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Lets get serious

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  • Lets get serious

    Ladies and Gentelmen,
    I have been going thrue forums, YouTube vidoes and have been investigating every single, however crazy claim of creating free energy... I ended up greatly dissapointed as I was able to prove all of them to be a bogus claims. I do have a deep concers about the energy crises we are heading towards to and about the great ingorance of people(well, in general but mostly)when it comes to the question of global warming.
    I here chalange everyone to show me the device that is capable of creating free energy. I dont want any links to any videos or sites. I want to talk to the individuals that have themselfs managed to build a device. Me and my partners have a will and resources to support anyone who can prove his claims. I would also like to state that me or any of my partners are not going to make any profit out of any information given to us without the agreement of supplier.
    Can we please finnaly get serious and if there is something out there capable of changing the world, we do have contacts and resources to make it happen.
    Thank you for your time.

  • #2
    There are no such devices at this it would seem.

    I have an all too logical electric car idea. It would take a little development, no totally new tech....just would take mass implementation....however I believe it could reduce dependence on oil more than considerably.....which we know, is not truly in our nations best interest, according to our good friend the dollar bill.

    If we had a viable way to reduce dependence say 80%, right now, today....would we?


    • #3
      If you have ten million Australian to buy the device and the tech outright, drop me a PM with your contact details, I'll arrange the introduction. If you're serious.

      Incidentally, none of your money goes in my pocket. I have no interest in this beyond teeing up a buyer with a seller. I'm not even sure if ten mill would be required, what the seller actually said last saw him when I asked him about selling was "first person to wheel a a wheelbarrow full of money into my yard can take it all."
      “When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving a cross.”


      • #4
        Originally posted by tachyon496 View Post
        Ladies and Gentelmen,
        I here chalange everyone to show me the device that is capable of creating free energy.
        I would like to converse with you. I would be happy to show you the work I have done and the devices I have built. I have had some promising results but my product is in development and I could use some financial assistance. Thank-you.
        There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


        • #5
          Bogus Claims

          Originally posted by tachyon496 View Post
          Ladies and Gentelmen,
          I have been going thrue forums, YouTube vidoes and have been investigating every single, however crazy claim of creating free energy... I ended up greatly dissapointed as I was able to prove all of them to be a bogus claims.
          You must not of looked at very much, and seem to claim to have some
          expertise. I don't have that much expert knowledge and am dumbfounded
          about explaining where the extra energy is coming from in my latest Bedini circuit. You may not want to call it free energy, but what else is it. You appear to have a very narrow definition of what free energy is.



          • #6

            Dear FRC,
            You see people offen belive that they are creationg "free energy" when this is not acctually taking place. Once you measured ove all energy input and output there is no energy gain whatsoever. In case you would like to discase your particular circut, I would be more then happy to do so.
            Looking forward to hearing from you.


            • #7
              I give up

              Originally posted by tachyon496 View Post
              Dear FRC,
              You see people offen belive that they are creationg "free energy" when this is not acctually taking place. Once you measured ove all energy input and output there is no energy gain whatsoever. In case you would like to discase your particular circut, I would be more then happy to do so.
              Looking forward to hearing from you.
              I am not creating anything. Just drawing on some source of radiant energy that is already there. The circuit is just the basic Bedini SSG circuit that I finally was able to replicate after many attempts and burned out parts. I am seeing more with this circuit than my previous Imhotep radiant charging circuit. But I give up. Every week or so someone comes on this forum and claims there are no Free energy devices or trys to belittle what progress is being made. So believe what you want to believe. I should not have to convince anyone of anything. I will just keep on reaping the benefits of what I have learned here. Saving money on energy costs while you can go on
              wasting yours. This forum is for people who want to explore alternatives and learn better ways of obtaining energy than the antiquated forms we have been forced to use for the last hundred years. So, as I said, I give up trying
              to justify or explain to anyone who refuses to see what is here and learn for themselves.



              • #8
                Because i am at his Device now.

                Tachyon why dont you connect J. Newman
                and talk about his Motor with him.
                He has surely a running Prototype, what he can show the World,
                when you are serious.

                He claims that his Motor can do work with no Costs.
                Here is his Webpage.
                The Energy Machine of Joseph Newman

                And else, why do you think, that especially you
                can bring a Device on the Market, what has a bigger Effience as the
                regular Devices.
                There been hundrets or thousands before you the last 90 Years,
                not even Sponsors, even Inventors what tried to bring her Devices on the Market and failed miserable,
                but not because of her bad Skills to sell something,
                but because of the Lobbies at the Economy.
                For that are enough Examples over HHO to Stan Meyers, any Invention
                for E-Cars or Lutec.
                It is not that simple as you think, or do you actually
                only look for the Plans for such a Device.

                For my Part, i do know, that they do exist,
                but it would be the last Way i would go, to look for a Company,
                what claims first to wanna sell the Device,
                and later end up in a Mess.

