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Ferris Wheel ?

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  • Ferris Wheel ?

    Figured I'd start a seperate thread so as to not muck up an interesting one.

    I've followed the Bedini ferris wheel thread for a while now. I've learned alot, I've kept my mouth shut, I've built a small PMH style pulse motor, a Bedini based SSG pendulum, and just finishing a mini multi coil bedini charger. Start running batteries on it soon(little tuning yet)
    Now I'm no expert by any means...but I do understand the concept of what's going on in one of johns systems. More so even I understand the claims.

    What I don't get is, if you are able to charge batteries faster than you can use them then why are we even concerned with building galvanic batteries or any alternitive batt.

    Why (if this is for real) why doesn't anybody realize the gravity of what we are talking about.
    Perpetual Motion, over unity, or just simply a machine that has the ability to be it's own mover, a self runner....however you want to put it, however you say it.

    This should be the holy grail.

    It wouldn't matter if it were a Bedini based system or an over-balanced wheel, or some crazy crap made out of legos and marbles. If you truly have an a self running sys, that should by all means be the biggest discovery in the history of humanity.

    OK, Lets assume that big brother really has the damper on this. Lets assume that all these guys have indeed faced massive suppression forces. Lets say that john is trying to better humanity by getting this thing out at a grass root

    Why, the new machine? why bigger? why more complicated.....Since 1984, nobody seems to have a valid unambiguous self running machine. Those who do claim it can't seem to prove it. Most claims seem to accompanied by excessively complex machines with large multi battery banks.

    I would suggest that a Bedini system with six car batteries would have to run for several months before you could even begin to prove it was actually doing what it claims. My pendulum is running on 3 AA batteries, has been for weeks.

    And now back to the heart of this post...why so complex.

    If you had a self running machine, you want to get it out to the world, you have been suppressed. So, you take the Bedini approach and open source, grass roots, spread the knowledge, teach people this new wonderful thing.
    Wouldn't it be smarter to design the bare bones, cheapest, easiest possible working model of this machine for replication. Somthing small that would say, charge 2 9Volts while using one. Somthing that made it as plainly obvious as it sounds when you hear about it the first time. Somthing that the average idiot could follow the instructions on and build small and cheap. AND proveable. Now, some people will learn while the build it, some will just follow instructions and learn little.....doesn't really matter because this technology is such a huge step for mankind that every smart person with the means to will exploit it in every concieveable manner. If a thousand people had a small table top machine that ran it's self....verifiable....THE WORLD CHANGES.

    You, me, nobody, can really believe they have a self running machine and not see the gravity or the milestone it represents.

    If john truly cracked the nut back in FEG then where the heck is it?

    I'd like to note that I think John Bedini is a brilliant guy and I'm in no way picking on him or his's simply that he seems to be THE MAN right now. His stuff is everywhere and I feel like it's growing a little outlandish.

    Just for arguements sake, The 1984 machine seems to be a little simpler to replicate than the ferris why more and more complex when all that's actually needed is proof of one working self running machine?

    Any proveable overunity device will absolutely change the world....doesn't matter if you make it do "work", doesn't matter if you can pull a miliamp out of it or not. If you could make a friggin SMOT that could roll the ball back to the beginning and restart it's self or if you charge 2 batteries to 1 and swap em out...either way you will have done somthing that is generally believed to be impossible. Your SMOT ramp would blow up physics as we know it, and as soon as you proved it worked, behold, many many many smart and well funded people will manipulate said device in every concieveable manner.

    This is not some crack pot deal, it's not a windmill or a solar panel....this would represent a fundamental change in the way the world works.

    I'm not a naysayer, I wan't to believe and I can't prove that any of this is free energy stuff is BS or not, and nobody else seems to be able to prove anything one way or the other. So thusfar, it(self running machine) is still seemingly impossible. I want to believe it's possible to generate more energy than you use and I'll keep ticking away at it, so should we all. If nobody tries, it never will happen will it?

    If a guy builds a self running machine, he doesn't decide that it'll make a great battery charger....

    If a guy builds a great battery charger and somewhere along the lines realizes that he's charging more than he's using, he's gonna build a self runner.

    I think this is too big and once someone really does crack this nut it's all over. Everybody ain't gonna build their own to cut down on their ele costs...won't have to.

