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Successful and practical free energy device exist?

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  • Successful and practical free energy device exist?

    Read many introductory books on free energy devices and materials, claims in the success of these books in the device, and I have done many experiments, such as: Bedini, Adams and so on. . . . However, these devices do not actually feel the significance, very disappointed.
    So far, though none of the world: the real, practical and successful free energy device.
    In the end when practical, successful free energy device to appear?


  • #2
    Opposite Effect

    Originally posted by sunboy View Post
    Read many introductory books on free energy devices and materials, claims in the success of these books in the device, and I have done many experiments, such as: Bedini, Adams and so on. . . . However, these devices do not actually feel the significance, very disappointed.
    So far, though none of the world: the real, practical and successful free energy device.
    In the end when practical, successful free energy device to appear?

    Hey Sun,
    Welcome to the world of The Power That Be. All games and no play.

    Let me help you out, throw away everything that you have learned about electricity, including posts here.

    If you really want it, you will get it. It takes a different logic than what you are accustomed to.

    Start here. Elementary treatise on electricity and magnetism.
    Elementary treatise on electricity and magnetism - Google eBookstore

    Read it front to back. Do not stand under, apply your new found knowledge. Everything will fall into place if you are truly ready.

    Good luck.:
    welcome: for you & I


    • #3

      missing from previous post.


      • #4
        Sustainable indefinite energy

        Some people postulate that it's possible to produce indefinite electricity with Tesla Coils or/ and magnet devices.

        Untill now, I can't say that it's a scam or that it is possible to produce renewable energy with those devices. I can tell you that it's doable to build your own solar panels and windmills for home without paying tons of money at retail stores and at construction companies.
        Visit my Blog:


        • #5

          Oh yes there is: ... advancing the legacy of Bill Muller's work in Motor/Generators...

          Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


          • #6
            depends on how you want to look at practical. Practical is an assimilation of all possible alternate energies that we are surrounded with currenty, practical is tapping into all the wasted ele potential all around us. Practical are the things we could already be doing if our govs interests and our US economy wasn't so deeply intertwined with oil.

            As for "real" "free" energy would seem that there is no such thing as of yet.
            However, having said that....I suspect that if ever there is a true self running device it will very likely come from the labors of the sorts of people you will meet on this board.

            Also remember to keep you mind open, but approach all things with a healthy dose of skepticism, as there seems to be many many people in the race to discover or invent this thing who seem to have made themselves somehow believe they have "another" self-running device. (as if the first true self running device wouldn't have already been on the eve news.) In other words, I believe that some of the people into this sort of thing believe too much of the lore they have read, and have some how convinced themselves that this guy and that guy and maybe even themselves have already done this, without realizing the implication of such a thing.

            I've said it here before: A true self running device will be of the higest order of human invention....even if it does not do any useable work.

            I realize I'm nobody, and I'm not nearly as knowledgable as many of the people on this forum, but......I think, forgetting everything you've ever learned about electrisity is just plain stupid.
            Electrisity works the way it works, look around. Aks yourself this: Is there any other science that we know of, whose theory and application are "wrong" but still totally workable and useable.
            Electromagnetic theories may indeed have some holes in them, there may be holes that need filling, there may be more that we know about, but what we do got, works. Even John Bedini follows common electrical practices, all his stuff is based and opperates on basic electronic knowhow....

            This stuff is endlessly facinating to me, and obviously others...but, many of them won't leave the smoke screen and are ultimately unable to prove what they think....thus perpetuating the myth of a "free energy" device they believe they saw one time and or think they know how to make.

            Look, at every angle, don't be fooled just because you want to believe. Remember that lots of "impossibilities" have indeed been achieved throughout our history...this is another...perhaps we can eventually prove that it wasn't impossible after all.


            • #7
              I see there has been a successful replication of Muller's motor in Thailand.
              Yes I believe there are numerous real world useful Free energy (as in no fuel or continued input power from anything except 'zero point' type sources) devices and a number are known but it seems getting them available and into production for the average Joe's household or vehicle is the big hangup. Many are bought out/supressed or disappear for unknown reasons.

              It would seem inventing a 'Free Energy' device is EASIER than getting one into production and into the hands of the people. You would almost think the PTB and ultra wealthy want to keep their wealth and power
              Last edited by ewizard; 02-04-2011, 07:05 PM.
              There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


              • #8
                Originally posted by 142857 View Post

                I realize I'm nobody, and I'm not nearly as knowledgable as many of the people on this forum, but......I think, forgetting everything you've ever learned about electrisity is just plain stupid.
                There are many phenomenas of electricity that are still not told. The Power That BE can be yours if you so choose to learn it.

                If you wish to Learn the Facts, please do read the before mentioned book. If you are comfortable with the Authorities speculations, that is fine with me.

                Good Day.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by powerme View Post
                  Hey Sun,
                  Welcome to the world of The Power That Be. All games and no play.

                  Let me help you out, throw away everything that you have learned about electricity, including posts here.

                  If you really want it, you will get it. It takes a different logic than what you are accustomed to.

                  Start here. Elementary treatise on electricity and magnetism.
                  Elementary treatise on electricity and magnetism - Google eBookstore

                  Read it front to back. Do not stand under, apply your new found knowledge. Everything will fall into place if you are truly ready.

