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Geral Celente has predicted a major alternative energy breakthrough

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  • #16
    Originally posted by gravityblock View Post
    In case you haven't noticed, life will take hold wherever it can on this rock. It is no different anywhere else in this universe. Nature creates types of beings to suit the medium in which they are placed. Earthworms live in the same world as man, but the soil is their ideal medium; fish live in water; the amphibian can live in air or water; the eagle prefers heights where the atmosphere is rarefied.

    If life now manifests itself in various forms, do you think Nature has run through her repertoire and exhausted her possibilities on Earth? Do you think Nature can only bring forth life on this planet only? A lion would die in the Arctic, whereas a bear is quite happy there. Whether the Earth is covered with ice, whether it becomes too hot, whether it is radioactive or not, Nature will in every case devise an appropriate life form. And if Nature, with this wonderful power of creation, were supplemented by a spiritual power, what marvels could it not perform?

    According to ancient texts, the human race rarely survives more than 7,000 years, having in this time exhausted its capacity to adapt itself to a constantly changing medium. Behold the wisdom of God who protects the planets close to the Sun by giving them a cloak of dense atmosphere and ether, and gives those distant ones, whose speed of revolution is low, a thin covering. The farther the bodies are from the Sun, the less covering they have, until we come to Saturn, which has none at all. Up to that point the ether and atmosphere are there to filter the rays of the Sun. From Saturn outwards, however, the planets again acquire an etheric cover on an increasing scale, no longer with the object of filtering the Sun's rays, but to produce a positive reaction to them, so as to provide sufficient heat to maintain life. So the atmospheric and etheric compositions of these planets are not the same as those of planets on this side of Saturn. The Sun, seen from Pluto, is small and the amount of energy it receives is insignificant. However, this little planet shines in space. Pluto's atmosphere for example is extremely sensitive to solar waves and sets up a violent reaction to this very small quantity of energy. I don't think it would be a problem to find a planet with a natural place for us. But then again, we would probably try to conquer it. Don't be bamboolzed and hoodwinked by TBTB.

    Given the two statement you made in bold [my bold] I don't understand how you could think we could just go to another planet and be healthy and still be HUMANS.
    Maybe even if the fequency of the planet is wrong, it would be no good for humans.

    If we were to go to another planet already filled with life, it would be already inhabited and there would be no natural place there because we would need to displace other life-forms to make room for ourselves.

    I can assure you that the TPTB want exactly what you propose and don't mind wasting money and ruining stuff to do it. It is not I who has been bamboozled.

    A gravity generator would generate it's own gravity independant of and separate to the gravity generated by the earth. No "brute force" would be necessary, or "anti-gravity" for that matter. By it's very definition an "anti-gravity" device would need gravity to enable it's function. And yet the opposite of Gravitation is Radiation.

    Seems pretty straight forward to me. Your right people need to change the way they think, your words not mine.




    • #17
      Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
      Given the two statement you made in bold [my bold] I don't understand how you could think we could just go to another planet and be healthy and still be HUMANS.
      Maybe even if the fequency of the planet is wrong, it would be no good for humans.

      If we were to go to another planet already filled with life, it would be already inhabited and there would be no natural place there because we would need to displace other life-forms to make room for ourselves.

      I can assure you that the TPTB want exactly what you propose and don't mind wasting money and ruining stuff to do it. It is not I who has been bamboozled.

      A gravity generator would generate it's own gravity independant of and separate to the gravity generated by the earth. No "brute force" would be necessary, or "anti-gravity" for that matter. By it's very definition an "anti-gravity" device would need gravity to enable it's function. And yet the opposite of Gravitation is Radiation.

      Seems pretty straight forward to me. Your right people need to change the way they think, your words not mine.


