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Pi paradox solved

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  • #16
    math again

    division IS reverse multiplication......a spherical reflection that is illogical....try this...divide 3.14 by .314 = press = again and again keep the #s grow from the decimal point.....they will get bigger till they collapse back to 1....the first digit stays in the 10s...bouncing around like an elliptical orbit......or divide 1.1 by .1 = = again.....try this one 9.9 by .11....or 1.2 by .12.....keep pressing =and see where the go some #s seem to bounce around .....others spiral out Pi is the spiral to infinity....think of like this...a globe with Torricelli's trumpet puncturing the globe , small end of trump down...the mouth of trump 1/2 the diameter of the globe think of the edge of the mouth as row or circle of 9s....and the shell of the sphere is also 9s.....the trumps inside goes to infinity...the sphere having a measurable cannot by nature, measure infinity from a non infinite point of view...math tells us of infinity i am going to show it......david


    • #17

      Hi FuzzyTomCat and all,

      I also uploaded the same chart and attach it to this posting. The attached version is even bigger (2350 pixels wide) and one can actually read some of the entries.
      I did this because looking at the version in FuzzyTomCat's posting it just struck me as odd, that they arranged it in a circle, of which roughly a third (bottom part) is missing.
      Did they have a good reason to arrange it in a circular fashion or did they just not have enough paper to lay it out along a STRAIGHT axis of increasing frequency?
      Attached Files
      Last edited by marxist; 01-30-2011, 07:30 PM.


      • #18
        Egyptian stone carving

        And then for something completely different:
        I am quoting from David's other thread:
        Originally posted by david lambright View Post
        ...the infinite part of sound travels in a vacuum a cancellation wave.....this relation ship is shown clearly in this Egyptian carving... ...t
        ok, David, here is the carving:

        Yes, I find this carving intriguing. Especially the "tuning forks" linked with the "wires" !?
        But you say:
        Originally posted by david lambright View Post
        ..this relation ship is shown clearly in this Egyptian carving[
        Could you please explain which relationship is shown clearly in this carving?
        Last edited by marxist; 01-30-2011, 05:49 PM.


        • #19

          the common link is reflection/refraction....the Sumerian, Egyptian, Mayan and Leedskalnin writings say the same thing....i will only deal with these four right now ...[there are more]....i will try and show this visually first in the Sumerian, notice that the "ladder like" shapes have a curved inside....and that the objects <>-* show reflection.... look close at the objects, and the shadows used to show depth, and the left object in #1 shows an infinite reflection of the right is how... Refraction at Spherical Surfaces i will show that the left object in #1 depicts the infinite, just like the girl in the two mirrors.... ...this shows the ratio to infinity by 1/2......i will explain further in a bit....AND check this [3.14/ 3.14=1] = [.314/ .314=1] this equation they are equal![there is more]....david


          • #20

            so ....has anyone made the connection yet? the Sumerian, look how the bird man has 2 faces....about the math...the Reimann sphere has been used to explain the quantum and Julia quaternion also has been shown to be mathematically correct when describing the quantum... Riemann sphere - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Re: Does Mandelbrot/Julia duality reflect relativity/quantum duality? ....look into these links and see for yourself...i picked 2 links of many ...look into will find truth.....ok back to the Egyptian.....notice how there are 2 lens shaped objects in that sequence and directly after the lens/curved mirror, there is a 4 lobed object...the tuning forks show this 1 to 4 ratio also.... and it is this SAME lens/mirror this guy is holding in his hand....obviously it was so important they carved it into stone....Egypt...above the forks is a second lens/mirror...above the mirror there is a pictogrsph of a the upper right corner there is a small square...this is of interest.... Pythagorean Square Puzzle -- from Wolfram MathWorld this shows that same relationship.... ...does anyone get this yet????......“There is no place that can take away the happiness of a man, nor yet his virtue or wisdom. Anaxagoras, indeed, wrote on the squaring of the circle while in prison.”

            -Plutarch File:Missing square edit.gif - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia does this depict a reflection?....YES....a reflection in a spherical mirror!....the Mandelbrot and Julia sets ARE mirrored!.....i do not have the software to reverse mirror the Mayan image, but i have done it with real mirrors and it WORKS!....try it the features of the face will stand OUT instead of IN.......david


            • #21

              Originally posted by marxist View Post
              Hi FuzzyTomCat and all,

              I also uploaded the same chart and attach it to this posting. The attached version is even bigger (2350 pixels wide) and one can actually read some of the entries.
              I did this because looking at the version in FuzzyTomCat's posting it just struck me as odd, that they arranged it in a circle, of which roughly a third (bottom part) is missing.
              Did they have a good reason to arrange it in a circular fashion or did they just not have enough paper to lay it out along a STRAIGHT axis of increasing frequency?
              this depicts the exact refraction of WHITE light in a spherical mirror....think about it....david


              • #22
                Hi folks, Hi david, good stuff. Though from my point of observation, integrating this knowledge for the balancing of the soul-ar individuated orb energy expression some call hu-man is the goal.
                I'm reminded of something from a movie,
                'It's only with the heart that one can see clearly, what's essential, is invisible to the eye'.

                In my view, the math and geometries are but an effect, similar to smoke.

