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Donald L. Smith

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  • Donald L. Smith

    I think that the secret to Donald free energy, resides in charging the voltage inducement coil negatively as to make it have abundance of extra electrons. Thats the reason of the spark gap with the ground in the middle!

    The resistor serves to select the frequency for the output transformer...

    I think would be useful a second transformer able to reach 100kv to apply negative charge to the coil. Maybe it could be wounded in a dielectric so the capacitance hold the charge relation.

  • #2
    I believe that having excess electrons The circuit will generate power by the already the unity electrons in the coil moving than making the extra electrons also flow by the electro - and magnetic flux interaction.

    There are two tank circuits. One is in the input circuit witch comprise a capacitor and a coil of 10 turns in parallel and driven by the 2kv NST power supply. Than this induce the current on the other coil but this second coil (50 turns bare coper) also have a capacitor in parallel and in addiction it has a mean for developing a very high negative voltage on it. (excess electrons) Than this will power the output transformer (step down) witch its primary must be arranged like an inductive filter for the desired output frequency, thus a resistor connected in parallel with the primary of the transformer and or the capacitor or combined capacitance. Filter means.

    All the circuits formed are insulated from each other.

    The gap having in the middle the ground might be a way to concentrate electrons on the coil.

    Other way would be to form with this coil a capacitance in reference to an electrode inside the coil former. This way you just get another very high voltage transformer and charge the outer coil negatively.

    You must mind the perturbation.


    • #3
      Dont lose the last discussion about how to break the bounds of water molecule. Voltage does Work!!! And Here is why!!

      Very related even if is exactly the opposite thing!


      • #4
        Table Top Device ?

        Hi sebosfato, Is this the device you're refering to ? See Attachment.

        Can you explain to me about the Frequency resistor and the three Earth
        symbols particularly the one to the far right of the drawing.

        I don't see an item #9 on the actual drawing, but it is in the parts list,

        #9 Frequency adjuster, (prevents derailing by the diode bridge).

        Last edited by Farmhand; 02-09-2014, 09:18 AM.


        • #5
          This picture is very clear to describe what i mean!

          The coil 7 must not be grounded It must instead have a very high voltage to charge it negatively as to have many excess free electrons in the coil.

          The resistor is for creating the transformer oscillator, it along with the inductance creates a filter that oscillate with the transistors from the dc from the rectifiers.

          If there is a short segment there i don't know if is of benefit (referring to the coil 7) But at this point i believe in about everything.


          • #6
            Yes the coil 7 would be at a high voltage for sure.
            The center tap and the positioning of the primary coil 6 would take care of
            the negative part of things wouldn't it.
            So you think item #8 voltage control shunt is not needed ?
            Might be safer with that included. I don't really know that but just a hunch.

            What would be the result of moving the primary coil 6 from one side of the center tap to the other, considering one side has the shunt ?

            Where exactly should this item # 9 frequency control resister be placed ?
            Any idea's ?


            • #7
              Also I was thinking what if the coil 7 was contstructed from steel or stainless steel instead of bare copper ? And why bare copper ? Seems to make sense but I don't know why !


              • #8
                Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                Yes the coil 7 would be at a high voltage for sure.
                The center tap and the positioning of the primary coil 6 would take care of
                the negative part of things wouldn't it.
                So you think item #8 voltage control shunt is not needed ?
                Might be safer with that included. I don't really know that but just a hunch.

                What would be the result of moving the primary coil 6 from one side of the center tap to the other, considering one side has the shunt ?

                Where exactly should this item # 9 frequency control resister be placed ?
                Any idea's ?
                No It would not, it will definitely induce the current in the coil 7.

                To charge the coil 7 to negative potential you need a vic transformer to charge it. But as i'm saying you need to charge it in relation to something, this something must be a conductive sheet in the middle of the coil former witch must support very high voltage. Basically no current will flow on this high voltage source. Is just to give the coil 7 a net negative charge. Extra electrons.

                The 8 voltage control can be used but is not a simple variable resistor, it control the voltage in relation to ground, Think of this you apply 100kv but you don't want it to go to 200kv cause your insulation can't handle that, than you add a resistor to limit the max voltage. But this in relation to ground so ground is positive in relation to the coil.

                I think the moving is related to the coupling, just to fine tune.

                I'm suggesting a capacitor also in parallel with 7 but i'm not really sure if is needed. If so of course it must be choose to co-equal the resonant frequency of the primary witch also and actually first must be tuned to the frequency of the HV module.


                • #9
                  The extra electrons will stay there and will not be consumed. They will serve in my thoughts as a over conduction mean. Something like a superconductivity but as this electrons are really free they oscillate back and forth in the coil adding in the field so creating a image of power greater than really is.

                  In the coil 6 i guess there might be something like 20 amps recirculating at 2kv.. The module will only supply few mili amps. I think also that after its tuned the spark gap is not needed.


                  • #10
                    You can clearly see that from the position of the transistor, from the rectifier the positive is 0v and the negative is -x kv. Very Very clear.


                    • #11
                      Ok Thanks, I might have to read those posts a few time's over to get that.

                      To charge the coil 7 to negative potential you need a vic transformer to charge it. But as i'm saying you need to charge it in relation to something, this something must be a conductive sheet in the middle of the coil former witch must support very high voltage. Basically no current will flow on this high voltage source. Is just to give the coil 7 a net negative charge. Extra electrons.
                      I think I understand this but what is a "vic transformer" ?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by sebosfato View Post
                        You can clearly see that from the position of the transistor, from the rectifier the positive is 0v and the negative is -x kv. Very Very clear.
                        Oh yes I see, of course.

                        Thanks sebosfato. Now I see it.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                          Ok Thanks, I might have to read those posts a few time's over to get that.

                          I think I understand this but what is a "vic transformer" ?

                          A Vic transformer (stanley meyer) is a transformer having a choke within the same transformer witch is connected thru a diode to the secondary coil (field aiding) this let you to charge capacitors up to their limits! high voltage dc with fewer turns .

                          If you connect the positive of this transformer to the ground the negative side become negative voltage.

                          I call it a charge pump
                          Last edited by sebosfato; 01-25-2011, 04:33 PM.


                          • #14
                            There appears to be quite a lot of material on Don Smith here:

                            Index for /papers


                            • #15
                              Seems cool, thanks!

