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Successful and practical free energy device exist?

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  • #31
    Another Interesting Statement

    For those who still think they don't exist.

    " leaving them connected to the output of the self-runner setups where you can
    have 2000-5000V pulses as I showed some years back. Still to this day that meter
    will now fluctuate up and down no matter what I do, but that is not really what
    I am talking about.
    > We have worked with many digital engineers over the years, and all of them
    that I can think of have not understood the problems in trying to control any of
    these for lack of better words, I want to say it is like a wild wayward youth
    that is unpredictable in behavior. Yes, that is one way to put it. You cannot
    tame it easily or work with it. The digital world is not the real world, and few
    digital people know much about analog anymore. But especially this kind of
    technology that is unfiltered and unclamped. All training leads to removing
    these radical and destructive forces for the reasons I am mentioning. All
    circuitry for over 100 years is made to suppress this and fix this problem. It
    is somewhat unpredictable and therefore not dependable. That is unless you
    really understand it. So we are talking about two worlds here. Not so much the
    digital and analog world. But more like the Edison and Tesla world perhaps. The first represents a convenient
    put-it-in-a-box-and-sell-to-the-controlled-slaves-forever system that does not
    go away easily. The later is entirely different, free, limitless, and will
    swallow up the former. The later is a whole other system which is based on other
    principles. The Tesla system, if allowed to be developed would have had all the
    benefits and much more, of what we have today in modern technology. But the two
    do not mix well. The one is linear and the later is nonlinear. But just HOW does
    the Tesla swallow up and destroy the Edison is a long story I am not prepared to
    get into at 6AM this morning." - Rick Friedrich



    • #32
      Maybe we are running out of time, and patients. It seams that the more we work at this, the farther it gets to becoming a reality.
      Or, maybe we're just not ready for it yet... until we can prove that we deserve it.
      "Might is right" is still our way of life, keeping us slaves to the existing systems.
      There are solar panels, and such. But, the price is still, out there....and also, they are being controlled to only produce just enough to not compete with any existing technologies. They are making them unaffordable, so there won't be any real competition. Nice, huh? It that what is called reverse engineering? NO WONDER!!!

