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Donald L. Smith

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  • #16
    Originally posted by lamare View Post
    There appears to be quite a lot of material on Don Smith here:

    Index for /papers

    Thanks lamare, I have a bit of information overload now. I have a
    whole stack of books to read but I don't know how I will find the time to read
    them. Or what to read first. May have to organise a study schedule of some kind .



    • #17
      Thank for that lamar.

      So what seem to me is that

      L1 10 turns on 3" pvc pipe

      L2 30 turns on a 2" pvc pipe

      Measure the inductance of the L1 and provide a capacitor so it agree with the frequency of the 1/4 wave length of the L1 wire. For 10 feet the frequency will be 24,7 MHz so when you measure the inductance you must get a capacitor that with that inductance the resonant frequency is 24,7 MHz.

      A spark gap between the capacitor and the coil must be provided.

      The Capacitor come in parallel with the output of the HV module..


      • #18
        If you charge a something so it can have more electrons or less that there were previously, it means the object took on a free charge.

        Don say that he achieved the ambient temperature effect equivalent of superconducting.

        I think is about this, to have extra free charges in the circuit.

        That is all i can do for you.

        Now is up to us.

        I would just like to point that ground is a piece of bare copper under the earth. not the battery negative side.


        • #19
          Some new info about Kapanadze method below. Look how close it resembles Don Smith method.

          Quote from: teofiliuss

          Now Tariel judged against Turks because they have electronical version contract, but
          Turks tried to break it (tried to steal the technology?). After the trials, he will have the opportunity to enter into business contracts for this electronical version of the device.

          Also at that meeting he said further details of their installation. This is two Tesla transformers. They are connected through a wire from the top. Between them must be a resonance. First transformer works via spark on 100 kHz and higher. Second - is a power transformer. In the first transformer we have small capacitor on primary coil for the high-frequency discharge. On secondary coil (power transformer) we have large capacitor for decrease our high frequency. In the output of the Turkdevice are powerful diodes. They fix output energy. Next step - it passes through a capacitor and then formed 50 Hz.

          I guess that between first and second Tesla's transformers take place a capacitor.

          Spark is used for resonanse selftunning. According to Tariel - many people achieve in their experiments Free Energy, but they don't understand how to reduce frequency and voltage.
          This method and some another moments (which while hiding) - have a very simple solution. Those who want to succeed it - must think simple and do it simple too.

          Tariel also said that he already has sparkless version of kapagen. It is a fully electronic solution. I think that Kapanadze use thyristor for this purpose.

          We talked about vacuum tubes too. He said that this is a best solution! But sadly vacuum tubes can live in such device not more than ~1000 hrs.

          Giya (Kapa's assistant) suggest that the best way for replicators - begin from high voltage as the input power (against 12V akkum. or battery) for start process. It must be 220V or even more.

          Tariel said that the resonance between two transformers "shakes" the aether and it give more energy. Ferrite core prevents the process and therefore does not apply at hisdevice.

          That's all what I know right now about it."


          • #20
            I think that is very related.

            I believe the spark gap is used because it creates about any frequency, I mean it serves to drive the primary into resonance yes just like Tariel said.
            It happens that when the capacitor is fully charged the voltage breaks the gap and it oscillate with the coil.

            I repeat my thoughts,

            In my thoughts the primary coil must match its wire length to wave length having also a capacitor across it to make it to resonate at that specific frequency. For say 24,7 MHz.

            The secondary i think should have negative voltage applied to it in order to raise its free charge or to make it has excess free electrons. Only one wire touch the coil. And it should be charged in reference to something. This could also be the primary. I say if the primary is the outer coil and the secondary the inner coil and they are insulated from each other, you have a capacitance already.
            Just need to charge this capacitance maybe grounding the primary circuit and than applying a negative voltage to the secondary in relation to the primary. Or yet charging the primary to negative too and charge the secondary to even more negative.

            There is also the version using the radio frequency transistor in donald drawings, However I think is much more complicated. Maybe not. I just don't have equipment to work on such high frequencies, non know how to yet.

            To reduce the voltage and frequency, the output must be rectified and must supply an oscillation step down transformer that will already oscillated at the desired output frequency.

            I think that is not the aether but the excess electrons together with the skin effect that makes the job. I mean as there are excess electrons they repel more so as is a net charge they are all at the surface so being the skin effect they will move without resistance, the equivalent to superconductors. I'm not pretty sure if is correct but agree exactly with what Don L.S. says in the video.

            Thats why i think the bare copper is better. Also in bare copper electromagnetic waves travel close to the speed of light. Sorry for the delayed explanation.


