Just a thought i would like to have your point of view on:
i was reading through the history and uses of singing bowl and a phrase caught my eyes:
Singing bowl - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
isn't that the principle of a system becoming fractal in frequencies/Resonance
now here is my question:
We know how to produce manually (singing bowl) fractal frequency, how would you translate that into a circuit?
it has to use the same principles as the singing bowl
Sound spectrum of a modern flute with a B foot played using fingering for the multiphonic C5 & D#6.

Fractals: frequency, the heart, and cancer
YouTube - ‪Fractals: frequency, the heart, and cancer‬‏
This knowledge is not new as you will see:
The Octave of Energy
The Octave of Energy
and we're back to fractal/fractal frequencies....
see also: http://www.energeticforum.com/144803-post49.html
i was reading through the history and uses of singing bowl and a phrase caught my eyes:
Singing bowl - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Singing bowls are unique because they are multiphonic instruments, producing multiple harmonic overtones at the same time. The overtones are a result of using an alloy consisting of multiple metals, each producing its own overtone.[citation needed] New bowls can also produce multiple harmonic overtones if they are high quality bronze, but many are made from a simpler alloy and produce only a principal tone and one harmonic overtone.
now here is my question:
We know how to produce manually (singing bowl) fractal frequency, how would you translate that into a circuit?
it has to use the same principles as the singing bowl
Sound spectrum of a modern flute with a B foot played using fingering for the multiphonic C5 & D#6.

Fractals: frequency, the heart, and cancer
YouTube - ‪Fractals: frequency, the heart, and cancer‬‏
This knowledge is not new as you will see:
The Law of Octaves was first suggested by Pythagoras in ancient Greece. Having observed that the eight notes of the conventional Occidental musical scale were governed by definite mathematical relationships, Pythagoras proceeded to create a whole cosmology based on 8s. In this octagonal model Pythagoras made numerous mistakes, because he was generalizing from insufficient data. However, his work was the first attempt in history to unify science, mathematics, art and mysticism into one comprehensible system and as such is still influential. Leary, Crowley and Buckminster Fuller have all described themselves as modern Pythagoreans.
Nikolai Tesla invented the alternating current generator which unleashed the modern technological revolution after a series of visions in which, among other things, Tesla "saw" that everything in the universe obeys a law of Octaves.
We have already seen that Nikola Tesla, in the visions from which he deduced the mechanism of alternating current, also intuited a basic law of Octaves governing universal energy.
| Robert Anton Wilson, 1977
| Robert Anton Wilson, 1977

see also: http://www.energeticforum.com/144803-post49.html