    Logic says that if bearden figured out the last secret to free energy(and wrote a book about it) then we should be on to this by now? no?

    Where is the logic that makes us want to continue to replicate machines on more and more complex levels of construction with no more proof of their claims than the machines from 30 yr old books that claim the same thing?

    You guys flame the poo outta me if you like.....I'd rather discuss than argue though. I hope I haven't offended anyone.

    Keep trying to trap that 9, and peace be with you.


  • #2
    Interesting timing for the new post

    Hello 142857, I too, have been following Mr. Bedini's work, as well as many other brilliant peoples thoughts on this forum. I wish I had the stuff going for me that a lot here do, last thirty years have been used in a lot of different areas, mostly dealing with manufacturing equipment. My limited knowledge in electric and electronic equipment has been from having to deal with how to repair the controls or modify them to get the machine running,.. self taught as needed. I've found these threads have helped me me to attain a higher level of interest by constantly being made aware of many different ideas, providing much enthusiasm to keep reaching for the brass ring. Thats where I've found the true value of coming here to see what's happening everytime I can. Anyhow, back to your new thread, I have built similiar items dealing with these guys ideas, (Imhotep-Bedini fan, jewel thief, SSG/mini-version) with the latter being where I may have found success in to COP,.. What I've learned is by reading the posts, a lot of great information is made available by the mere fact of all the sites you are exposed to just following the threads, it's like having a dictionary of theories, facts, and readings of many great peoples inventions opening many doors of fascination in my mind at the least. As for my latest play-thing, It is doing something you said would interest you. My SSG mini has evolved into an electronically npn/pnp switched vari-pole motor/ generator?...that's what I'm calling it for now, though it started as a monopole. Thanks to lasersaber, I've been able to get the motor to run on it with a singe 1.25V rechargeable cell and is currently recharging two 1.25V cells in parallel, haven't got it all figure out as to what is really happening, because I've caught some cells continuing to rise in charge after being removed to wait their turn powering the circuit. Now, being very serious about these past months study and working on this, I also know this is a serious thing to say without being ready to be able show all yet. I don't know how to even load videos yet, been wanting get there, and work, and experiment, as well as spend way more time with my 11 year old son at the hospital, doctors, his school, teachers, pharmacies for his asthma, not forgeting my wifes medical problems and the time for her care uses up...............just trying to keep the day from being too short. My testing and documenting time has been shot full of too many holes with the timing of getting this thing operational, so..... I will be doing my best to get this out as quick as I can get a hold on everything, yeah right, I know.......another one..I'll get it out there...


    • #3
      I agree with a lot of what Rubberband had to say. I think what John B. is trying to do is leave the conclusion open for others to complete for themselves. Will they achieve OU ? Maybe, or maybe not. But I am pretty sure that John B. has already done it many times before. He just does not want to come out and claim it and have his life threatened again.

      Since I have been on this forum, I have also learned a lot. I have been
      amazed to see batteries come back to functionality that I thought were
      gone for ever. Also I have been inspired to come up with my own circiut
      that will create a greater energy output for a minimal input that will not
      cost any more to me. Thanks to this forum, my boyhood interest in electronics has been reawakened, and I have gained so much enjoyment from it that there is not many other pleasures around that compares to it.

      There are more possibilities out there than just achieving OU, such as, improving the efficiency of it. And learning its features for other areas
      like healing with radiant energy. The possibilities seem endless. I could
      go on forever, but I will stop now.



      • #4
        Hi folks, Hi 142857, it seems you are voicing some of the very things i've been thinking about. I've constantly been thinking, what about the smot ball rolling up the magnetic ramp, since ive built it and know it does work. Crude and simple, but works.
        Also, my solid state Bedini oscillator variant can charge a 7aH, 12 volt gel lead acid in roughly 12 to 13 hours with a 13.8 volt, .5A input or less than 7 watts, though the kicker is that the output flyback is only less than a watt, well it is when using a 1ohm resistor.
        So it seems that for only 7 watt-hours total of output, one can charge an 84 watt-hour battery. The question is, how does one create that same effect with much less input, or does charging multiple parallel batteries eventually yield cop>1.0 results, maybe.
        Some kind of unique method is charging these batteries, unlike conventional charging.
        Maybe a small 1 microfarad capacitor could charge a 7AH, 12 volt battery if pulsed a certain way and only use up 7 watt-hours in the process.
        It has to be possible somehow, since the battery charging is proving that to us.
        Of course, ideally one would want a small self contained device without need for batteries, though anything to get people thinking outside of the programmed mindset is an accomplishment in itself.
        peace love light


        • #5
          Question with boldness, even the very existence of GOD. For if there is a GOD then surely he would rather honest questioning over blind folded fear.

