Has anyone seen this video? I think he is definitely on to something with the differentials. I don't know exactly what at the moment, but it ties in with what I know so far about Tesla, Schauberger and Walter Russell's works. Also from what I know about what John Hutchison was doing, he was using two different frequencies (implying some sort of difference in potential), and causing objects to levitate.
If we look at the Fibonacci sequence of a pine cone for example, there are two different spirals, what Walter Russell might call "winding" and "unwinding", "compressing" and "contracting", "creating" and "destroying", or whichever way you want to think about it, or what Schauberger would call "gravity" and "levity", or the "male" energies going in one direction, and "female" in the other. But anyway, there is always this imbalance between two forces. And energies are constantly shifting trying to balance themselves.
I don't really know enough about the mentioned individuals' works and my thoughts on this matter are not organised to be getting deeper into it at the moment, there are bits and pieces scattered that need to be fitted together, but personally I found a few enlightening moments in this video that explained things he wasn't necessarily talking about.
Links to download the video at the bottom of page
David Sereda - Differentials, Crop Circles and Anti-Gravity : http://ufocongress.com/ : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
On a side note, I know the names Tesla and Schauberger are known on this forum, but I have also found Walter Russell to be very interesting. His book "The Secret Of Light" can be downloaded as pdf or listened to on youtube and introduces some very interesting concepts.
Walter Russell Vortex Video: The Cosmology of Twin Opposing Electro-Magnetic Vortices
YouTube - Walter Russell Vortex Video: The Cosmology of Twin Opposing Electro-Magnetic Vortices
The Secret Of Light
YouTube - The Secret of Light 01
The Secret of Light: Amazon.co.uk: Walter Russell: Books
If we look at the Fibonacci sequence of a pine cone for example, there are two different spirals, what Walter Russell might call "winding" and "unwinding", "compressing" and "contracting", "creating" and "destroying", or whichever way you want to think about it, or what Schauberger would call "gravity" and "levity", or the "male" energies going in one direction, and "female" in the other. But anyway, there is always this imbalance between two forces. And energies are constantly shifting trying to balance themselves.
I don't really know enough about the mentioned individuals' works and my thoughts on this matter are not organised to be getting deeper into it at the moment, there are bits and pieces scattered that need to be fitted together, but personally I found a few enlightening moments in this video that explained things he wasn't necessarily talking about.
Links to download the video at the bottom of page
David Sereda - Differentials, Crop Circles and Anti-Gravity : http://ufocongress.com/ : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
On a side note, I know the names Tesla and Schauberger are known on this forum, but I have also found Walter Russell to be very interesting. His book "The Secret Of Light" can be downloaded as pdf or listened to on youtube and introduces some very interesting concepts.
"The foundation of the physical universe is motion; the ever-changing motion arising out of pairs of unbalanced conditions which must forever move to seek the balanced stillness of unity from which they sprang as multiple pairs of units." - Walter Russell
YouTube - Walter Russell Vortex Video: The Cosmology of Twin Opposing Electro-Magnetic Vortices
The Secret Of Light
YouTube - The Secret of Light 01
The Secret of Light: Amazon.co.uk: Walter Russell: Books