            • #21
              sebosfato, It looked to me like Don used a shiny Stainless Steel or similar looking metal for his Secondary in the video I seen. Though your explanation does make sense too. Thanks for the explanation.

              Thats why i think the bare copper is better. Also in bare copper electromagnetic waves travel close to the speed of light. Sorry for the delayed explanation.
              The capacitor across the primary coil is a problem. Where to get one ? How to make one ? It needs to be maybe 2-5 Kv and the right capacitance. Can this be calculated accuritly for a given coil/frequency somehow?

              Seems worth a try to make this project, i'm not sure I fully understand it all yet. But it seems valid to me.

              Boguslaw your explanation of the Kapanadze setup makes sense too, seems valid also. I would like to try to build both these devices once I can gather the required componants and understanding. Very interesting devices. And immediately usefull too if they work as desired.



              • #22
                I think I have the materials to make such a capacitor, or I could get them.

                But I don't know where to start to calculate the dimentions and arrangement
                of the plates and such to get the correct capacitance. I don't mind a bit of
                trial and error and it occured to me that if I made something a little bigger
                than needed I could make it smaller easily to adjust the capacitance.

                Would it be possible to construct a variable parallel plate air capacitor for this
                purpose maybe with radial action adjustment ?


                • #23
                  The capacitor is easy, You just need copper foil thin as possible, lets say 0,3mm or lower... Than you need insulation between, you need to find polypropylene film to fill it.

                  Other wise you could use glass or mica.

                  But Teflon is the best for radio frequencies from what i heard.

                  The capacitance you will ned will be very small. probably pico faradays.

                  you could try find on the ebay some ceramic capacitors. Remember if you put them in series you half the capacitance( if they are all the same) and increase voltage ratings.

                  For example if your primary has 12,7 turns and this make 10uH at 24,7Mhz your Xl = 1551ohms
                  so your capacitor = 1/1551,9/(2Pi*F) so 4pf

                  This is so small that maybe the turn to turn capacitance on the winding already resonates.

                  I think that is very small value. So the interwinding space must be thought too.

                  Maybe a 12,7 turns coil is not 10uH and probably is less witch in turn makes the capacitance a bit bigger.

                  I made some calculations and i found that for this specific frequency and givens diameters of the coil formers, you would need 12,7 turns on the primary 3" diameter
                  and 38 turns on the secondary 2" diameter

                  To match the secondary to half wave. So maybe in parallel with the secondary no capacitance would be implementable...

                  I think is a good idea if the interwinding self resonance even without the capacitor to be 24,7MHz or a bit higher, and than match the coil total resonance to that frequency too.

                  A instrument that measure the coil inductance and capacitance, self resonance and Q would be useful to determine all this.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                    I think I have the materials to make such a capacitor, or I could get them.

                    But I don't know where to start to calculate the dimentions and arrangement
                    of the plates and such to get the correct capacitance. I don't mind a bit of
                    trial and error and it occured to me that if I made something a little bigger
                    than needed I could make it smaller easily to adjust the capacitance.

                    Would it be possible to construct a variable parallel plate air capacitor for this
                    purpose maybe with radial action adjustment ?
                    Yes i think an air or vacuum variable capacitor would be great for this!

                    To calculate the capacitance you do the following,

                    Mutiply Eo by the relative permeability of the dielectric than multiply by the area of one electrode in square meters, than divide all this by the separation of the electrodes in meters.

                    Eo is the permeability of vacuum. So its multiplied by the relative permeability of the material to find the absolute permeability. Eo is a value like 8,blabla *10^-12, If you ignore the 10^-12 your result will be already in picofarads

                    Easy like that.

                    distance 1mm = 0,001meter
                    area 10cmx10cm or 100 square centimeter = 0,01 square meters
                    thus 1 square meter = 10,000 square centimeters

                    Maybe was silver coated copper couldn't?
                    Last edited by sebosfato; 01-28-2011, 03:54 PM.