      So, you think there is no place suitable for us in this infinite universe except for this rock? Oh, and if you conceive a limit or put boundries to the universe, then what is beyond this limit? There's highly intelligent and very advanced lifeforms inhabited on other planets in our solar system alone. TPTB have inverted every aspect and truth imagineable to mankind. Long ago, some of the watchers left their own natural heavenly habitation and polluted themselves with the daughters of man and created an impious offspring. For this, they will never be allowed to ascend back into the heavens (This includes the elitists of today who are of that seed). I think you know a reprobate mystery, and that's why your content with staying on this rock. Here's a video on this impious offspring. The "Star Wars Program", also known as the missile defense system is pointed away from the earth. Why? Watch this video by NASA of a UFO Shot at by Plasma Beam to find out. There is a war in heaven. Open your eyes and see things for what they are. For the last 10+ years, TBTB have been on a crash course in building massive underground bunkers to ride out the next upcoming apocolypse. Guess what? You're not invited. When it's all over with, they'll still be in power to keep the next generations of people suppressed and enslaved. This is how they have stayed in power since the beginning of mankind. Secrets passed down from one age to another by the elitists in order to stay in power. TPTB are literally holding us as hostages. That's why there has been no outside intervention. When and if the order is given, they have the capabilities to relocate every person on this planet who is found worthy.

      There's so much information I could post that would absolutely blow your mind. You've been lied to, and it seems you are more than happy to go along with this lie.

      Last edited by gravityblock; 01-27-2011, 08:15 AM.


      • #18
        Gravityblock, I agree with a major portion of what you say. I just don't think that leaving the planet is the answer because any "anti-gravity" tech produced would be technical and require a huge budget hence you're not invited either. So we're in the same boat. Or on the same rock, weather we like it or not.

        In the time i spent making all these posts i probably could have watched the first video and enjoyed it too most likely. So rather than argue terms or points of view I will do that.

        Bugler if we take away, wind/solar/bio-fuel/geothermal there are not many sources left. Anyone have any idea's of the name of the technology it might be ? It would have to be Aetheric or geomagnetic or atmospheric. Any others.
        Are those even valid.

        I will watch those video's GB I promise and i'll keep an open mind. But considering i don't even know what this Planck's constant is. It might be over my head anyway.



        • #19
          Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
          Bugler if we take away, wind/solar/bio-fuel/geothermal there are not many sources left. Anyone have any idea's of the name of the technology it might be ? It would have to be Aetheric or geomagnetic or atmospheric. Any others.
          Are those even valid.

          I will watch those video's GB I promise and i'll keep an open mind. But considering i don't even know what this Planck's constant is. It might be over my head anyway.

          Don't worry, the videos won't be over your head. If I can understand the jist of things, then so will you. I think it's probably LENR. The U.S. Navy has confirmed excess heat production in LENR, along with many other successful replications world-wide.



          • #20
            Originally posted by bugler View Post
            Celente -*2011...The Make It Or Break It Year

            "We predicted a major alternative energy breakthrough (beyond wind/solar/bio-fuel/geothermal) that could become a socioeconomic/geopolitical game changer. Prestigious science journals are buzzing about developments that may constitute that breakthrough."
            The Kaiser Chiefs predicted 'a riot' ... didn't make it happen.

            I predict world peace fusion powered bikes .... does not mean it will happen.

            The use of so called 'disruptive' technologies makes a difference, but perhaps we should stick to fact, development and debate of test results to further our knowledge !!


            • #21
              Originally posted by faramog View Post
              The Kaiser Chiefs predicted 'a riot' ... didn't make it happen.

              I predict world peace fusion powered bikes .... does not mean it will happen.

              The use of so called 'disruptive' technologies makes a difference, but perhaps we should stick to fact, development and debate of test results to further our knowledge !!
              Celente has been dead on in the past. It's based on background noise, patterns, and trends in Prestigous Science Journals. I would imagine you would probably draw the same conclusion as Celente's prediction if you read all of the papers in the Prestigious Science Journals buzzing about developments which may constitute a major alternative energy breakthrough. We're not talking about a few papers only. For Celente to make this prediction, it would have to be numerous papers all pointing in the same direction towards a major alternative energy breakthrough.

              Last edited by gravityblock; 01-28-2011, 09:47 AM.


              • #22
                Hi Bugler GB and all, I watched the first video and gave it time to soak in a bit. And of course I did enjoy it and learned some things, I will have to watch that one again as I was a bit tired so I might have actually missed a bit.

                Anyway I would have to agree that LENR looks to be it in my opinion also.

                I did voice some concerns about the Italian demonstration of cold fusion. Not the least of which was the availiabity and supply and demand effect on Nickel in the long term.

