted by cikljamas View Post
            Farmhand, i told you yesterday i was going to buy 220/12 0 12 transformer
            and i did it, i bougth two of them, one solenoid 25 VA, and one toroid 50 VA,
            so i hope this information could help you...
            Resistance readings are impossible if i remember well, when i tried before
            to measure resistance of transformer coils i had jumping up and down of
            readings so i am not sure how you guys achieve to measure accurate
            transformer resistance...I will try this again later...

            FRC, this is what you are looking for :

            Cheers !

            IF you are looking for the DC resistance. connect a battery up to the winding you need to measure in series with a resistor that will give you half the voltage of the battery and when you find that resistor.
            the value of the coils is the same value as the resistor.
            thats the most simplest way with out doing math calculations. ie ohms law

            V over R multiply by I

            or it can be expresed as
            RT = R1 + R2.

            VT/RT = IT.

            IT X R2 = VR2

            IT X R1 = VR1.

            VT = VR1 + VR2

            VR2 can be Replaced by your transformer coil

            so using a DMM VT - VR1 = VR2 and VR1/ R1 = IT
            with IT you can find R of your transformer coils

            VT Voltage total
            IT current Total
            RT resistor 1 + resistor 2
            VR1 Voltage over resistor 1
            VR2 Voltage over resistor 2

            just treat your transformer coil as a Resitor

            for AC voltage same calculation but we must find the impedance not the resistance. bit more complex but same thing

            cheers Rod
            Last edited by toranarod; 01-05-2011, 12:23 PM.


            • #21
              Sorry to take so long in responding, my email notification was turned off.

              The reason I posted the question was to see if people have been seriously thinking about what they would do with a free energy device when discovered. It was suggested that maybe I am skipping step one and jumping to step two with my question, that perhaps I should discover free energy first then figure out what to do with it. I couldn't disagree more. I really think that the first step is figuring out how to spread the technology, then go and discovery it. It is like panning for gold in a foreign country. You spend time, energy and money picking the right place to pan and getting the equipment to do the job. You spend years searching and then find the mother of all gold deposits. Literally millions of dollars in gold at your finger tips. You package all your new found gold, which is brutally difficult to do, you get to the dock to ship it all home only to find out that the locally armed government security forces inform you that gold is not allowed to be shipped out of the country. Oops... What I am saying is because effort was not put in on what to do after the discovery is made, the effort put into FINDING the discovery was wasted. And I don't think I need to mention the examples history has for us of inventors either being bought off, or killed trying to bring there discoveries to the masses. And these were inventors that had already discovered free energy. What they didn't do was plan out the execution of how to release their ideas. Fortunately for us we have their examples to learn from. Most certainly we MUST be putting energy in how to release the technology before we get our hands on it, or run the risk of losing it. It's one thing to find treasure, it's another thing to keep and utilize it.

              Going to the patient office is a total waste of time! In fact I would say that going to the patient office is actually dangerous. Not only have you told the government your idea, but have given them your name, phone number and address. When you tell the government you have a technology that can possibly disrupt world economies and that you plan to commercially capitalize on it, expect to be contacted by some very unpleasant people for a very unpleasant visit. Don't go to the patient office.

              I completely agree with an open source project. We have a great example already to go by and that is open source software. And right now open source is becoming more readily believed in as a real solution to real problems. Why can't we have open source inventing? I think it is a great idea!! Truth is with collaborative effort we could really achieve what happens in a lab. Albeit that we will have to lay down our pride and greed. What would an open source project look like? Not to sure, but I know that it will have to be something reasonably professional. I know that if open source software did not have a professional finish to it, it wouldn't be as popular as it is today. But having said that I really believe that this is the way to make real progress. Unfortunately to bring a free energy device to the world, I really believe that we are going to have to let go of the idea that money can be made on the invention itself. I think that money can be made on the manufacture, installing, support and repair. This is the example of how money is made on open source software. But selling the idea to a large company that will pay you millions up front and royalties.....I don't see that.