                  Good luck.:
                  welcome: for you & I
                  Just a note on the book above. Although it might look like you need to purchase it from Google's ebookstore you do NOT. It's a FREE download available as a PDF or in other formats. Thanks for pointing this out powerme!
                  There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


                  • #10
                    It's amazing to me that one doesn't see the fundamental truth of a fuleless free running device.

                    Oh a dude in tyland has one, billy up the street has one too, and this guy in nebraska, and evidently some crazy old man in poland....

                    I have to respectfully cry bull hock.

                    Again, if this is ever achieved it will be the biggest discovery or invention in the history of mankind.....the first person to realize that he has a truly self running device isn't going to brush it off as "oh, I got one too."

                    Endlessly people will tell you about devices they believe or know about....but there is still no actual evidence....perhaps everybody wants to pretend they are in the middle of an x-files episode and hiding from the govt man.

                    So even if the US, the great oil monger, wants all these ideas to dissapear, why wouldn't China be all over this stuff?

                    Any free running self moving device will turn physics upside down for a while wether or not it really breaks any laws or theories.

                    As I said before Occam's razor would seem to suggest that nobody has actually done it yet....rather than dozens of guys in their workshops have already done it and can't get anybody to look at it due to massive worldwide suppression.


                    • #11
                      Treatise of Human Knowledge

                      Originally posted by 142857 View Post
                      It's amazing to me that one doesn't see the fundamental truth of a fuleless free running device.

                      Oh a dude in tyland has one, billy up the street has one too, and this guy in nebraska, and evidently some crazy old man in poland....

                      I have to respectfully cry bull hock.

                      Again, if this is ever achieved it will be the biggest discovery or invention in the history of mankind.....the first person to realize that he has a truly self running device isn't going to brush it off as "oh, I got one too."

                      Endlessly people will tell you about devices they believe or know about....but there is still no actual evidence....perhaps everybody wants to pretend they are in the middle of an x-files episode and hiding from the govt man.

                      So even if the US, the great oil monger, wants all these ideas to dissapear, why wouldn't China be all over this stuff?

                      Any free running self moving device will turn physics upside down for a while wether or not it really breaks any laws or theories.

                      As I said before Occam's razor would seem to suggest that nobody has actually done it yet....rather than dozens of guys in their workshops have already done it and can't get anybody to look at it due to massive worldwide suppression.
                      I can not help you, only you can do it if you choose so.

                      What you have learned, seen, and read and believe is the engineered values of The Power That BE.

                      In regards to China, I suggest that you learn the facts first and know what was done then and what is being done now. Georgraphical boundries in only a delusion.

                      The Drugging of a Nation, my heart aches with pain and I am ashamed.

                      What is a Man?. 99% of the populace do not posses Human conscious and mentality.

                      Free Energy is not just a device or machine that produces Energy from nothing, it is the Divine Knowledge that makes one a Man.

                      Good Day.l


                      • #12
                        Oh, so it's spiritual?.....that explains why it's so darn "real" but not exactly proveable......just like god....


                        • #13
                          What is it.

                          Originally posted by 142857 View Post
                          Oh, so it's spiritual?.....that explains why it's so darn "real" but not exactly proveable......just like god....
                          If you must know, you are a living proof of Free Energy.

                          If you must have proof, do a controlled study by measure your unit of Energy input and the Energy output produced.

                          There is a whole lot to learn and know. You can produce excess energy very easily with primitive apparatus but you still will not be satisfied as you will not comprehend the result.

                          My favorite demonstration is the influence machine with two opposite rotating cylinder generator. Charged bodies of the same medium will repel continuously with no extra energy input. Construct your cylinders with material of high quality static dielectric constant.

                          Happy learning.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by 142857 View Post
                            As I said before Occam's razor would seem to suggest that nobody has actually done it yet....rather than dozens of guys in their workshops have already done it and can't get anybody to look at it due to massive worldwide suppression.
                            While keeping my mind open, I actually tend to agree in this point.

                            Be real. Today are ages of IT (Information Technology). There is absolutely no way anyone could stop spreading an information about really working, practical device to undermine "gas giant" and "oil demon" influence. Not talking about industrial production. But spreading information to people You trust, and further to people Your trusted people trust, etc.

                            Or one could come up with different scheme.

                            Don't get me wrong, still looking for things, that are contrary to so called "classical" science. Haven't found one, that would be understandable by my knowledge.
                            Energy For Free For Everyone! EFFFE!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Tobias Lighthill View Post
                              I can tell you that it's doable to build your own solar panels and windmills for home without paying tons of money at retail stores and at construction companies.
                              I have 1300 watts of bought panels, and 600 watts of home contructed panels and One consideration that I will pass along to people is that if you are serious about constructing your own panels, definitely: use 1/4" tempered glass, and consider (if your going to produce kilowatts) making a vacuum table. Commercially made panels are put together in a vacuum table. Home made panels even when constructed from identical materials - have bubbles. Bubbles allow for condensation. So far my home made panels have held up for 3 years, and I'd imagine they will last another 5 MAYBE 10. My bought panels may last 25-30.
                              Alberta is under attack...

                              Has anyone seen my Bedini Ceiling Fan that pushes the warm air down, and charges batteries as an added bonus? Me neither. 'Bout time I made one!!!!! :P

