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The Lee-Tseung Lead-out/Bring-in Energy theory

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  • #46
    Added information to wikipedia

    I added the following information to "tuning fork resonance" section in wikipedia. Waiting for reactions.

    One fact ignored by scientists in the past related to tuning fork resonance is the energy aspects. When one tuning fork is struck, it vibrates and interacts with the air molecules. The random motion of the molecules is then changed into a pulsing order. This pulsing ordered molecules can do work such as vibrating other tuning forks. The energy comes from the existing kinetic energy of the air molecules.

    This new understanding of sound resonance is extremely important. The tuning forks set-up can be thought of as an OPEN system allowing kinetic energy of the air molecules to flow in and out. Such systems will not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy or any other Laws of Physics.

    The new understanding basically states that a vibrating tuning fork interacts with the constantly moving air molecules. This changes the random order into a pulsed order. If another identical tuning fork is there to react to the pulsed order, this other identical tuning fork will be made to vibrate (do work). The resulting sound will be louder and last longer. This is likely to be a common phenomenon with all resonance system.

    For Electrical (LCR) resonance, the energy is likely to be the electron motion energy of the orbiting electrons. An orbiting electron can be thought of as a tiny magnet or dipole. If this dipole or a group of such dipoles oscillate under pulsing circuits, the huge quantity of electron motion energy can be brought-in to the resonating system.

    Thus many claimed overunity devices now have a solid scientific basis. They are not hoaxes. They are OPEN systems with energy flowing in and out from the surrounding environment. With suitable resonance conditions, such energy can be made to do useful work or converted into other useful forms such as electricity.


    • #47
      invitation to Sweden

      I am getting some unexpected publicity and invitations. Here is one of them.
      Last edited by ltseung888; 06-03-2011, 03:14 PM.


      • #48
        Lawrence Tsong
        I reviewed the Fleet scope shots and I see you have made much progress.

        Now to get back to the Joule ringer I think possibly the sympathetic vibrations
        are a product of the negative resistance of the CFL and a regenerative quenching, and also something else that alludes the test equipment.
        Lasersabre had been toying with the Stiffler SEC not long ago.
        I would also say that the bifilars are highly capacitive as well, possibly a novel but effective buffer. thankyou for the hard work !


        • #49
          computer simulation of the vibrating tuning fork experiment

          The Computer Simulation Program

          I would like to have a simple computer simulation program demonstrating that a vibrating piston can change the random order of air molecules into a pulsing order. The pulsing ordered molecules can do useful work. The energy comes not only from the moving piston but also from the kinetic energy of the air molecules.

          Since this is a proof-of-concept model, we can simplify things somewhat.

          1. We use a two dimensional model with only X and Y axis.
          2. The Piston moves only on the X axis from +x1 to –x1. The velocity varies from 0 at the +x1 to Vmax at the middle and 0 at the –x1 position. The acceleration and deceleration is constant Apiston.
          3. Since the piston oscillates around the neutral axis, energy is imparted to the air molecules when moving in the +X direction. Energy will be taken away from the air molecules when moving in the –X direction.
          4. The Piston has height Hpiston and has mass Mpiston. This Mpiston is 1 million times more than the mass of an air molecule.
          5. The air molecules all travel with velocity Vair. However, they may travel randomly at 180 degrees. They may come in at one single point +x2.
          6. The mass of each air molecule is assumed to be Mair.
          7. The collision between an air molecule and the piston is assumed to be elastic (no loss of energy) and the Law of Conservation of Momentum and the Law of Conservation of Energy are obeyed.
          8. The purpose of the simulation is to show at a distance +x3, will the molecules show a different momentum with time? Will a pulsing order be produced?
          9. Can we demonstrate conclusively that the random motion of the air molecules are changed into a pulsed order?

          Intrusively, we know that if a tennis ball is hit hard at us, we can return it harder. (The ball’s kinetic energy is added to ours.) We can also slow down the pace by simply blocking or drop-shot it. (The ball’s kinetic energy is subtracted).

          Any Comment?

          God gives us the answers via Inspiration and Divine Revelation. Men still have to do the mathematics and experiments. Belief must be changed to Scientific Facts. Amen.
          Last edited by ltseung888; 03-04-2011, 05:15 PM.


          • #50
            Any Student Programmers?

            Conversation with Computer Programmer Lau

            Lau: “I understand what you want to do after examining the diagram.”

            Tseung: “Do you think you can write such a program. What is the cost and how long would it take?”

            Lau: “The result is actually obvious even before the writing of the computer simulation. During the movement of the piston in the –X direction, the colliding molecules will gain momentum and hence velocity and energy. When the movement of the piston is in the +X direction, the colliding molecules will lose momentum and hence velocity and energy. You will get a pulsed force at the wall W.”