              No, I don't have any working free energy devices. I have a good theory on one though.
              Risk is the beginning of all gains.


              • #22
                admittedly I have not read all of the posts here, and I am sure this has been said already, but I figure I will throw in my two cents...
                one of the best things about this forum and the majority of the work that goes on here is, people are not trying to sell anything.
                most of the projects that are worked on here are open source and a collaboration, and it seems people are quick to share videos and photos and schematics of both their successes and their failures. I think this is the right idea and the best way to both spread the word and actually make a meaningful discovery.
                obviously if people are truly working together, it is only a matter of time before the level of intention being put into this subject turns out some results that I have no doubt will be both mind blowing and incredibly simple (given the context, of course )
                the more that people work together and share their ideas freely, the more "fruit" will come for the effort, that is my personal belief anyway, and I enjoy being even a small part of anything I can help on
                just wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for the level of cooperation and support i see all over this forum, it truly makes this a great place to put some effort into being a part of the community!
                The absence of proof is not proof of absence


                • #23

                  Jason D.....cheers man. You hit the nail on the head. Roland I like your idea too. You're both on the right track in my opinion. A plan is needed.

                  I truely beleive that there are so many different devices right now out there that could bring this world into a new technological revolution and there are in fact members of this forum that have them and the means to bring it about. Sadly I think the ones that have it will not release thier ideas based on the standard road blocks that are discussed here. Greed, the government, the energy cartels, and the grim reaper. From what I've researched about revolutionary invention suppression my opinion is that there are four steps in the art of suppression by the powers that be.

                  1: Greed. The powers that be buy you off.
                  2: Discredit. If the inventor is of good moral standing that he can't be bought off, then the inventor is made to look crazy, publicly humiliated, ect. Any means necessary to get them out of the lime light.
                  3: Threaten. If step 2 doesn't work this is the inventors' last exit ramp. They will be threatened with incarceration or worse thier lives if they don't put a lid on it. And Finally
                  4: Death! Mission Accomplished the energy cartels make more money! The invention is dead and the remains are scrubbed from existense.

                  Also the powers that be have an arsenal of tools at thier disposal to achieve their ends. Our good ol friend personal greed, the patent offices, the government, and multination corperate lobbiest.

                  Greed. The inventor actually convinces themselves' that they will be the next "Bill Gates" of energy and will be rolling in money for the rest of thier lives if they can patent it, find willing investors, market it, and sell it to a desparate public for a resonable price. Hmmm maybe even charge monthly fees for the services at a price that is just a bit lower than thier competitors. Oh the virtues of the "free market" would shower windfalls on them at the expense and demise of the energy cartels. (does anybody reading this actually believe this can happen?) Please.....

                  The Patent Office. For a nominal price, lawyer fees, red tape, testing, blaa blaa "Billly Goat Gates" can secure your intellectual property so that no evil multinational energy corperation can rip off your idea and sell it without you getting your 2 cents. Until the patent office realizes you just invented something that would slam the worlds' economy into tourmoil. So they report to thier superiors......

                  The Government. Your idea that you just got the patent approved on has just been declared a matter of national security. Game over "Bill" your billion dollar pipe dream is over and furthermore you will not be allowed to discuss it with ANYONE.

                  Even if one did manage to complete the daunting tasks of patenting, avoiding government crack down, finding investors, manufacturing, and selling to the masses, there is an entrenched lobbying power all over the globe that would do thier best to legislate, regulate, and tax this out of existense. Do you think that GE are just going to close shop on thier wind turbine factories? Or would the coal companies just stop mining? Or the oil companies just stop drilling? Not to mention the propaganda that would likely ensue. There are trillions the energy cartels have on the line and they won't lay down and take it.

                  So how does one usurp this rigged system?

