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David Sereda - Differentials, Crop Circles and Anti-Gravity

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  • David Sereda - Differentials, Crop Circles and Anti-Gravity

    Has anyone seen this video? I think he is definitely on to something with the differentials. I don't know exactly what at the moment, but it ties in with what I know so far about Tesla, Schauberger and Walter Russell's works. Also from what I know about what John Hutchison was doing, he was using two different frequencies (implying some sort of difference in potential), and causing objects to levitate.

    If we look at the Fibonacci sequence of a pine cone for example, there are two different spirals, what Walter Russell might call "winding" and "unwinding", "compressing" and "contracting", "creating" and "destroying", or whichever way you want to think about it, or what Schauberger would call "gravity" and "levity", or the "male" energies going in one direction, and "female" in the other. But anyway, there is always this imbalance between two forces. And energies are constantly shifting trying to balance themselves.

    I don't really know enough about the mentioned individuals' works and my thoughts on this matter are not organised to be getting deeper into it at the moment, there are bits and pieces scattered that need to be fitted together, but personally I found a few enlightening moments in this video that explained things he wasn't necessarily talking about.

    Links to download the video at the bottom of page

    David Sereda - Differentials, Crop Circles and Anti-Gravity : : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

    On a side note, I know the names Tesla and Schauberger are known on this forum, but I have also found Walter Russell to be very interesting. His book "The Secret Of Light" can be downloaded as pdf or listened to on youtube and introduces some very interesting concepts.

    "The foundation of the physical universe is motion; the ever-changing motion arising out of pairs of unbalanced conditions which must forever move to seek the balanced stillness of unity from which they sprang as multiple pairs of units." - Walter Russell
    Walter Russell Vortex Video: The Cosmology of Twin Opposing Electro-Magnetic Vortices

    YouTube - Walter Russell Vortex Video: The Cosmology of Twin Opposing Electro-Magnetic Vortices

    The Secret Of Light

    YouTube - The Secret of Light 01

    The Secret of Light: Walter Russell: Books

    "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

    "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall

  • #2
    Hi dR-, I am very surprised but pleased to see you are very interested in Walter Russels writings.

    Here is a link to "The Universal One" By walter Russell, There is a very old thread about it I think.

    Walter_Russell-The_Universal_One.pdf - Windows Live

    The universal one has many diagrams and explains in great detail some things you will be very interested in. It's awesome that more people than I expected are aware of his work and studying it. It has many diagrams like the one below.

    I'm not aware of Schauberger, but I am now

    This stuff is so interesting to me I have trouble keeping away from it.

    I won't make a huge post but I will check out your links first, that could take a while. It's also good that you see the connections between between these people and wish to study what they all learned from different perspective's and not just concentrate on one man at a time.


    P.S. I don't use the term Anti-Gravity I think the opposite to Gravity is Radiation, in my way of looking at things Gravity can be generated but it's opposite is Radiation. So no Anti-Gravity needs to exist. I have no problem with others using the term, and I just assume they refer to Gravity generated separate from the Gravity which is usually imparted on us. I don't mean any offence and it doesn't really bother me that much, just that the term Anti-Gravity doesn't make any sense to me.
    Last edited by Farmhand; 01-14-2011, 08:10 AM.


    • #3
      Polar vortices

      This is interesting from WIKI Polar vortex - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Seems to be consistant with Walter Russell's diagram. Which doesn't surprise me at all.

      Walter's Diagram

      This part below is paticularly interesting especially if you read the two annotatations to the left and right of the bottom of the globe (in the Russell diagram) about when a mass becomes a true sphere.

      From WIKI
      The Arctic vortex is elongated in shape, with two centres, one roughly over Baffin Island in Canada and the other over northeast Siberia. In rare events, the vortex can push further south as a result of axis interruption,


      • #4
        Hey, thanks for the links. Nice to find someone else who is also aware of Walter Russell. I find his work, or rather the way he writes about his work very complicated even though I love it, I often spend 5 minutes or more going over 3 or 4 lines of text trying to make sense of it Then I finally get to the end of the chapter and I have to go back and start again to put it all into context. Very slow progress, but excellent content

        You'll love this video if you're into Russell, covering some of Schauberger's theories and work

        Sacred Living Geometry -Enlightened Environmental Theories of Viktor Schauberger

        Then there's this on water

        The Extraordinary Nature of Water - Based on the theories of Viktor Schauberger

        And this one is made by Tom Brown of Borderland Sciences, the 3rd guy in those Tesla videos by Peter Lindemann and Eric Dollard

        Nature Was My Teacher - The Vision of Viktor Schauberger

        Yes, I find the fact that all these things fit together almost as interesting as the individuals subjects themselves. In my mind at least, that suggests to me that there's some truth or importance to it and I need to find what it is and put the picture together.

