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If we find free energy, then what?

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  • #61
    Bacterial Batteries?

    Just read this....Bacterial Breakthrough Could Lead to Cheap, Renewable Bio-Batteries -


    • #62
      Plenty of required material

      I like this. If it works, it could be a very important discovery. The material needed is not in, or I don't think ever going to be in short supply.
      The process seems to be eco friendly at least.
      Thanks, Steve220
      One thing to keep in mind is, man wrote the laws regarding the conservation of energy, not nature.
      Nature writes it's own laws regardless of what man thinks or does.


      • #63
        Just as somebody already mentioned, this is a very hypothetical discussion, and the fact that (at least) I don't have any working device makes me reluctant to engage in this discussion. Nonetheless, it is a very important discussion, because what is worse; discussing something that will never happen, or to invent this great free energy device and then do all those more or less self-evident mistakes, resulting in all your work (and maybe your life) being destroyed?

        Anyway. I agree with all those in here that realize that the greed is the greatest enemy, while at the same time you can't hide from it. Therefore, assuming I would come up with this great device, I would ask myself very often: is my strategy infected by greed at ANY point (remember, the chain is as strong as its weakest link)?

        That was the first and most important rule.

        Now assume that I have this device and that I'm successfully fighting greed day and night, 24/7. Then what would I do? Well, I would consider every possible channel of communication that would grant me *anonymity* (this would be the hardest fight with my pride I could possibly experience). Having that set of channels to communicate the result, I would actually read about PR, at least some basics. Remember, there are commercials that are as remembered as your used toilet paper, and then there are these few that will be remembered at least for a couple of years (not saying that doing commercials is the way to go though, just using it as an example of unsuccessful versus successful PR). So, do a publishing plan, and invest enough time in doing it, that is very important. Failing in doing so could in the best case lead you nowhere with your invention, and in the worst case, put a pin on the location of your house (and what is potentially happening in it).

        If you see at least a small chance that you could succeed with these experiments (meaning you end up with a true free energy device), and if you are serious about doing the necessary experiments, then get anonymous, and do it now. In practice this means to use an "anonymizing" VPN when reading/listening to stuff regarding your experiments, as well as when posting on this and similar forums/discussion groups/mail/etc.

        Finally, the least apparent but nonetheless very important thing is being absolutely sure that your invention actually works as expected. Measure, measure, invite somebody knowledgeable in the subject that you trust and let him/her do independent measurements and give comments. Ignoring to do this step rigorously will put you at risk of having a false result. That in turn, when published, will ruin your credibility, and to restore one's credibility in the age of Internet is almost as hard as waking up from the dead.

        That being said, good luck!


        • #64
          However independent measurements quite often require good cash


          • #65
            Very interesting Thread and Posts

            Hello to All,

            I have written it here and in many other places about this same "dilemma"...and basically, trying to Claim Intellectual Property Rights on a Free Energy device through any Patent Office in the world is where the conflict starts...if You ever get to pass the Application stage...

            I agree with your post Dave45 in a 100%, Yes, Open Source is the way to go.

            However, the Device(s) must be able to be replicated by others everywhere in order to verify the 'apparatus' work just fine, or is close and deserves attention and time-money investment from our end...or to add great improvements according to everyone of Us fields of expertise...

            The only obstacles that I have watched are within Us...and -of course- that is besides the Big Oil Cartels and other Institutions that would never, allow a Free Energy device.

            Now there are...I will call it "Internal Affairs Issues" Problems, between ourselves in most sites that dedicate to promote this devices, the Inventors and Experimenters that upload their work and findings...have to go through so many A** HOLE* that just wander around, linger...populate this places...just to grow the doubts, their criticisms...their skepticism and their pessimism from thread to thread...the same faces...even though I always find a new character...doing exactly the same "Job Assignment"...It seems they have an opposite "Agenda" as ours which is to find the ways to Free Energy Devices construction.

            It is very hard to work in peace with this type of "Negative Beings", parasites, bacteria and micro-organisms floating around our atmosphere...surrounding every interesting disclosure or general/related topics that takes place here...

            I really do not get to understand what exactly they ALL are doing in a place like this?

            It is a shame and We must do something to resolve this problem I have seen here.

            In order to get to Free Energy devices , We all, must make a decision to go public/Open Source...otherwise do not post here.

            Must Ideas that become an Invention and develop into a raw model...are not perfect, there is always space for improvement, for other short cuts that will make it easier and cheaper to build...and many more supplemental work that could be used.
            Nobody is a complete genius, a "know it all" that can complete a device and make it into the Final "turn key product" and be perfect, not even the huge manufacturers do that...besides, I do not think that is the point here...since we are not selling any ready to use equipment here.

            We must work as a whole family here, helping each others... without the greed and ambitions of a race to Free Energy "Grand Prize Winner"...Thinking of Fame, Millionaire Profits and Fortune, Marketing, is the wrong approach here...

            Greediness and Ambitions are worst enemies of Free Energy than Oil Companies, and all Institutions together, that make a living based on their consumption-distribution.

            This are my thoughts, based on what I've seen around...
            However, problems are always resolved one way or the other...and our goal here is to achieve the final and successful results.

            Free Energy for our Planet...Not for Individual or Limited Access Groups... Glory, Fame and Money will never come with it...just because it is meant to be completely Free.

            Understanding this is a key to find will come by itself...if your thoughts are pure and carry good intentions and no personal interests attached...We all will eventually get there...