                    • #25
                      Even more info I found :

                      I submit the following information and schedule is based on conversations with (guess who ).... with Gia
                      1. Primary circuit is a high - over 100KHz.
                      2. Primary circuit is a capacitor, inductor and HF spark gap.
                      3. Tariel Kapanadze accidentally discovered the effect of increasing the energy output when repeating the experiments of Nikola Tesla energy transport in a conductor (and wireless).
                      4. The secondary output coil is bifilar coil Tesla from which one part is used as a closed magnetic circuit (most likely a resonant capacitor) and the other is loading. It is also grounded at one end of the load.
                      5. Do not use magnetic. Magnetic prevent the receipt of free energy.
                      6. When the generator with the green box above the high-voltage spark 100KHz (discharge) takes place inside the green box. Nanshnata spark (discharge) is 50Hz and is set for output frequency of the generator. 50Hz. spark fight over the primary coil thick (5-6 turns).
                      7. Bifilar secondary winding must have a length of wire 1 / 4 wavelength to RF and high voltage input is more than 100KHz. "


                      • #26
                        Could be like this type,

                        Parallel Plate Capacitor

                        Or like the variable tuning one on the page below.

                        Parallel plate capacitor definition of Parallel plate capacitor in the Free Online Encyclopedia.

                        I think the type like the second one may be better but harder to make.

                        Maybe if I only need a small one it can have only two plates or three maybe.

                        Silver coated copper is quite possible.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
                          Even more info I found :

                          I submit the following information and schedule is based on conversations with (guess who ).... with Gia
                          1. Primary circuit is a high - over 100KHz.
                          2. Primary circuit is a capacitor, inductor and HF spark gap.
                          3. Tariel Kapanadze accidentally discovered the effect of increasing the energy output when repeating the experiments of Nikola Tesla energy transport in a conductor (and wireless).
                          4. The secondary output coil is bifilar coil Tesla from which one part is used as a closed magnetic circuit (most likely a resonant capacitor) and the other is loading. It is also grounded at one end of the load.
                          5. Do not use magnetic. Magnetic prevent the receipt of free energy.
                          6. When the generator with the green box above the high-voltage spark 100KHz (discharge) takes place inside the green box. Nanshnata spark (discharge) is 50Hz and is set for output frequency of the generator. 50Hz. spark fight over the primary coil thick (5-6 turns).
                          7. Bifilar secondary winding must have a length of wire 1 / 4 wavelength to RF and high voltage input is more than 100KHz. "
                          wow I think i got something from this,

                          "The secondary output coil is bifilar coil Tesla from which one part is used as a closed magnetic circuit " I think that closed magnetic circuit might stands for short circuited section on the coil!!! Witch is what seem for me from his drawings. he say also to get a meter and measure the voltage on the 1/4 wave point where it is greater (on the secondary) Might be where the short is connected. (maybe) =)

                          Having a shorted coil means that some of the field will keep circulating in the coil is like something that will create a strange effect. I think it must be placed on the contrary side of the coil- I mean the primary in one extremity an in the middle the secondary and on the other side the shorted section of he secondary. Maybe...

                          I think the greater is the frequency the greater is the gain in energy. And easier is because the wave length is smaller, the skin effect is more pronounced and energy density is greater. 24,7Megahertz seems workable.


                          • #28
                            Very usefull info Boguslaw, these are definately very similar setups. Resonant capacitor sounds good.

                            It looks to my untrained eye that to get these systems to really sing. We need to construct them close to what is needed for resonance. Then simply adjust the spark gap distance and tune the capacitor in the primary circuit. Some trial and error and plenty of hair to pull out should finish the process. Hows that sound ?

                            I'll take some note's from these posts of yours and compile a work file I think.
                            Also I should keep a book for recording and collating building and tuning data aswell.

                            I already have a coil 1mm wire x 3 inch diameter x 13 turns. Should the secondary and primary be bare copper ? Maybe. And should the secondary be wire 1 mm too ? Like same AWG wire . If 1mm is not thick enough what would be ?


                            • #29
                              Cool do that.

                              I think is all about go there and experimenting. Seems pretty simple except by the insulation needs and high voltage rectifier for the output. But you first start with the primary and be able to drive it to high voltage with the gap and the tune capacitor. When the thing get to resonate you will see how magical resonance is. Have a kv meter in parallel with the coil, and a series ammeter between the HV module and the capacitor. ANd a ammeter between the capacitor and the inductor. The input current should be low, the current beteen the coil and the capacitor bigger and the voltage maximum. I never worked with spark gaps but seems to me that you just need to adjust it to tune well the operation. I always pulsed the frequency for achieving the resonance. You can see in my you tube channel the video, but there was water and diodes in the circuit. Voltage was 550v and current about 10 amps...

                              Than make the secondary and other things.


                              • #30
                                I don't have an NST yet, I can only get one from oversea's so far for looking.
                                I'll keep looking for a local supplier, for a few more days.
                                I think NST is important for getting a good headstart to the HV. It will
                                hurt my pocket but NST will always be usefull for an experimenter.