          We definitely should have this discussion. And I would love to see John here. Not to defend anything. He does not have to do that. John has done more for this field than probably anyone else out there. Hands down. I dont think that is what 142857 is saying. Science has to have some skepticism and honest questions or we would never get anywhere.

          I too have asked people basically the same questions. If you have JUST ONE selfrunning machine. Like BITS-n-BYTES, and John have shown, then that SHOULD change the world. That SHOULD have everyone here in a complete uproar. It should be all over the news. Or at least one channel. The green people should be camped in John and Bits yards. But instead we have just a few participants in a few threads. Why? Is it that we are so jaded?

          I too have wondered why when John and Rick ad Bits have shown selfrunners why any other machine has to be built. EVER. Obviously to advance the science. But on this forum only one person has come to the same conclusion as John has. And thats Bits. I respect most everyone on this forum to the highest level. This is the most intelligent forum I have ever participated in. But out of all of us, only ONE person has had any success as a replicator? (bits) Is it that we just dont listen to john?

          Like 142857 has stated; why dont smarter people than us (sorry guys) and with a large bank account take this and run with it? I know John has stated the Ratheon guys were at the conference. Great a defense contractor. Thats what we need. A Bedini powered Iron Man suit. I know we are getting closer and I think some big things may break this year. Time will tell.

          I do not think 142857 is looking to stir up trouble. His questions are honest and thought out. He has stated he is actually working with the tech. So I think an honest discussion is warranted. I will continue my SG3 build. I will continue to experiment with the Monopole as I think there are more secrets to that BASIC machine still yet to be rediscovered. I support John, Bits and any of you that build and experiment. But without questions we are nothing more than sycophants. Nothing more than the sheeple that are out there thinking the world is a great and safe place.


          • #6
            My thoughts

            [QUOTE=142857;127896]Figured I'd start a seperate thread so as to not muck up an interesting one.

            Why, the new machine? why bigger? why more complicated.....Since 1984, nobody seems to have a valid unambiguous self running machine. Those who do claim it can't seem to prove it. Most claims seem to accompanied by excessively complex machines with large multi battery banks.

            I would suggest that a Bedini system with six car batteries would have to run for several months before you could even begin to prove it was actually doing what it claims. My pendulum is running on 3 AA batteries, has been for weeks.

            And now back to the heart of this post...why so complex.

            good morning all, Since yesterday, I think I know how to answer your question. The learning starts with the SSG and through experimenting I have learned to make it run, constantly making it run on less energy, as I said in my post yesterday that I just got mine tuned to the point it's doing things I could have never believed I would see. Last night was a real eye opener for me, after I pulled my charged batteries from their holders I noticed the shadows on the wall coming off the rotor of my ssg mini. The shadow of the magnets was flickering like the flame of a candle flickers in a breeze.....what breeze could make a shadow on the wall flicker?...I was so amazed when I videoed it and it showed me that I wasn't just seeing things, I had never, just sat there and observed what was going on around the device before, as I continued to watch I saw whisps, or visual distortions form around the curcuit, I videoed that too, although most it that is not as obviuos as the shadow in the recording. This is not the first time I've had some strange things happen with this device, the first time I just blew it off as, no, that was just my imagination. Not anymore, and Thanks to everyone behind the scenes that are working on this for helping me learn how to observe this . Now to answer your question on why bigger? I se it, we are striving to use less and less energy to make the machines run and pull at the aether, as I have seen, the less current I use the more energy I am able to channel from the energizing side of my device, As for bigger and more complex?.I see it as being able to swing a bigger net while using less disturbance to the energy around us, the more energy we are allowed scoop up, so to speak... so the best I can say is get yours running on a rediculis low amount of conventional power and sit back and watch the show.. Wally
            Last edited by Rubberband; 01-27-2011, 05:12 PM.


            • #7
              Interesting points being made


              • #8
                Originally posted by 142857 View Post

                What I don't get is, if you are able to charge batteries faster than you can use them then why are we even concerned with building galvanic batteries or any alternitive batt.

