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Tesla Wireless energy came from the sky!

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  • Tesla Wireless energy came from the sky!

    Tesla a very intelligent guy thought of something:

    How many volts there are between the clouds and the earth?

    How much charge there is in the clouds?

    How long do the discharge takes to discharge?

    How much energy there is on each discharge?

    And finally how many discharges there are per second?

    He found that there are 100 million volts in the sky

    He found that that a discharge could have a density of 30 kilo amperes in 20ms

    He found that the energy in mega watts / hour than is at least 1,6 megawatts/hour

    Than he found that there are 50 discharges per second on earth.

    He thus thought to him self what if we could harvest around the earth the energy from lightning?

    He thus found that using a resonant tank he could actually accumulate all that energy and transform into useful energy cause its very high capacity and impedance.

    His "tower" was insulated from the ground forming a capacitor, it was than connected with a copper bar having iron around it and other bars around the iron, to make a wire wire transformer.

    Than this resonant tank oscillated the charge of the all "antenna" Creating a force on the charged particles around the all earth...

    On other places on the earth other antennas could be placed in sync with the original signals to control the rate of discharge of the electricity in the sky.

    And If you have a "collector of force" connected to a tuned tank you would induce an oscillation in the tank thus receive energy...

    The fact is where is the circuit?

    Why the charges in the sky have a potential difference from the ground?

    What keep the water from going into space? The gravity only? How about the electrostatic attraction? How strong is this force?

    My theory say's that the starting potential of lightning intra-cloud is caused by the separation of the ions by the gravity force and sun action. As the discharge becomes very strong intra-cloud it thus accelerate particles to speeds close to the speed of light and than this accelerated particles ionize the air allowing the lightning to occur simple as that.

    My problem is to understand why in hell the earth is aways one side of the capacitor?

    Maybe is related to the nucleus of the earth being hot so being positive.

    And being the soil conductive probably assure the charges will never be distributed in the center. No charge shall exist in the middle of a conductor.

    Wet soil.

    Basically i'm saying that the ground negative earth is about electron emission from the magma in the nucleus of the earth.

    This would explain so many things including gravity it self.

    The planets spin and some things in astronomy.

    The earth suffer a strong centripetal acceleration even if the radius (one year) is so big, so is the speed and such is the mass.

    We on earth suffer the gravity acceleration force witch actually is bigger than 10m/s*s the fact is that as the earth spin we also suffer a centripetal acceleration that cancel the gravity.

    Thats why the gravity resultant depends on the mass and on the spin of the planet and its radius.

    This would explain why solids are on the ground and air floats over it.

    So now we ended with three forces acting in the clouds.

  • #2
    Wear some rubber boots when you proto that one bud
    Alberta is under attack...

    Has anyone seen my Bedini Ceiling Fan that pushes the warm air down, and charges batteries as an added bonus? Me neither. 'Bout time I made one!!!!! :P


    • #3
      Tesla stated himself that it was a ground-based current that his wireless principals used. I'll go find all the references and post them back here

      Scribd account;


      • #4
        I know Raui. I'm not saying that he was not transmitting wireless. I'm explaining where the energy came from, and how he transmitted.

        He used the movement or better the induced movements in the charges on the sky be the frequency in the tank.

        So He was not transmitting electromagnetic energy only a small percent of the energy he used was only caused by the force so almost for free.

        Electromagnetic transmission is not intelligent as he himself stated. Cause you waste most of the energy available. But to induce an oscillation of the charges in the sky you spend low energy and all the energy come from the sky itself.

        The fact is that you have a capacitor being the ground one plate and the moving charges the other plate.

        Since there is a charge oscillating back and forth in relation to the " collector" you can receive what he called " radiant energy"

        He would not make simple to anyone. Believe no other inventor did. Cause as he was the first example the humanity didn't recognize him as he deserve.

        I already have all this ideas and wont give to any capitalist for free and to get forget by everyone. I want to be the capitalist one day but the kind that will change the people life by improving the life with no compromise to my gains so as to change the capitalism principle and give to the world a chance for altruism.

        The fact is that the antenna must be float grounding forming a big capacitor.

        However the contact to the insulation must be of increased area.

        During the discharge the capacitor will be charged and also the inductor, so they start oscillating instantaneously. And subsequent discharges will happen organized in a certain frequency so the system must be made for this specific frequency. This implies in a very specialized capacitor for megavolts and high current ability. I think it works at relatively low frequency. Tesla might have found a way to raise the frequency as to lower the parts size and cost. I believe that at his time this was his first challenge. Anyway he had gigantic oil capacitors.


        • #5
          I could get more but I feel these are enough to prove my point.