                  Open source baby. Make complete intructional DVDs, sell them at local seminars or give them away at college campuses all over the country.
                  Don't just put it on the internet. Internet information can be manipulated, hacked, and erased (maybe that is another tool at the energy cartels' disposal). Get physical copies out that can't be contained. Give it to friends, family, and complete freakin strangers. Bypass the discrediting, the patent office, the government, the lobbying effort, and the threats. Empower average joes that need a leg up to build their own devices for home power or transportation that would be unmanagable for the government to regulate or keep track of. People could be off the grid and under the radar. It would take huge titanium b@lls for anyone to do this and it would have to be done quickly because the jackals would come from all directions to sue you, throw you in jail, shut you down, and confiscate your work.

                  Oh the possibilities if it were not for our ol pal GREED.

                  Did I get this right? Feel free to correct me I am a little simple-minded.



                  • #24
                    Then what?

                    This is what I have been wondering about for a while. Everyone seems so busy trying to climb the mountain that very few people consider what happens if and when you actually do get to the top. Just what does happen?
                    Is free energy really free? What price would we be willing pay for free energy?
                    Free energy, but the world goes to hell in a hand basket? The energy is free, but there is a down side to it that makes the current pollution situation look like a walk in the park. It might be free, but could have a huge price to pay. The question I think is important. When I hear about just blast it out to to the world untested without any thought of what could happen to the enviroment. I have to wonder.
                    It sounds ok to stick it to the oil companies and fat cats of the world, but what if you are sticking it yourself too? Your children? Unleash enviromental destruction that cause people to long for the good old days of green house gas? There might be something unseen in the zeal to blast it out to the world is all I am saying. I do think that some proper study first must part of it also.
                    One thing to keep in mind is, man wrote the laws regarding the conservation of energy, not nature.
                    Nature writes it's own laws regardless of what man thinks or does.


                    • #25
                      Think about it this way

                      Say if for some reason you did did not have to drill for or refine oil. Fuel just come up out the ground ready to put in your gas tank. Free energy for all. Just fill up your tank and go. Sounds great, but then what? Now unlimited pollution, enough to choke the planet to death. But it is free, however at a huge cost.
                      This is my point. That just because it is free, may not mean there is no cost.
                      I think it is the same way for "free energy". In some situations, it very well may not be free at all if a discovery of free energy is made and blasted out to the world, only to find out a year later that there is a huge downside to it.
                      I do think that not all types of free energy will come with out a cost. Some will, some won't. Some you may not find out until later. Too late to go back.
                      Better to find out first.
                      One thing to keep in mind is, man wrote the laws regarding the conservation of energy, not nature.
                      Nature writes it's own laws regardless of what man thinks or does.


                      • #26
                        Free Energy as the beginning of Post-Scarcity

                        I've had this idea rolling around in my mind for so long now, that I'm sick of hearing myself explain it, so I'll just copy and past what I posted on back in '08. I called it "The Three Keys to Changing The World"

                        1 Free Energy: duh.

                        2 Elemental Transmutation:
                        Once you remove the boundary of the abundance of elements, no material can truly have any more value than any other. There can't be a gold standard if any element can be turned to gold. This is already being done with fusion & fission, it just needs to be re-invented in a manner that is simpler, safer & free of radioactive isotopes.

                        3 Home Assembly:
                        The least necessary, but possibly the most powerful of the three. This allows the replication of the previous two at zero cost, when powered by them. If any object can be created from ever-present raw elements(thanks to transmutation) including a means of mass production then no one will need to depend on anyone else anymore if it is properly developed into atomically-precise replication.

                        Nanofactories for the time being are almost purely theoretical, but with a free power supply & the ability to transmute any element into any other, air could be turned to a bar of gold, could be turned into a sandwich, could be turned to medicine, or any thing else. There would need to be some sort of blueprint for these things however, so the same nanofactory system would require a means of disassembling & recording the locations of the atoms of an object put into it. But once that object it "recorded" it could be printed repeatedly, essentially giving people the ability to torrent physical objects.

