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Noah (Of Old Testement Fame) Gets on the Eco-bandwagon, Purchases $160 million Enviro

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  • Noah (Of Old Testement Fame) Gets on the Eco-bandwagon, Purchases $160 million Enviro

    Creationists can be Green too!..sigh

    Noah (Of Old Testement Fame) Gets on the Eco-bandwagon, Purchases $160 million Environmentally Friendly Ark

    Last edited by armandhamma; 01-07-2011, 07:40 AM. Reason: grammar

  • #2

    Why do you think this is crazy? Creationists believe God created the world. We also believe that God put mankind here to be caretakers of the world. Just because a lot of "green" people don't believe in a creator doesn't mean that creationists don't believe in taking care of the world God has given us.

    Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


    • #3
      Originally posted by citfta View Post
      Why do you think this is crazy? Creationists believe God created the world. We also believe that God put mankind here to be caretakers of the world. Just because a lot of "green" people don't believe in a creator doesn't mean that creationists don't believe in taking care of the world God has given us.

      Grant County Judge-executive Darrell Link said,
      “With every ark there is a rainbow and at the end of this rainbow is a pot of gold.”
      Noah (Of Old Testement Fame) Gets on the Eco-bandwagon, Purchases $160 million Environmentally Friendly Ark | E N V I R O G Y



      • #4
        For everyone. A person without faith could have easily said the same thing.

        Links to Eco-Faith Groups
        Keep your mind on the aether


        • #5
          RE: Creationist..

          I happen to be one of those young earth creationist. I highly respect Ken Ham has a very kool museum in Cincinnati OH.

          Sounds like a cool park.

          See my experiments here...

          You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


          • #6
            ill refrain from commenting on creationists, other than to mention Bill Hicks's little piece on them ;-) (R.I.P)


            • #7
              RE: Bill Hicks.

              YouTube - Bill Hicks on Creationists

              Hmm has not done his homework, but he has a right to his belief as well.

              Not all creationist hold to a 12,000 year time period, some are young earth which is where I fall, others hold millions of years, as Hugh Ross.

              As to classing all Christians as "fundamentalist" seems to be a slam for those who hold the bible to have value.

              Anyhow, I am glad they have chosen to put renewable energy in this park, would love to work there!.

              See my experiments here...

              You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


              • #8
                I wonder what 160 mill could do for the less fortunate in the world. Just like Disney World a total waste of money. More pollution added to the Abomination.


                • #9
                  What is the point of living without some fun?

                  I mean I'll take food over amusement any day if it's a one or the other choice (or maybe 6 out of 7 days), but I wouldn't consider amusement a waste in general.

                  I believe we are meant to enjoy life to the fullest as long as we are not causing harm to others.

                  Now that last part is hard to measure and at what lengths do you need to go to to qualify. . . so I guess it could mean something different to everyone.
                  Keep your mind on the aether


                  • #10
                    but I wouldn't consider amusement a waste in general.
                    Amusement itself is not a waste. Amusement that pollutes or hurts someone is. All large amusement parks pollute. The trash alone from these parks per day is too much. The Mob likes it as they control the trash. We need to amuse ourselves and family and friends in a different manner. Being from Florida Ive seen them come in and destroy pristine country that could have been enjoyed by all and not just those who have money to spend. The wildlife is retreating.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by armandhamma View Post
                      Who is crazy? So-called scientists that think you have to be a scientist to join the environmentalist club. They are so selfish that can't stand for anyone to help them unless they are in total agreement? I don't believe it.
                      There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.