            Tseung: “How about the energy?”

            Lau: “The air molecules gain and lose energy to the piston as the set-up is almost symmetrical. The net result is to change the random order of motion into a pulsed order.”

            Tseung: “How much would you charge for writing such a program?”

            Lau: “I am sorry to say. The cost is more than you can afford. Let some computer students do it as an exercise.”
            Last edited by ltseung888; 06-03-2011, 03:14 PM.


            • #51
              Miracle in progress???

              Phone call with Computer Programmer Lau

              Lau: “It is me. Are you surprised to hear from me?”

              Tseung: “Frankly yes. I cannot afford your price. I hope that some students would take it as a challenge and work at the program for free.”

              Lau: “I am so intrigued that I am willing to work with you for free. You can give me some Company stock when and if you or your group forms a Company. Otherwise, just treat it as my humble contribution to the good of the Human Race.”

              Tseung: “Thank you in advance.”

              Lau: “I was thinking – the motion of the piston can be a simple harmonic motion or a sine wave. If you start on the extreme LHS, the velocity is zero. It will slowly increase in the +X direction with the maximum at the neutral axis and then slowly decrease still in the +X direction. At the extreme RHS, the velocity is zero. It will slowly increase in the –X direction with the maximum at the neutral axis and then slowly decrease still in the –X direction. At the extreme LHS, the velocity is zero. The cycle will then repeat. Thus we can use the simple sine wave to represent the movement of the piston.”

              Tseung: “Let me think about it. But please continue to work on the problem.”

              @all readers: any comments?

              God works Miracles. Even the profit motive of the average Human Being can be overcome. Amen.


              • #52
                An innocent assumption that misleads

                The guts of the Computer Program

                Tseung: “I accept your proposal on the Piston movement. It will be a simple harmonic motion or a sine wave. This is what scientists observe for many common systems in the oscilloscope. Now what are the equations to use in the elastic collision of an air molecule with the Piston?”

                Lau: “The two equations are the Conservation of Momentum and the Conservation of Energy. Momentum has direction. In our simplified model, we can assume the molecule coming out at angle a towards the moving piston. The X component of the velocity is Vmolecule x cos(a). The Y component of the velocity is Vmolecule x sin(a). In Physics, we can deal with these two components separately.”

                Tseung: “Let me use the simplest case to get some understanding. Let us assume a head-on collision. In this case the angel a = 0. Let us assume the molecule bounces back with the same molecular velocity. What will happen to the velocity change in the piston?”

                Lau: “You can use the Law of Conservation of Energy. The kinetic energy before the collision is equal to that after the collision.”

                Tseung: “Here is goes: I shall use 0.5 instead of the common ½ term. I shall use the * symbol instead of the x symbol to indicate multiply. Equation 1 is:

                0.5Mpiston * Vpiston * Vpiston + 0.5Mmolecule * Vmolecule * Vmolecule
                = 0.5Mpiston * V1piston * V1piston + 0.5Mmolecule * V1molecule * V1molecule

                We can make the assumption that the mass of the Piston is Y time the mass of molecule and that the velocity of the molecule is reversed in direction completely.

                Y * Mmolecule * Vpiston * Vpiston + Mmolecule * Vmolecule * Vmolecule
                = Y * Mmolecule * V1piston * V1piston + Mmolecule * V1molecule * V1molecule

                Y * Vpiston * Vpiston + Vmolecule * Vmolecule
                = Y * V1piston * V1piston + V1molecule * V1molecule

                Y * Vpiston * Vpiston + Vmolecule * Vmolecule
                = Y * V1piston * V1piston + (-Vmolecule) * (-Vmolecule)

                Y * Vpiston * Vpiston + Vmolecule * Vmolecule
                = Y * V1piston * V1piston + Vmolecule * Vmolecule

                Y * Vpiston * Vpiston = Y * V1piston * V1piston

                Vpiston = V1piston……………………………………….Equation 1”

                Lau: “You have arrived at the expected result. If the molecule bounces back with exactly the same velocity, there will be no change in the piston velocity. It is as if the piston is of infinite mass. In reality, the magnitude of V1molecule should be slightly less than Vmolecule if the piston accelerates (Vpiston1 > Vpiston). The magnitude of V1molecule should be slightly greater than Vmolecule if the piston decelerates (Vpiston1 < Vpiston).”

                Tseung: “Thus my assumption that the molecule bounces back with exactly the same velocity but in opposite direction is wrong. It should be slightly higher or lower.”