        I see what you mean about the term anti-gravity, but I don't use it myself either, not that I avoid doing so, I just don't talk about it often/at all. I think more in terms of "levitating" an object or "interacting with energies" than "anti-gravity". But yes I agree there is something not right about the term now that you bring it up. It suggests a cancellation rather than implementing its opposite, which are two entirely different things.

        Interesting article, thanks. I have a feeling science will eventually catch up with all these "crazy theories" and philosophies we are reading and learning about that were written years ago. I once tried to bring Schauberger's and Russell's work up with a group of atheist young/learning scientists on facebook. Not a good idea Trying to get them to even CONSIDER the possibility, as an example, that observable brain activity is EFFECT and not CAUSE caused an uproar. Though to my surprise one of them was pretty open to the idea that plants are conscious beings, and that even a rock "knows" what it's supposed to do and how to do it

        "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

        "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


        • #5
          Originally posted by dR-Green View Post
          I once tried to bring Schauberger's and Russell's work up with a group of atheist young/learning scientists on facebook. Not a good idea Trying to get them to even CONSIDER the possibility, as an example, that observable brain activity is EFFECT and not CAUSE caused an uproar. Though to my surprise one of them was pretty open to the idea that plants are conscious beings, and that even a rock "knows" what it's supposed to do and how to do it

          This is difficult. When you understand more, you see more of the dark, and when you want to keep your humility while you interact with those on the dark, it becomes a challenge ... . Education has done a very perfect mis-education, so one needs to understand that must be re-educated. It is hard to know there are not much people out there that might understand what you are talking about, so silence seems to be a perfect choice in many situations.

          Thanks for your information about Walter Russel, I will consider it ...

          What the truth is the heart knows, unless, we think with our hearts, we will never ever understand. Your example about brain activity, is a perfect one, because brain is all that the ego thinks it is, when you take that from it and tell it that brain is only an effect, the EGO will uproar, as you observed, because you are taking its identity. In my view brain is only a receiver, or a tuner or an interface if you will, nothing more, nothing less, and the heart is the portal, which brain accesses information from. I even suspect that brain does not store any information at all, and has different modalities for receiving information from the information field, all around us. And diseases such as Alzeimer's is simply unablity of the brain to access, information from the "field".

          Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


          • #6
            Interesting article, thanks. I have a feeling science will eventually catch up with all these "crazy theories" and philosophies we are reading and learning about that were written years ago. I once tried to bring Schauberger's and Russell's work up with a group of atheist young/learning scientists on facebook. Not a good idea Trying to get them to even CONSIDER the possibility, as an example, that observable brain activity is EFFECT and not CAUSE caused an uproar. Though to my surprise one of them was pretty open to the idea that plants are conscious beings, and that even a rock "knows" what it's supposed to do and how to do it
            Hi dR- and all, The thing about the brain and heart even threw me a bit, but I think I can see what you mean.

            I was watching some of this video- Sacred Living Geometry -Enlightened Environmental Theories of Viktor Schauberger and it seems Viktor discovered negative resistance in his "log flue" I think it was, which was verified aswell. It was tapping energy. Of course.

            It almost seems criminal to me that mainstream science ignore's his work and the work of others like him. Or if they "re-discover" something they want to take the credit for it themselves and in doing so they hide the real source of the information on the principals they use. It seems no one in the scientific community is interested in these discoveries unless they can claim them for themselves to boost thier "EGO's" or thier "Gov. grants", how lame and pathetic that would be if it were true.

            Of course it will be up to us, or other's like us to reveal when people try to claim the pioneers work like Viktor's, Nikola's and Walter's work as thier own and/or patent it. They didn't make thier discoveries for some greedy few to profit at the expense of others.

            Thanks for the links and for making me aware of Viktor's work.



            • #7
              Otis T. Carr

              Maybe David has been researching Walter Russell and Otis T. Carr aswell.


              Otis Carr Inteview (1 of 2) - KeelyNet 06/03/02



              Otis' craft was designed on the principals put forward by Walter Russell, if you ask me (and I haven't watched the whole Serada video yet, not sure I need to) I would say they all want to claim what is actually due to nature. It is obvious if we look at nature we can see all these effects. It didn't belong to Otis and it doesn't belong to David either, but he says "My Saucer"



              • #8
                Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                Maybe David has been researching Walter Russell and Otis T. Carr aswell.