                Why (if this is for real) why doesn't anybody realize the gravity of what we are talking about.
                Perpetual Motion, over unity, or just simply a machine that has the ability to be it's own mover, a self runner....however you want to put it, however you say it.

                This should be the holy grail.

                It wouldn't matter if it were a Bedini based system or an over-balanced wheel, or some crazy crap made out of legos and marbles. If you truly have an a self running sys, that should by all means be the biggest discovery in the history of humanity.

                OK, Lets assume that big brother really has the damper on this. Lets assume that all these guys have indeed faced massive suppression forces. Lets say that john is trying to better humanity by getting this thing out at a grass root

                Why, the new machine? why bigger? why more complicated.....Since 1984, nobody seems to have a valid unambiguous self running machine. Those who do claim it can't seem to prove it. Most claims seem to accompanied by excessively complex machines with large multi battery banks.


                I can respect your opinions and understand what you are saying, and I by no means am "trying to devalue them", but consider this:

                1. Take a Hydro Electric Damn. For any given large dam, would it be possible to take all the energy, given ... at a single moment... divert that energy to a 100% efficient pump (theoretical) and simultaneously "shut the river off" (by means of diversion, and thus "close the loop?".

                2. Would it be possible to take energy from the grid, to a pulse motor, then "kill the switch and thus have a self runner"?

                Can you see the similarities?

                Listen very carefully to some of Aarons comments on this site, and also those of John's, Peter's, Inquorate ... they have given us some real clues and insights to "Free Energy" - what it really means in a practical usable sense.

                There is no point in closing the loop! At all. The beauty is in two discreet not connected entities in synchronous resonance while performing, yet capable of stopping and not interfering the other while doing so.

                If a sail boat were stopped mid motion, would it effect the windspeed. If the windspeed lowers, can the boat be adjusted on it's reach to increase it's speed? Yes.. to some degree. The oscillations are not connected.

                If the river were a closed loop, we'd have nothing to tap into.

                We are pumping here. Literally pumping energy out of a non connected system, into our pump. A solar panel is the same thing. Take the "magic" out of it, and you have something practical, try to make it "magic" and you , might find it works, but does no work.
                Alberta is under attack...

                Has anyone seen my Bedini Ceiling Fan that pushes the warm air down, and charges batteries as an added bonus? Me neither. 'Bout time I made one!!!!! :P


                • #9
                  Skywatcher, I'm curious, how long was your SMOT? How high are you able to raise the ball from it's starting point? and could you get it to release at the end of the climb?

                  I would suggest that if one could raise the ball high enough from it's starting position, and let it go at the end of the ramp then a simple track system and gravity would be enough to get the ball back to the start. Even if you have to have a really long ramp. and wala! apparent impossibility achieved.

                  I've not built a long enough SMOT to get enough rise in my ball so I dunno what I'm talking about exactly. I also presume inherant problems that I'm not taking into account or someone would/should have already done this. Right?

                  Now, I also realize that there are many possibilities besides OU and I am all for any kind of advancemant. But all in all, whatever anyone develops or invents will/would pale in comparison to the first real actual OU device. Heck, there isn't much left out there that would be on the same horizon as this, the only things I can think of that would be of the nearly the same calliber or magnitude of discovery would be A.I., maybe some sort of "gravity control" or a friggin Time Machine.

                  I got another question:

                  This could apply to Tesla, Bedini, or Bearden, Depalma, Leedskanlin, or Henery Ford, or anybody we have ever heard similar stories about.

                  If a guy claims some kind of new tech that threatens the establishment. And the establishment sends in the suppression police to shut you up and or threaten you.......does that prove your device was for real?

                  By the same token, henery ford supposedly threatened his opposition by claiming that he could make his car a self runner......does that mean he really could? Occams razor would seem to say that he was simply bluffing.

                  Depalma supposedly had a self running generator....was he threatened? supposedly he was. Does that mean his machine was the real deal or is it possible that the establishment making the threats just treated it as a possibility and acted accordingly?

                  30yrs or so later we really can't seem to prove or disprove what John Bedini is/has been claiming. So, is it possible that those who threatened him in the past, did so on the basis of "what if".....