            It is not only about a Free Energy Device creation, success and triumphs ...but also a Higher Level of Consciousness that MUST come with it. A level of consciousness that will allows all to share from hand to give without expecting to receive absolutely Nada, Nothing.

            Cheers and regards to all

            Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


            • #66
              Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
              Hello to All,

              I have written it here and in many other places about this same "dilemma"...and basically, trying to Claim Intellectual Property Rights on a Free Energy device through any Patent Office in the world is where the conflict starts...if You ever get to pass the Application stage...

              I agree with your post Dave45 in a 100%, Yes, Open Source is the way to go.

              However, the Device(s) must be able to be replicated by others everywhere in order to verify the 'apparatus' work just fine, or is close and deserves attention and time-money investment from our end...or to add great improvements according to everyone of Us fields of expertise...

              The only obstacles that I have watched are within Us...and -of course- that is besides the Big Oil Cartels and other Institutions that would never, allow a Free Energy device.

              Now there are...I will call it "Internal Affairs Issues" Problems, between ourselves in most sites that dedicate to promote this devices, the Inventors and Experimenters that upload their work and findings...have to go through so many A** HOLE* that just wander around, linger...populate this places...just to grow the doubts, their criticisms...their skepticism and their pessimism from thread to thread...the same faces...even though I always find a new character...doing exactly the same "Job Assignment"...It seems they have an opposite "Agenda" as ours which is to find the ways to Free Energy Devices construction.

              It is very hard to work in peace with this type of "Negative Beings", parasites, bacteria and micro-organisms floating around our atmosphere...surrounding every interesting disclosure or general/related topics that takes place here...

              I really do not get to understand what exactly they ALL are doing in a place like this?

              It is a shame and We must do something to resolve this problem I have seen here.

              In order to get to Free Energy devices , We all, must make a decision to go public/Open Source...otherwise do not post here.

              Must Ideas that become an Invention and develop into a raw model...are not perfect, there is always space for improvement, for other short cuts that will make it easier and cheaper to build...and many more supplemental work that could be used.
              Nobody is a complete genius, a "know it all" that can complete a device and make it into the Final "turn key product" and be perfect, not even the huge manufacturers do that...besides, I do not think that is the point here...since we are not selling any ready to use equipment here.

              We must work as a whole family here, helping each others... without the greed and ambitions of a race to Free Energy "Grand Prize Winner"...Thinking of Fame, Millionaire Profits and Fortune, Marketing, is the wrong approach here...

              Greediness and Ambitions are worst enemies of Free Energy than Oil Companies, and all Institutions together, that make a living based on their consumption-distribution.

              This are my thoughts, based on what I've seen around...
              However, problems are always resolved one way or the other...and our goal here is to achieve the final and successful results.

              Free Energy for our Planet...Not for Individual or Limited Access Groups... Glory, Fame and Money will never come with it...just because it is meant to be completely Free.

              Understanding this is a key to find will come by itself...if your thoughts are pure and carry good intentions and no personal interests attached...We all will eventually get there...

              It is not only about a Free Energy Device creation, success and triumphs ...but also a Higher Level of Consciousness that MUST come with it. A level of consciousness that will allows all to share from hand to give without expecting to receive absolutely Nada, Nothing.

              Cheers and regards to all

              Nice rant UFO, I must admit I do agree with you to some degree and I have
              also had to endure the questions, as can be seen in this post
     and indeed
              there is quite a bit of it in many other threads.

              One of the problems is misunderstandings because of vague terms and/or
              "perceived" meanings, eg. some people expect a magnifying transmitter to
              output more energy than is input because of the word magnifying, which
              means nothing of the kind. Different people have different meaning for words
              and terms. I think we need to be prepared to explain ourselves if we want
              others to understand what we mean. I think there is an expectation of many
              that everything "must" have something to do with free energy or over unity
              ect. I don't see things that way.

              I see no problem with a person responding to a thread with an alternative
              viewpoint, a viewpoint can only disagree with a claim that is already made.

              I don't think it would do any good to have a situation where people can make
              any claim they like without anyone being able to ask a question or ask for the
              claims to be verified. It's very easy for people to change the wording of their
              posts so as not to be "telling" people how it is but rather just stating an
              opinion or referencing another's opinion.

              Often the reactions of the original poster or "claimant" is telling of the motives
              of the person feeling the "harassment". I say "claimant" because sometimes no
              real claims are even made, people just perceive a claim to have been made.
              I've had to point out a few times that I did not make any claims to be
              disputing. And if I did I withdraw them, I give my opinion is all, or how I see it.

              I don't see any need for nasty name calling though. Surely we are above that.

              One thing that should be free is the freedom to voice our opinions, within
              reason. (abuse not included)

              Last edited by Farmhand; 05-11-2012, 09:03 AM.


              • #67
                Free Energy hmmm !! That is something which can not actually come for free because in today's scenario, we all know that in each and every sector there is a need of lots of energy. As we know that there are many sources for energy like coal, petroleum, Electricity, Solar etc. but all of these are paid and yes you can not provide them for free because thease energy industries needs a lot of money to run them and produce energy. For any indivisual person, I don't think its actually possible to produce it at alarge scale so that it could be used in several places like in your home, cars, buses trains etc. So, free is what I don't know if I am wrong but I don't think its possible.

                You can see a dispute and difficulty in solar energy generation over here :

                Electricity generation using solar energy- Growth, Difficulties and disputes | GreedyNet

                Obviously if it is being tough for companies like that, how it is possible for an indivisual.
                Visit My Website: GreedyNet: A Greedy Place For Net Surfers