                Mainly it seems more like, some Guys rummage the Net about
                Devices, what then later will dissappear.
                Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                • #9

                  Thank you for your comments gentelmen. I am familiar with the works of Mr. Newman, as well as I am familiar with the works of Mr. Dingel, Mr. Meyers, Mr. Breaden and so on. I am not here to offened anybody, or convince anybody about anything, or to lead any discussion on politics or conspiracy theories. I simply urge anyone who personaly has got something that could be called extraodinary to contact me.
                  Thank you.


                  • #10
                    Well, I told you if you wanted to see a device, you would have to come to Australia, and you told me you couldn't justify the trip without further information.

                    Fair enough. But that puts paid to the notion that quote
                    I here chalange everyone to show me the device that is capable of creating free energy. I dont want any links to any videos or sites. I want to talk to the individuals that have themselfs managed to build a device
                    There is such an individual, less than a day's drive from Brisbane international airport, who you could talk to while you watch his devices in operation. He is very keen to find a consortium to take all of his technology and knowledge and do something positive with it. Indeed he already began effort to that end but stopped after receiving a series of threats to himself and his family. He now simply wants to onsell the whole lot and forget all about it.

                    I find it quite suspicious that an individual who claims to represent a group with billions of pounds already invested in research can't manage to find under a thousand pounds to buy a return ticket to investigate a working device. I mean, students can afford to come in here for holidays in their gap year, but this well financed group cannot get a man to at least come and see a working device in action and meet with it's inventor? Very strange.

                    However, the effort to mine information relating to the device and it's operation on your part rang warning bells for me. Is this just another one of those fly by night operations who claim to have the means to do the tertiary production, but who in fact are just looking for working prototypes to reverse engineer? Because that's what it seems like.

                    You say you have a simple way to test output, and that using your test you've managed to debunk the claims of many luminaries in the field of edge science and alternative energy production. Well that's great, but somehow I doubt a personal friend of mine would be impressed if I brought a person to his house to see his devices working, when all they want to do is use their testing criteria to "prove" they don't work.

                    Furthermore, while I do regret any insult taken, English is the international language of business. Might I suggest that if you are indeed motivated to appear serious and do wish to represent your business interests in a professional light, that in future, you might use some of the considerable financial resources available to you to employ somebody who knows how to operate a spell checker, because misspelling one word per sentence or more does not present a very professional image at all.

                    In closing, I believe you inhibit your chances for success by both the assumption people will simply hand you all of the knowledge to build a working model of their invention in good faith, with nothing but the word of a complete stranger as surety AND the presumption that anyone in business would take seriously the overtures of someone who can't even make the effort of having a secretary parse their communications for simple spelling errors.

                    (I'm available, at the rate of $1 per word, to do editorial and secretarial work, if you've a need.)
                    “When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving a cross.”


                    • #11
                      Well said Noises

                      Here is a Canadian device. He already got a one million dollar investment from
                      Bret Wilson, Maybe you can add to it or buy him out completely tachyon496 .


                      YouTube - Dragon's Den - Vorktex MagnaCoaster Power Generation

                      Last edited by FRC; 02-17-2011, 11:28 PM. Reason: more links


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by FRC View Post
                        Here is a Canadian device. He already got a one million dollar investment from
                        Bret Wilson, Maybe you can add to it or buy him out completely tachyon496 .


                        YouTube - Dragon's Den - Vorktex MagnaCoaster Power Generation

                        That's a great outcome! I'd like to hear more about how that goes for the inventor and investor.
                        “When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving a cross.”


                        • #13
                          You want to call Dr. Daniel Nocera of M.I.T. "bogus"? Be my guest; but please give us YOUR credentials

                          You want to call the U.S. Naval Research Lab, who last year admitted LENR/cold fusion is "real" on "Sixty Minutes", and that it can operate at "overunity" levels... "Wrong"? Have fun there.

                          There are now proofs in the mainstream media, although they are not touted nationally. This is your "challenge": Stop pissing on the deliberate and professionally-done dis-info psy-ops games we see on YouTube and some of these "free energy news sites"... and go after the ones admitted to exist in the "mainstream"


                          • #14
                            Greetings to all users here.First my apologies for reviving this dead thread, i decided that's its worth it because of its topic and posts.Unlike this guy tachyon I don't have any deep eletro-mechanical skills or degree in the required fields to tests schematics from i-net or inventors theories.My field of knowledge is strictly in the esoteric field, but I have one thing that is invaluable and better than any knowledge and that is intuition. Every time I'm sure something is 100% true and right I get some sort of a body sign or stuff happens in my life, but most of the times its the stuff that people like to call goosebumps, electrical feeling etc.Every single time I've talked with someone about radiant energy, ZPE, ether, I've had the signs, its damn real i know it even though I'm not good at any science field.My gut is never wrong.Just yesterday I had talked with my mother and explained her that I'm sure at least hundred of people have been bashed by the corporations so that they never release such invention out and she told me, son you got to prove that it exist get in touch with people who can build it or have build working prototype otherwise nobody is gonna take your word for granted, so that's what im doing I'm trying really hard!