                  So then say you really do have a device.....anyone powerful enough to suppress somthing like this, it would seem to me would, also be smart enough to want the very thing they are suppressing. In other words, the guy selling the oil, wants the oil to keep selling. You invent somthing that would make oil obsolete.....Not only does the oil man want you to shut up, but he's gotta want your tech so he can stay on top when his oil runs out.
                  So by all rights the millitary should be generations beyond John at his own tech by now.
                  People have said for years that they heard stories of car engines that ran on water...supposedly these patents or machines were bought up and burried by GM.....really.....and still GM can't stay in the game? they require govt. funding to bail out their failing business when they are sitting on dozens of suppressed ideas, engines that run on water?

                  I'm all for learning, I've learned alot from Mr. Bedini, I've learned alot from alot of you guys. I'm definately more knowledgeable for the time I have spent reading in this forum. I think it's great that this many people are thinking about this stuff and I think it'd be AWESOME if one of us cracked the OU nut. I hope that one of us does. And, I challenge anybody who thinks they already have to PROVE it. Not just to the world.

                  Thanks to those of you taking part in this, I must admitt, I half thought I'd get flamed outta here when I originally pushed "submit"


                  • #10
                    That is because people here are actually intelligent. Not the run of the mill sheep. the people here are at least searching for answers. I do hope we can have a real discussion on things of this nature in this thread. A discussion without people flipping out over honest questions. As ive stated previously; I feel questions should be asked or we are just fan-boys (and girls) and nothing more. A discussion with out angry finger pointing and accusations from either side is healthy. Though most here are of similar mind, and have the same goals in mind. If im correct in my assessment, and some big things do come around this year, then this type of thread is needed.
                    I feel i have finally started to get a good grasp on the SSG circuit with multiple windings and coils. Having a scope definitely helped. Not claiming to be an expert by any means. And nowhere near any type of unity. But a good grasp. The Ferris thread has helped tremendously. But I too have questions. I wonder if i have enough knowledge to have a decent replication.
                    So here ill post a question to the thread. Assuming the SG3 is a combination of multiple ideas. And as stated it charges its batteries at the rate presented; then why the need for any other energy source? Why the Pyrite/magnesium battery? Dont get me wrong. That is a thread all in itself. And an awesome one at that. But is there a need for such an energy source if it can self idle and recharge batteries at breakneck speeds?
                    I can see where one can say that the magic is in the batteries and it being a way to convert radiant energy into usable electricity. This is a known in this technology. Is this because a lead acid battery is a finite and unsustainable resource? Is it because like in EFTV transmutation, one could harvest such crystal lattice structures from everyday rocks and make a natural battery without raping the planet of resources?


                    • #11
                      Hi folks, Hi 142857, you know it's been so long since i built the smot i guess you could call it that. It used a large steel ball and used ferrite magnets along the side, though i forgot how i had the magnets oriented. It was a t least a foot and a half long and maybe had a 4"-6" rise. It did release when i placed a hole at the appropriate place for the ball to drop.
                      Now to make a couple comments about suppression. While trying to establish an excess energy device for ourselves is a good endeavor, it is only one aspect of human life that needs attending to.
                      Honestly, what good is that device if this same entrenched establishment prevents you from having a piece of land for a shelter to even use the darn thing, meaning you don't have the funny money anymore to pay rent or buy land.
                      So we and the rest are part of an interlocking effort, that one day our efforts and ideas and those before us will be used for the lifting of the quality of life.
                      Tesla said the same thing in different words, because he knew about the so called establishment and their state of consciousness.
                      peace love light


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by 142857 View Post
                        I'm all for learning, I've learned alot from Mr. Bedini, I've learned alot from alot of you guys. I'm definately more knowledgeable for the time I have spent reading in this forum. I think it's great that this many people are thinking about this stuff and I think it'd be AWESOME if one of us cracked the OU nut. I hope that one of us does. And, I challenge anybody who thinks they already have to PROVE it. Not just to the world.
                        Due to the bolded above -- this thread sounds like another "I'm not convinced of this kind of possibillity yet".

                        If you are still not convinced, please search through the forums -- there are plenty of others who have thought the same things.

                        Personally, I have seen it with my own two eyes.

                        If you are of the belief that no one has done this yet -- that is your loss.
                        It is my belief that bedini HAS done it, and has seen many more instances of others than I can count.