                        You would be able to print a car. (albeit a piece at a time)


                        • #27
                          I think that the best strategy to go about it is to do like RadioHead did for their album:

                          Radiohead Offers New Album For Whatever You Want to Pay

                          Radiohead dropped a bomb on the music industry last night, announcing their new album In Rainbows. What's the big deal? Well, first of all, it'll be released in a mere 9 days, catching everyone off guard (it was expected sometime next year) and keeping the tracks from leaking to the web. Secondly, you'll be able to download the album from their official site for any price you want to pay. Yes, it's pay what you want, including free. Really.
                          The person who will show us the way to free energy deserve to be rewarded , so why not just adopt the same business model as Radiohead.

                          Don't know about you, but I think it sounds fair for all, bare in mind that their will always be free rider no matter what model you adopt.

                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • #28
                            "IF" ? Try asking what did we do the last time and the time before that and the.....

                            Do not get me wrong but i think we are bunch of idiots !

                            Thanks for the chuckle bother, GREAT question!

                            I would not think it a mistake to take Tesla's advice and lock it in a safe for 1,000 years.
                            On second thought I remember we were smarter 2,000 years ago, so the wait would be a disservice as we are digressing.

                            GEE I don't know, I might name it tesla-tatica-thing-a-m'jig and give it to some swiss canton.
                            Or offer it to the Nat. Soc. Party as any "Good Citizen" would.

                            I would absolutely build an interstellar ship and search for a new home PRONTO!

                            I feel the question moot since we still have the problem of land ownership.
                            Can I employ free electricity and permaculture in a 800sq foot Apt. to acheive true self-relience,independance?
                            Maybe then I could pimp myself out one last time for money to buy some land.
                            Shame I'm not smart enough to write a book or discover some new mind path power pyramid scheme to get some coin.

                            Then with land I could produce excess and GIVE it away or trade for luxuries or services. Tools to study nature, practice art and music. play and tend to animals and children and gardens and farms.
                            Enjoy & jello'brate life with friends, family and neighbours.
                            Voyage the cosmos and return with gifts and tall tales of adventure and discovery and hopefully new friends.

                            But hey that's just IMHO.


                            • #29
                              Oh brother...


                              one of the best things about this forum and the majority of the work that goes on here is, people are not trying to sell anything.

                              This forum exist as a marketing tool..Like TV we ride the coat tails of the sponsor at their discretion.
                              Granted like TV the "Fill" is better than the "Content".
                              Know your Chomsky before you compliment the medium.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by philopolymath View Post


                                one of the best things about this forum and the majority of the work that goes on here is, people are not trying to sell anything.

                                This forum exist as a marketing tool..Like TV we ride the coat tails of the sponsor at their discretion.
                                Granted like TV the "Fill" is better than the "Content".
                                Know your Chomsky before you compliment the medium.
                                first, I find you delightfully cynical, and I say that with the utmost respect

                                second, I WAS complimenting the fill, and the users of this forum, not so much the structure. It's the work being done brother, not the medium the work is thriving in. as long as we have a place to congregate and cooperate, the work will progress, and hopefully the world will follow

                                I agree with you that people in general have been losing touch over the last few millennia, though I still hold out hope (however remote) that the Mayans were correct, and the cycle will start anew sooner much rather than later.

                                If history truly does repeat itself, we might just be in for one heck of a ride

                                nat. soc'ists aside I think we are at least beginning to move in the right direction, and we just need to drag the rest of the disbelievers along, and try our best to ignore all of the kicking and screaming

                                if we do not first find a reasonable avenue for free energy to flow into our lives, how can we possibly consider the overall ramifications (both economic and environmental). before we decide the work is too dangerous to continue, we first need to come to a consensus on where that work is leading us.
                                The absence of proof is not proof of absence