          "The system of power transmission without wires, in the form in which I have described it recently, originated in this manner. Starting from two facts that the earth was a conductor insulated in space, and that a body can not be charged without causing an equivalent displacement of electricity in the earth, I undertook to construct a machine suited for creating as large a displacement as possible of the earth's electricity." - TESLA DESCRIBES HIS EFFORTS IN VARIOUS FIELDS OF WORK

          "The chief discovery, which satisfied me thoroughly as to the practicability of my plan, was made in 1899 at Colorado Springs, where I carried on tests with a generator of fifteen hundred kilowatt capacity and ascertained that under certain conditions the current was capable of passing across the entire globe and returning from the antipodes to its origin with undiminished strength. It was a result so unbelievable that the revelation at first almost stunned me. I saw in a flash that by properly organized apparatus at sending and receiving stations, power virtually in unlimited amounts could be conveyed through the earth at any distance, limited only by the physical dimensions of the globe, with an efficiency as high as ninety-nine and one-half per cent." - WORLD SYSTEM OF WIRELESS TRANSMISSION OF ENERGY

          This image came from an article on Wireless Energy however I forget which one and cannot locate it anywhere. I took this screen shot off my electronic copy of Theory of Wireless Power by Eric Dollard which is a very good book for anyone interested in this stuff.

          Theory in a nutshell - Tesla wanted to "disturb the electrical condition of the globe". The electrical potential of his Magnifying Transmitter would polarize and displace Earth's charge surrounding the ground plate (remember Telsa had a very expensive grounding system in his Magnifying Transmitter) thus creating the appearance of electrical power at the other end.

          Scribd account;


          • #6
            A funny response.

            Yes that was one way of doing it that Tesla discovered. But he had many revelations about this transmission of energy. His view changed as he figured out that no one in their right mind would put themselves out of business. No one was gonna fund this. He knew there was only one way to negate this power and that was to provide individual freedom. A smaller version that would be fairly easy to build and understand. Tesla was working on many ways to bring man the energy he deserved to have without rationing. If you read beyond that point you will start to see the evolution of his knowledge in this area and maybe continue where he left off. He knew this was the beginning and a great many people would be following in his footsteps. He left notes that were directly pointing at the experimenters like us.

            Read more and you will see the clues...


            • #7
              Originally posted by Raui View Post
              I could get more but I feel these are enough to prove my point.

              "The system of power transmission without wires, in the form in which I have described it recently, originated in this manner. Starting from two facts that the earth was a conductor insulated in space, and that a body can not be charged without causing an equivalent displacement of electricity in the earth, I undertook to construct a machine suited for creating as large a displacement as possible of the earth's electricity." -


              This explain exactly what i was talking.

              "Starting from two facts that the earth was a conductor insulated in space, and that a body can not be charged without causing an equivalent displacement of electricity in the earth, "

              I talked about everything in earth have a capacitance to the earth. Whenever there is a charge, it will interact with another charge and the earth.

              So basically if you use the earth as a conductor you close the circuit vibrating the clouds. As the clouds will move in reference to the receptor there will be an oscillation caused not by the electromagnetic part of the signal but by the change in capacitance that this vibration of the clouds will create between your receptor and the cloud. Basically one side of the capacitor is his ground the other is the clouds. If you connect to the ground you will have one side of the connection, if you connect the radiant panel receiver you will be connected to the clouds.

              Having a tank tuned to the frequency the system will start to oscillate and therefore will start receiving energy as long as there is more charge flowing into the tank your interaction will be greater and you will receive even more and so on.

              I know how to do this with microwaves and wax lenses. You could transmit energy around the globe with directed flux of microwaves. The efficiency very big close to 95%. However this was only used for transmitting energy that is generated in conventional manner.

              The thing is that tesla doing the way he did created energy or even more clear used the sun energy that evaporates the water ionize the atmosphere and.. To run the transmitter. The thing must be high enough and placed in places where there is a lot of rain.

              I would place some antenas in amazon, sao paulo, japan, russia, usa, australia, south africa, milan, lodon, paris, So we can assure global energy for everyone. Where there is good incidence of rain..

              At the time of tesla, the world consumption of energy was very small. You don't need to believe that what i'm saying is correct but from the calculation i made 50 * 1,6 megawatts per second is around the all globe including places where there is anyone.

              The thing also is that there will be needed a supply of constant energy too. hydro electric....

              I found this, cause we are having a lot of rain down here and so many lightnings. I just thought how could you absorb the energy of a lightning? The answer was only a resonant tank could absorb so much energy. So i calculated the power of a discharge and the time...

              You could also use a fly wheel as the energy reservoir. But if you think well the flywheel will never have the same Q factor of the res tank... well maybe you can anyway.

              I already built resonant tanks in some experiments so i know what i'm saying. I could recirculate more than 10kw using only 100w and was using crap capacitors and bobbin... The thing is to get the Q factor on the roof... lossless PP capacitors and huge copper bars. This way the currents can handle 30ka having Q factors of greater than 2000...

              The capacitor to handle this will be massive probably the plates having the dielectric between will Have 1 meter of separation. I mean In the transmitter. So you can start imagining. 500khz maybe 1mf faraday for megavolts...

