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Growing Crystals, Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting

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  • Growing Crystals, Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting

    Crystals is the Key to Harvesting energy from the enviroment.

    All semiconducter electronics components are based on different types of crystals, different sizes, different geometries, each quality can be optimized to tune into different frequency.

    With the new development in nano crystals, there's a handful of people conducting nano piezoelectric research at home, I hope that We can also take advantage of this development and use this new technology as a way of obtaining Energy Freedom.

    There are many applications for these piezoelectric crystals, the technology is over 100 years old but not much was done until recently.

    I hope that we some of you will come together and start developing devices such as Nokia Self Charging Phone Battery, Piezo Cells for Self Charging small batteries AAA-C size etc.

    Current Project.Piezoelectric production of Atomize water with HHO for ICE water fuel.

    I have been trying to come up with a simple low temperature method to growing micro size single crystals at low temperature that is simple enough for anyone to perform. the mainstream ZnO single cystals are fused at high temperature and vapor deposited requiring complicated setup and technical expertise.

    This is a simplified version for home use.
    Please use all precaution, I am not responsible for anything that may occur.

    1lb. Zinc powder nano.
    1 gallon ammonia cleaning (ammonium hydroxide)

    Hot plate with Magnetic Stirrer
    teflon coated stir bar.
    1 liter boiling flask with rubber stopper.
    reflux condenser if available.
    water bath.

    Dissolve 30 grams of ZnO in each 300 ml of 30% ammonium chloride/ hydroxide. This is best done by filling 300 ml of 30% amonnium hydroxide into the flask and place on stirrer with teflon bar. Turn on the heat to medium, Turn on Stirrer to low speed, #3. Slowly add zinc oxide to solution. When all ZnO is dispensed, cap flask and turn up stirrer to maximum, bring the heat up to 60 deg C and let it mix for 30 minutes.

    Place flask in the Freezer and freeze solution to -0 degrees C.
    When you reach this temperature, allow an additional 1 hr.

    Before reflux, bath flask in a bowl of room temperature water for 5 minutes to avoid thermal shock and breakage of flask.

    Set up water bath, large boiling glass bowl with water. Put your flask of cold solution in the water bath and set up reflux condenser with water tube, if you don't have one then just cap your flask tightly and turn on heat. Allow solution to heat up to 60 degrees C, maintain 60 deg C temperature for 2 hours, crystals will grow during this time.

    Let solution cool to room temperature, Filter solution and recover crystals

    the crystals are self seeding. these crystals are not the typical large crystals that most people grow at home. the single crystals are very small, nano size, at this size, they are able to pick up all induced waves and convert waves into electrolysis of water.

    There is already a thread on HHO, we can discuss HHO piezoelectric application there,

    and discuss Growing of Crystals here, there are many different types of crystals, and many different method of utilizing them.

  • #2

    ZnO - Zinc Oxide Power, micro or nano either one is fine.


    • #3
      Home Made broad spectrum Lead nano crystals

      I have been tinkering with crystals of Lead Sulfide, Lead Oxide, and Lead Zirconate Titanate.

      Lead is an amazing element that can be adapted to a wide broad spectrum of frequency. Radiant waves is available 24 hrs a day.

      This material deserves serious research and development.


      • #4

        Originally posted by powerme View Post
        I have been tinkering with crystals of Lead Sulfide, Lead Oxide, and Lead Zirconate Titanate.

        Lead is an amazing element that can be adapted to a wide broad spectrum of frequency. Radiant waves is available 24 hrs a day.

        This material deserves serious research and development.
        Could you elaborate on lead. Would the lead crystals work with the HHO ? And
        what are the sources of these lead compounds. Thanks

        Last edited by FRC; 02-15-2011, 07:41 PM. Reason: spelling


        • #5
          Posted on Bedini Earth Lite

          Originally posted by cody View Post
          Not sure how much this relates, but its really cool. Take a look at these alum crystals you can grow. I have read that they grow with the same angle the great pyramid has.

