I've been experimenting with the joule thief for awhile, mainly as a charger and discovered a way to significantly increase its output. I looked around the internet and couldn't find anybody else who had configured the joule thief this way. So if someone has already done this, I'm not trying to take credit for it, I just discovered it myself and thought I should share it if nobody has already done so.
I realized there was a significant amount of back EMF coming off of the secondary winding of the bifilar coil. Normally only the primary winding is tapped for the back EMF. I tapped both windings and it increased the output. It increases charging current by 30% and increases open circuit voltage by 104%.
See the attached schematic for details and info on how to best charge batteries with this mod.
I realized there was a significant amount of back EMF coming off of the secondary winding of the bifilar coil. Normally only the primary winding is tapped for the back EMF. I tapped both windings and it increased the output. It increases charging current by 30% and increases open circuit voltage by 104%.
See the attached schematic for details and info on how to best charge batteries with this mod.