                The craft was co-piloted by Ralph Ring, he tells his story at Project Camelot | Ralph Ring and Otis Carr

                Ralph Ring is a brilliant innovative technician who as a young man in the late 1950s and early 1960s worked closely with Otis T. Carr. With the aid of his small team, Carr, who was himself a protegé of the great inventor Nikola Tesla, built a number of flying disks, which worked.... prior to their experimentation being forcibly terminated by government agents.

                In a dramatic experiment, Ring co-piloted a 45 foot disk a distance of ten miles, arriving at their destination instantaneously. Ring, now aged 71, tells his story –the first time it has been reported.

                Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


                • #9
                  Walter Russell Diagrams

                  Hi all,I thought this thread would have got more attention and replies, no matter. OK so here are some diagrams drawn by Walter Russell, they make a lot of sense to me.

                  The first four diagrams are from Walters book "The Universal One" This first link is to a PDF of the book itself. Feel free to download it.
                  Walter_Russell-The_Universal_One.pdf - Windows Live

                  Enjoy !

                  Gravity and Radiation

                  Generation and Degeneration of Mass

                  Solar / Sun Spot Activity

                  The Ten Octaves of Intergrating Light

                  There are many more in the book. It's well worth a look just for the interesting diagrams.

                  And here's a couple I found elsewhere just to get the blood boiling. These last two are not from Walter's book I found them elsewhere, and I thought them relevent to this information.

                  This type of symbolism is very common, I think it is very similar to the ten octaves of intergrating light.

                  And this one explains how these principals and everthing else TPTB don't want us to know is hidden.

                  I hope this discussion continues. I think it is very important for as many people as possible to try to understand some of the basic principals explained by Walter, it will help a lot in our quest for a better world. And for our understanding of the forces we wish to use to provide us with energy for comfort.

                  Last edited by Farmhand; 01-18-2011, 04:42 PM.


                  • #10

                    Was that last JPG link from Walter Russel's book ? I downloaded the book after John Bedini mentioned it in one of his videos. Still have not got around to reading it much.



                    • #11
                      G'day FRC, No the last two links are to picture's I found just browsing the net, I'll edit the post to make that clear, I wouldn't want anyone to think that.

                      I actually searched for the serpent one because I remember seeing it and the Ten Octaves of Intergrating Light diagram reminded me of the intertwined serpents. Thats not the best example but it was the only one I could find, If you dont count the heads of the snake's there are 10 curves, 5 on each side.

                      Walters book really rips modern theories to shreds, it makes much more sense than a big bang. and explains in great detail the Aether, gravity how planets are formed and most everything. I didn't know John mentioned it in one of his video's thats awesome. Can you remember which one.

                      I think if we want to build free energy devices that tap the Aether, it will be much easier if we have a better understanding, it's difficult to understand but it's not a secret. It's a very enlightening book. It would be very difficult to hoodwink a person who is familiar with the principals Walter reveals. In Walters books I can see the basics of "string theory", I'll try to find that part next. It is my opinion that there are scientists that study his work and when they come up with a way to use his theories with thier own words they claim it as thiers.



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Farmhand View Post

                        I actually searched for the serpent one because I remember seeing it and the Ten Octaves of Intergrating Light diagram reminded me of the intertwined serpents. Thats not the best example but it was the only one I could find, If you dont count the heads of the snake's there are 10 curves, 5 on each side.
                        I think that the twisting serpents live inside us, waiting to be awakened.
                        If we understand the human body and its connection to the Aether, building free energy devices would be so straightforward. I have scheduled reading Walter's book.
                        Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


                        • #13
                          Thanks Farmhand

                          Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                          Walters book really rips modern theories to shreds, it makes much more sense than a big bang. and explains in great detail the Aether, gravity how planets are formed and most everything. I didn't know John mentioned it in one of his video's thats awesome. Can you remember which one.
                          It was in one of the Energy From the Vacuum series, when he was talking about Cejeka (don't know if spelling is right) supposedly Cejeka was an exponent of this book. John has a newer DVD devoted to his relationship with
                          this Cejeka individual. I would like to get that one, it would be interesting to see.

                          Hope that helps



                          • #14
                            Hey, I'll be reading everything and responding soon, just working on getting some things done here at the moment

                            "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                            "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                              Here is a link to "The Universal One" By walter Russell, There is a very old thread about it I think.

                              Walter_Russell-The_Universal_One.pdf - Windows Live

                              I finally got round to downloading this. Its been a busy couple of months. I managed to get a tri-filar SG built though and I've been doing some experiments with that. Noticing weird effects Thanks for this pdf anyway, if it's as good as the others I might buy it. I like to have a hard copy of this sort of stuff at hand, in case I'm unable to open a pdf file one day

                              "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                              "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall

