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Youtube Being sponsored by Free Energy?

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  • Youtube Being sponsored by Free Energy?

    I was on Youtube today (Jan. 31 2011) and noticed their ad that hangs on the top of their page. It talking about a compact car conspiracy, Since I drive a compact car I clicked on it and come to find nothing really special about the topic of compact cars. It was the other things they have on that page that really got me wondering. Some of the links took you to a page talking about tesla, moray,and even Bearden too. Plus they talk about cars that got 200 miles to the gallon and hydrogen fuel cells and many others too.

    Here is what Youtube looked like with the ad i’m talking about

    This is the website it takes you to…

    And heres a picture of the Links on that page that take you to the free energy webpages.

    Heres a direct link to the web page it take you to.
    Get De-programmed

    This one of the links where it talks about free energy
    New Energy Sources, Inventions, Breakthroughs

    This is a link to the very fuel efficient car
    Big Oil conspiracy! 376 mpg 1959 Opel uncovered! :

    I thought this would be a good thing to point out incase others didn’t see it.
    Last edited by ibpointless2; 01-13-2012, 01:48 AM.
    All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer

  • #2
    I'm sure this is some directed advertisement, especially if you are logged in, youtube easily knows your trend and can use ads that would appeal to you.