          YouTube - Pyramid alum growing crystal - Cristal d'alun pyramidal

          here's how to make

          YouTube - Alum Pyramid Seed
          YouTube - alum crystal generator 2
          Any comments Powerme ?



          • #6
            Originally posted by FRC View Post
            Any comments Powerme ?

            while a lot of people here wonders off to the mystics of Free Energy, the holy grail of energy if right before your eyes.

            Moray used Lead sulphide, tuned specifically to Radiant Waves that non stop arrives 24hr daily, you can do the very same thing with nano crystal cells of lead sulphide tuned to a broad spectrum up to 500 thz, you can also alloy silicon and have cells that harvest energy 24 hrs daily.

            methods of production is simple and can is being done at home by a very few.

            coils only transforms, no more no less. no free energy. you can make your own advance components, transistors with all types of crystals.

            free energy is harvesting of energy from the environment where it is abundant, they come in different wave length you just need to tune in.


            • #7
              Originally posted by FRC View Post
              Could you elaborate on lead. Would the lead crystals work with the HHO ? And
              what are the sources of these lead compounds. Thanks

              lead is not suitable for HHO, but it is much better in harvesting many different frequencies.

              added plus is it is widely available, I obtain all off my lead from old batteries. i recycle the fluid and lead oxide alloy as it is no use for me.

              with elemental lead, you can easily produce other forms with basic organic chemistry. I also use electrolysis for electro plating aloys, you can achieve precision nano scale depositing with simple molar weight timing.


              • #8
                and the best part, these technologies are old, very old.

                The Royal Society and Cavendish Society have publications on our so called Nano scale materials dating back to the mid 1880s.

                There's a Treatise in Everything, I have ust finished reading a book The Treatsie in Zinc from the late 19th century, it contains everything that I needed to know about Zinc and it's properties and qualities.

                Everyone needs to abolish the LIES they hold as knowledge, it is False manipulated lies.


                • #9
                  Hi Powerme,

                  I have Copper sulfate ( CuSO4.5 H2O )laying around. I have read that it can crystalize, but is it also suitable for HHO production?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Cherryman View Post
                    Hi Powerme,

                    I have Copper sulfate ( CuSO4.5 H2O )laying around. I have read that it can crystalize, but is it also suitable for HHO production?
                    I think Copper sulfate has a dielectric constant of 10, you have the power to investigate it's properties, grow crystals it with different method and find out. the easiest way to reduce crystal size to micro nano size is virgorously stirring of dissolved solution for 30 minutes or so, use a magnetic stirrer.


                    • #11
                      Radiant Energy NOW, 24 hrs a day can be produced at home with Lead Sulfide and Lead Oxide nano crystals.

                      The Power Elite will never make these technologies available to the public but you have the Power to make it happen.

                      The Sun bombards earth with energy daily, enourmous amount of enery. For the so called 1000 watts per meter formula, typical Si photovoltaic ony harvest less that 20% of the visible spectrum, that is less than 10% or 10 watts per meter, that is simply absurd and insanely ridicilous.

                      Grow your own crystals that will work 24 hours daily, Radiant energy is the X ray and Gamma Ray range, and you can tap into this energy source today if you choose to make a Change.


                      • #12
                        sorry, that was 100 watts per meter square.

                        research has already been done on this, you can easily harvest 500 watts per meter square 24 hours a day.

                        Let's do this people.


                        • #13
                          In the case of the HHO it is clear, suspend it in the water.

                          But normally, how do you "wire" up a crystal? How to physically connect it to a circuit?



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Cherryman View Post
                            In the case of the HHO it is clear, suspend it in the water.

                            But normally, how do you "wire" up a crystal? How to physically connect it to a circuit?

                            I think that all you need is a difference of potential for it to work.



                            • #15
                              Tourmaline - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                              All hemimorphic crystals are piezoelectric, and are often pyroelectric as well.

                              2 for the price of one.

                              My Calloway V Gate Motor Video