                It's interesting because in the video you linked to GB the Guy says there is no radiation (I think), or was it no dangerous radiation. Though the Italian mob says that thiers is shielded to prevent dangerous radiation. There does appear to be no shortage of "deterium" or whatever however it's spelled, so thats promising.

                There is also other concerns. Amount of water used and possible contaminations. And it's quite technical.

                My view of what is important for a new system of general domestic energy useage, is a stand alone inexpensive renewable energy system to provide reliable virtually free energy for everyday people to become independant of the grid system, such as Kapanadze or Don Smith table top device. Larger more complex systems of a different kind could still be used for industry and soforth.

                This would mean if the grid was to fail for any length of time because of Solar storms or whatever reason. People would not be left in the dark. An entire city plunged into darkness for weeks could cause serious crime/riots and such.

                To this end the grid connected solar systems are useless and it is irresponsible of our governments to not promote and encourage energy independance. Oh thats right I forgot our governments would rather we rely on " the system" "the grid" so that we are dependant. While we are dependant on these things we are vunerable, to failure's and also fixed outlandish prices.

                Somehow I can't see the average home having a LENR device. Though I may be wrong.



                • #23

                  Radiation isn't associated with LENR like it is with Hot Fusion (The videos will explain why). Naudin performed radiation measurements, and found no significant increase in radiations detected during the test run and this is commonly reported by others also. This is a clean energy source. LENR can be done with "table-top" experiments. Naudin has an excellent page on LENR and how to DIY. Much has been learned about LENR since Naudin last updated that page, and is even more effecient with a higher successful replication rate.

                  This is why it's been ignored by mainstream physics, because the radiation is absent and being done on table-top experiments and being done at low energy without extremly high temperatures normally required for fusion. Remember, LENR is outsmarting the atom in order to carry out fusion, instead of the brute-force method in Hot Fusion. How to out-smart the atom is also explained in the videos. If those 2 girls in the below picture can do it, then we can too.


                  Last edited by gravityblock; 01-28-2011, 02:00 PM.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by gravityblock View Post

                    Radiation isn't associated with LENR like it is with Hot Fusion (The videos will explain why). Naudin performed radiation measurements, and found no significant increase in radiations detected during the test run and this is commonly reported by others also. This is a clean energy source. LENR can be done with "table-top" experiments. Naudin has an excellent page on LENR and how to DIY. Much has been learned about LENR since Naudin last updated that page, and is even more effecient with a higher successful replication rate.

                    This is why it's been ignored by mainstream physics, because the radiation is absent and being done on table-top experiments and being done at low energy without extremly high temperatures. Remember, LENR is outsmarting the atom in order to carry out fusion, instead of the brute-force method in Hot Fusion. How to out-smart the atom is also explained in the videos. If those 2 girls in the below picture can do it, then we can too.


                    Well I did say I could be wrong. I've bookmarked that
                    Naudin page for further study, I must admit even at first glance it does
                    look very interesting and promising too.

                    I reserve the right to be wrong at any time. Nice picture too. Where
                    was that picture from ? Did they build a working LENR device ? If they
                    did thats Awesome.

                    I'll get to rest of those vids too sooner or later.



                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                      Well I did say I could be wrong. I've bookmarked that
                      Naudin page for further study, I must admit even at first glance it does
                      look very interesting and promising too.

                      I reserve the right to be wrong at any time. Nice picture too. Where
                      was that picture from ? Did they build a working LENR device ? If they
                      did thats Awesome.

                      I'll get to rest of those vids too sooner or later.

                      Yes, they built a working LENR device. Test results of their experiment can be found at this link.

                      Naudin's LENR test results are very impressive and can be found here.

                      Here's a site dedicated to LENR-CANR research.

                      Last edited by gravityblock; 01-28-2011, 02:18 PM.


                      • #26
                        Dead on, Again!

                        It appears Celente was right on the money again.



                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                          I also stated that I didn't understand why people would want to leave Earth.
                          But that question is still unanswered.

                          Is there a reason we should want to leave Earth ?
                          Don't take it literal. It refers to "rocket science". Does that help? Some people want to make everything complicated, i.e. rocket science. Some people, mostly teachers such as myself, try to simplify. Let it be.
                          There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.