                            Like the above user I've been trying really hard to find a machine that is shown to power-up a normal house or car with ZPE.I've sent some questions to various inventors and I have not received reply.I even wrote to the Methernitha community where Paul Baumann worked on the testatika, they were the only one to answer that the research team responsible for the project no longer exist and since that time its been shutdown.I just can't seem to find a working prototype to show to the world!

                            Now you may get fishy about me and ask who the hell is that maroon with 1post asking for zpe working machine proof!I'm willing to provide any sort of information about me to the person who can get me in touch with someone who has ZPE working prototype build and is willing to show it.I cannot steal anything as like i said above I do not even know how to draw a simple schematic, plus I will explain my intentions so you can understand me better.I'm currently writing a book, a detailed plan to revolt against the current monetary system that is ruling over the simple citizen, the system which in the end is run by big fat corporations who care only for profits and they'd use any means to silence inventors of such machines or their attempts to produce it on a massive scale.

                            I have no wife, and nobody that dear to me that I care so much for that I'm not willing to sacrifice for the sake of humanity, I'm willing to put everything on the line for the sake of achieving the following:

                            I've long been involved in protesting peacefully with ecological groups, against laws that would cut the forest in my country, against the fracking companies that would drill our land and pollute our water and food, yet all current movements, be it occupy, be it the venus project, be it Thrive they all lack one simple thing.

                            They lack scale.They want to get people to join them by making themselves known via facebook, forums, movies, seminars.My opinion is that if we do it that way by the time everyone wants to join the earth will be devastated from the corporations, but not just the earth the normal people will be trying to just get fed and that will be the biggest need of all.We must not let it come to this, we got to shock the world good enough so that millions decide to join a worldwide revolution against governments and corporations that rule over us.The best way to get everyone on board would be to show a ZPE machine that is giving electricity to a house and its machines.This needs to happen simultaneously over dozen of tv programs all over the world in the prime TV time.

                            If such a machine exists I'm willing to sacrifice my life and make that action of showing it to your average joe reality, I would never share who's the inventor of the machine if they wish to remain hidden, I just want to show the world that such machine exists and I'm sure the richest corps like J.P. Morgan and governments have working models but since they are basically one thing they both hide it to keep profits from wars for oil and profits from oil.

                            If such invention is shown worldwide on the tv programs in the prime time, the scale of the shock will be massive: a lot people would wake up and many will join the movements that currently fight against the evil.That is the prime goal to get everyone on board and take those evil people down so that we can allow this machine to be produced on a massive scale without anyone stopping it or treating to kill its inventor or the people who are trying to multiply it.

                            I'm very poor, I'm unemployed atm, I still haven't released any of my books so I have no big source of income, however I'm willing to go anywhere and follow all kind of instructions in order to show one such device working to the world.I'm sure that I will manage to find money to get anywhere even if it means taking a loan and never paying it back, heck I'd probably not live much longer after this device is shown on tv so my life insurance will probably cover the debt.But I live by simple rule:Its better to live a short and worthy life than long and miserable one.If you can't turn back and say: " I've done good for the world" your life means ****.

                            Just for the sake of humanity if anyone in this forum can help me out please do, my other action is to go to tibet and pray for guidance from above, but since few people said in this topic they know of such working machine, i count on you to help me out first.I'm not looking to profit from this I just want to stop the ignorance worldwide regarding ZPE.

                            I've contacted so far:
                            Methernitha-got negative answer
                            Tomas Valone-no reply
                            Joseph Newman-no reply
                            Mohamed from Egypt-no reply
                            Bulgarian inventors-ZPE doesn't exist in their opinion which is bs.

                            The main thing the world needs to see is not something powering weird stuff, people need to see this machine powering their tv, their fridge, their computer and so forth, so do not send me to videos of that lack details, I've watched too many over the inet and neither was detailed enough, this needs to be shown in real-time from all angles so that people can be sure that no bull**** is happening, people need to see that its not drawing power from anywhere but the universe or magnetism.Once again if you know of one such working model and someone is willing to trust a complete stranger who sounds nutz on a inet forum contact me!

                            Thank you in advance



                            • #15
                              Perhaps the Answer is Not New!

                              Why look for new ways when there are viable ways and sources of clean energy already at hand? I just posted a new announcement about a company who is set to launch a new business to promote creation of clean energy. This does not involve selling green products, battery kits and or solar panels -- it is a real way to make a difference and generate an income in the process.

                              Please take a look at my post and let me know if you want to learn more. We launch next week!

                              Please -- no spam and I am not interested in buying or promoting affiliate products!