                The true source of it all, is within the flame. All else is smoke and mirrors.
                peace love light


                • #23

                  i see that you are online...did you get a chance to look at pi paradox solved? can you see the connection yet?....david


                  • #24
                    Circle Squaring -- from Wolfram MathWorld

                    The circle can be squared in Gauss-Bolyai-Lobachevsky Space -- from Wolfram MathWorld

                    Draw a circle with a diameter (D) of 1 unit.

                    Now draw a square around that circle so that it has 4 sides each equals 1 unit for a total perimeter of 4 units.

                    cut the corners of the squares off tangent to the circle and calculate the new perimeter. Continue to cut the points off the resulting geometries and calculate the new perimeter. Do this to infinity.

                    As you approach infinity processes of trimming the points tangent to the circle, your perimeter will get closer and closer to Pi. This is because the ratio of the perimeter (circumference) of a circle is D * Pi, and since D = 1, the circumference must equal Pi.

                    Therefore infinity is that place where a unit circle circumference exactly equals Pi.

                    What was the Pi paradox?
                    I grew up thinking that Pi R round and cornbread R square.
                    "Amy Pond, there is something you need to understand, and someday your life may depend on it: I am definitely a madman with a box." ~The Doctor


                    • #25
                      Is there a better pic of this?

                      It is interesting that there are 4 axis depicted rather than just 3
                      "Amy Pond, there is something you need to understand, and someday your life may depend on it: I am definitely a madman with a box." ~The Doctor


                      • #26

                        i know that you think this a bunch of b&%$#......but look into what i am saying....let me say first that i DO understand math more than you think....and i have used drugs in the past ....i have been in prison too....i have ADD...but to base any of what i am saying on those facts is ludicrous .....think about some of the other greats of energy....Tesla had hallucinations daily....Einstein did not pass his entrance exam...possibly autistic...solrey, you are intelligent, obviously, look into what i am saying ...about Riemann and Julia....and quantum modeling...these are facts....the math will agree there is much to learn in this field.....i did not know about Riemann when i started my number shell model and at that same time i did not know that the Julia sets were being used as quantum models....but they are........david


                        • #27
                          David wrote:
                          and i have used drugs in the past ....i have been in prison too....i have ADD...but to base any of what i am saying on those facts is ludicrous
                          I couldn't have judged what you're saying based on those facts because you didn't divulge them until recently. Even if I had known, I'm judging what you're saying based on the fact that you've presented not one shred of real evidence to back your claims. You have also demonstrated that you don't actually understand the concepts of the terms you've cobbled together and yammer on about.

                          let me say first that i DO understand math more than you think
                          I admit I was wrong about that. Upon reflection after reading the following:

                          AND check this [3.14/ 3.14=1] = [.314/ .314=1] this equation they are equal!
                          Your understanding of math appears to be LESS than I originally thought.
                          Any number divided by itself equals one...basic, basic, basic kid stuff.

                          Here's your chance to prove me wrong, David. You say the Julia set applies to your "theory". Here's the base form:


                          What is the initial value (or function) of z and how did you obtain that value (or function)?
                          What is the value of c and how did you obtain that value?
                          What do those iterations describe in your theory?

                          Einstein did not pass his entrance exam...possibly autistic
                          Ummm, possibly because he was only 16 and didn't study for the exam on his first attempt.

                          think about some of the other greats of energy
                          Are you trying to compare yourself to the likes of Tesla or Einstein?



                          • #28


                            • #29

                              about Julia and Riemann...i hope i did not imply wrongly?....let me restate; at first, the Julia sets were nothing more than a design, i remember reading something like, "So, what good are they", and now they are being used as models of quantum mechanics....Riemann's spherical math model has been shown to be invaluable in quantum these models, there is a direct relation to reflection. does any else know this? of course they do! common knowledge. there are only two forces, attraction and repulsion or three, attraction, repulsion and my imagination? so let me re-phrase; ON EARTH, A FLAME BURNS UP, HEAT RISES?......gravity down heat up.....i think that is right? sol, i do not know you, i know you are intelligent, read up on Minkowski, Poincaré, Riemann, Maor.....tactricoid geometry, p-adic numbers DeSua, Mandelbrot and Julia....OK....if you have a helium balloon, neutral buoyancy, in a vehicle accelerating, which way will the balloon go? the balloon will move the same way as the vehicle is accelerating, try it buoyancy...The idea of buoyancy was summed up by Archimedes, a Greek mathematician, in what is known as Archimedes Principle: Any object, wholly or partly immersed in a fluid, is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object....i copied that part, but the word WEIGHT...that implies gravity? can we say there is a force opposite of gravity? without using the word Buoyant? ...when i hear the word buoyancy, i think water, float, boat, etc. , not the image i am trying to portray.


                              • #30
                                Does Antimatter follow opposite rules for gravity?

                                Maybe positrons are not really "antimatter" after all. Perhaps real antimatter spreads out away from itself with anti-gravitational force equal and opposite that of matter.

                                If matter is a displacement of space-time, then perhaps antimatter is just the opposite. Perhaps it is a negative displacement of space-time.

                                We know that we can displace water with a bubble and it will float do to the displacement. But what would be a negative displacement of water?

                                "Amy Pond, there is something you need to understand, and someday your life may depend on it: I am definitely a madman with a box." ~The Doctor

