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Phony Oil Crisis? Check this out and see what you think...

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  • #16
    First time, in U.S. jurisprudence

    "Yet, it is right there... the very law that all corporations use to control society can legally be interpreted flip-flop - the very underlying constitutional backbone of their power could, legally (if not practically $$$) be used to stop them from such atrocity, just as it enables them."

    A couple of years ago, a Corporation was charged with criminally negligent homicide, (at least, that is my recollection).You would think it would be something like BP, for the 11 workers on Deep Water Horizon, or mine workers where operator had numerous safety violation record; no. It was a medical lab, that processed biopsies.Woman had lump in breast, went to Dr., had biopsy, sent to lab, lab said not cancer, year later woman dies of BC.
    Investigation showed the lab exceeded maximum # of tests per hour, that they required of lab techs, in order to maximise profits.In short, they killed her.When investigating the company, internal memo's, interviewing lab techs, etc. the Prosecuters found this was such an agregious case that they went way beyond anything done before, and charged the corporation.I recall they 'won', and corporate officers went to jail.Anyway, seem to recall this, but can't document.Jim