                        It was a privilege to see bedini share his time with the audience at the Renaissance-conference, and answer some of our questions. Bits also had a digital tesla switch at the conference which he discussed. Both were open, and tried to make their work as clear, and transparent as possible. They, however -- were nudging towards "experiment for yourself" attitude.

                        From what I have seen and researched myself, I am convinced that our sciences fall short on explaining some phenomenology. From experience, I am also convinced that these sciences will not change easily -- so the "theory" for backing it all up, is not completely present. (to my knowledge, but I would like to be corrected)

                        If you want to see it too, look at the EFTV DVD series, as this is the closest thing you'll get short of either going to a conference, or finding a brilliant tinkerer yourself. Read some of the books.

                        It requires Investment to buy books, or to watch DVD's about it.

                        Though I understand that you may not be willing to put forth the investment before you beleive it to be true. This, however, will put you behind every other skeptic -- as many do not want to invest to see whether it is true or not.

                        I think the difference between your questions, or "what if" questions from before, were oriented towards finding all the evidence to why it may be unlikely that the stuff exists.

                        The things I have found to be the most informative, were directed to finding how it WAS possible, or if it DID work.

                        I ask you -- When will you be convinced that free energy is a real, tangible thing?
                        If you don't know what the limit is -- find it! Nobody else will decide it for you.

                        If you need a device in front of you -- Find someone (Which is very difficult), or build it yourself. The SSG circut is a very simple circut which better informs the average person what "the radiant" (the free energy stuff) is, or how it works.

                        For my learning thus far; As a result of assuming the inventors were completely honest, and equally baffled as I may be -- I have found we have several holes in our modern theory of physics.
                        Others have noticed these as well.
                        To me, this is only further convincing that we need to explore this stuff in order to utilize it most effectively. It is when we understand it, through experiments -- that we can build our devices accordingly.

                        I find that it is because I think -- that if they did find it, they would want to share it. That's what I'd do anyways.

                        Call it belief, or confirmation bias as you will -- this fundamental difference will divide whether you will think many of us are liars, or genuinely trying to share this information to the best of our abilities. (Even if they want us to experiment with the stuff too!)

                        Regardless of what it is -- I hope you find what you are looking for,



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by redrichie View Post
                          Why the Pyrite/magnesium battery? Dont get me wrong. That is a thread all in itself. And an awesome one at that. But is there a need for such an energy source if it can self idle and recharge batteries at breakneck speeds?
                          Good points, and I am in the same place you are with the SSG, learning, observing not "excelling" by any means.

                          As for the batteries, it doesn't surprise me at all really. If you look at J. Bedini's technology one of it's ugliest aspects is that Walmart battery sitting off to the side. I too play with battery technology and thus far I have replicated some of the worst renditions of the Edison Battery you'll ever see. The largest footprint for amphours imagineable. But it didn't come from Walmart, it came from junk around the house, actually + old nickels. The lead acid battery is a disgrace to the modern world. John has always been, according to some history I read on him, been interested in Minerals. Iron Pyrite up until recently (they are interested in it for solar panels now too...) has had a reputation for being worthless.. "fool's gold" and it is very common. Magnesium, in Canada is so worthless you can't even recycle it, they tell you to throw it in the dump (I just got 40 lbs for free). It can be made and is made as a byproduct of seawater processing. So there you have a pulse motor running on garbage, possibly recycling a battery once deemed a throwaway... In my area i can find iron pyrite in the hills, Magnesium by the bucket from a local medallion manufacturer. So I look at that video and say, that's a great little piece of not only moving the pulse motor to an interesting new place, but taking junk basically and recycling batteries that may have been junk too... I think it's really cool.
                          Alberta is under attack...

                          Has anyone seen my Bedini Ceiling Fan that pushes the warm air down, and charges batteries as an added bonus? Me neither. 'Bout time I made one!!!!! :P


                          • #14
                            Kcarring, I'm sorry, I made my last post before I read yours.
                            I wanna say that I respectfully dissagree about closing the loop, lets look at the hydro ele again and think about it another's beautiful on it's own, this is true, but.....If you really could make a "self siphoning bowl" that would indeed be far better because then you could have hydro electric anywhere without diverting or damming up any river anywhere.

                            A solar panel is also a beautiful thing, even better, dishes with mirrors focused on sterling engines, pumping out megawatts is a truly fantastic system.

                            Windmill is pretty friggin great too.

                            However I don't believe you can accurately compair a Bedini sys to any of these, and heres why. IMHO........

                            In a solar, hydro, or wind based system, one has simply replaced the input power with what he has harnessed from nature. Take a mendomotor, or even your solar hot water heater. The mendocino motor will still work in the dark if I replace the solar energy with button cell batteries....The hot water heater will still work off of the power from the grid.
                            For that matter if you were to divert all the water from the hoover dam and tie into a couple big desiel engines instead you could still generate electrisity with it. Or you could break all the mirrors on the sterling"sattelite dish" and just build a fire.....

                            Point being, all of these things, smart as they may be are basic machines already, that have been adapted to run on alternitive inputs.

                            Now A bedini system is a machine first. While it's said to access a new motive force, previously unknown(radiant energy), It(the machine) is not tapping into this radiant force the same way that the hotwater heater is tapping it's source.
                            As I see it, a Bedini machine must run to create an access to this radiant aether or whatever it is. That's like firing up your water heater to get the sun to come out, sort of.

                            Having said that I will conceed that there may indeed be energy in the aether and that it may require a machine to access it. Much like the river requires a machine to access it's energy. But then, in that situation the machine it's self becomes the actual driver of whatever else you hook up to it.

                            Lets think about my mini charger. I'll tell you what it does and what I think about it and you tell me why it doesn't make perfectly logical sense.
                            I have a hard drive disk and bearing. I have 2 sewing machine bobbin size coils so it's tiny. One coil is Bifilar, trigger and drive, typical ssg. The other, slave coil is single wound. The only dif in my circut and the classic ssg scematic is that I have no light bulb, no neon, and no resistors. Also the coils are air core. I'm imputting 4.5volts in and in about 30-45 seconds after spin up I have 125volts in my cap. Obviously this is where my spikes are 125.
                            So when I build my AA battery packs , I'll be running off of 3 batteries. First thing I'll do is hook up the drive batteries and run the machine as long as it can off of those 3 batteries. I intend to do this a couple times to find out how long it can go. Once I know that, I'll hook up two more sets of three on the charge side. Then, I'll physically change out the batteries by hand, every time a charge set gets full swap it to the drive, put the drive on charge.
                            So, assuming this tech does what it claims and as long as I'm there to swap batteries at the proper time, my machine should never stop untill machanical degridation of my parts sets in or untill my battetries are no good anymore. Right?

                            Back to skywatcher, if your smot could raise the ball 6 inches and release it then why not a simple wire track back to the start? That would be the perpetual motion that's supposedly impossible. no?

                            And yes, the establishment is screwed, and yes they want you to stay on the petrol tit. If not we wouldn't regulate the production of ele cars, there would be solar panels on every new house, or the sterling dish in every new subdivision.
                            We all know there are litteraly tons of ways to reduce our dependance on oil, but rather than invest in such measures, our govt. instead would rather figure out a way to tax us on our carbon.
                            IMO the whole system sucks, the America I live in is nothing at all like the wonderful place they taught me about in school, and everyday, that pisses me off. So I believe it's well past time for a new American revolution. It's never going to happen though.....

                            Somthing has to be a catilist for change. I would suggest that a true overunity device, un denyable, plain as day, totally proven(like the endless smot) would be a pretty valid start.

                            I also would like to note that again, I'm not so much a disbeliever that the tech is real or possible....I just DO believe that if it already had been done(for real) there would be some REAL proof. If it's a Bedini ferris wheel, then that's prolly going to take a team of really smart people to prove. If you got rid of the big wheel and all the charging apparatus and simplified it down to what is supposedly the "self idling" center hub, it would be easier yet to prove. If Skywatcher could get his ball back to the beginning of his SMOT it's wouldn't take very much to prove at all would it? If John has a self Idling hub, why does it matter what kind of machine anybody makes from it? You could make a battery charger and I could make a fan.

                            I know there is more here to address....unfortunately, I actually have to work for a little bit today too....I'll be back

                            And thank all you guys who are taking part in this.
                            Last edited by 142857; 01-28-2011, 07:30 PM. Reason: oops


                            • #15
                              I hope

                              this conversation didn't just die?

                              I do think these are valid questions to be asking ourselves and eachother.