                Lau: “You got it. You can work out how much faster or slower using the Law of Conservation of Momentum.”

                Thank you for the physicists who perfected the Newtonian Physics. Amen.

                *** This discussion shows a common (and easily made fault) in logical thinking. An innocent assumption (explicit or implicit) can mislead totally. The assumption of a CLOSED system killed or delayed the development of many overunity inventions!


                • #53
                  Simple proof-of-concept spreadsheet

                  Simple Computer model to illustrate proof-of-concept

                  I wrote a simple spreadsheet to check on the validity of the proof-of-concept computer model. It assumes the molecule travels initially with velocity Vm in the +X direction and collides with Piston initially travelling with velocity Vp in the –X direction.

                  The spreadsheet allows me to calculate the velocity of the molecule after collision that obeys the Law of Conservation of Momentum and the Law of Conservation of Energy by varying the values of Vm, Vp and the ratio of the mass (Piston/molecule).

                  With the simple assumption used in the spreadsheet, the Piston velocity slowed by 0.0022% and the molecular velocity rebounded with an increase of 20%.

                  This simple spreadsheet showed that the molecular velocity can increase very significantly after the collision – confirming the validity of the basic assumptions. The vibrating piston can affect the velocity of the moving molecules significantly. Energy can be transferred to produce the pulsing order.

                  Edit: The attachment function here does not support .xls or .zip files. I put the spreadsheet at my bench at
                  What is New?

                  God reveals the truth. Men still need to do the step-by-step confirmation. Amen.
                  Last edited by ltseung888; 03-07-2011, 12:39 PM.


                  • #54
                    Do you understand the electrical and physics teachings from asia ?
                    Because the many volumes of ideas put in chinese charecter.
                    As we use pictures and icons in art to convey ideas we can try.

                    This is of interest to me because my visit to mainland china I see that
                    the long and respectable history of scientists is unknown to western
                    society. this may explain what the ramble style someone noticed.

                    You can paste the chinese charecter reference here and
                    eventually we will be more familiar. This is not reflection on your english
                    but rather our assimilation of exotic information from asia
                    requires more than an easy direct translation method.

                    What you are saying is that our atmospheric gases can be ordered to allow
                    zpe without casimir and you have a model based on piston that uses
                    harmonics to gain ou. Garret Moddel has spoke of this recently.
                    you have it on spreadsheet the math is correct.
                    I also think this is very interesting because most of experiments of this type
                    lately work on the lab bench and not on the (simulation) spreadsheet.

                    Possibly what you want to accomplish is a java script for animation that will
                    be driven by your math so people can visualize zpe concept.
                    This would be an educational tool and concept promotion of zpe.
                    You feel that this approach using tuning fork is harder to refute.

                    RE: open or closed system.
                    I am not aware of any restrictions, some designers will remind others about their system design.
                    Which is a good point to bring up because these fields of endeavor are still in infancy, not widely published.
                    The mode of operation decision open or closed should be declared variables based on
                    the function. The challenge to OUR JT variants the trophy of which we bestow on OUR progeny. (not polorized )
                    In the battle between unix and microsoft. Computers have been accepted unlike non-conventional energy.
                    Under the tyrany of energy monopoly mostly elites are making decisions. Here we do not accept this.
                    Just as the operating system can have open source code or proprietary or you can use both. (open and/or closed)
                    We are intelligent and can think for ourselves, the trolls are not as effective, should individuals continue
                    not being respectful they may lose priviledges.

                    The group I find for the most part is tolerant, Some here do not have college degrees
                    and I am thankful that self taught individuals bring an interesting balance that
                    does not exist in pure academic sense. Group effort and participation can be found.
                    Last edited by mikrovolt; 03-09-2011, 12:55 AM.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by mikrovolt View Post

                      1. You can paste the chinese charecter reference here and
                      eventually we will be more familiar. This is not reflection on your English
                      but rather our assimilation of exotic information from Asia
                      requires more than an easy direct translation method.

                      2. What you are saying is that our atmospheric gases can be ordered to allow
                      zpe without casimir and you have a model based on piston that uses
                      harmonics to gain ou. Garret Moddel has spoke of this recently.
                      you have it on spreadsheet the math is correct.
                      I also think this is very interesting because most of experiments of this type
                      lately work on the lab bench and not on the (simulation) spreadsheet.

                      3. RE: open or closed system.
                      I am not aware of any restrictions, some designers will remind others about their system design.
                      Which is a good point to bring up because these fields of endeavor are still in infancy, not widely published.

                      4. The group I find for the most part is tolerant. Some here do not have college degrees
                      and I am thankful that self taught individuals bring an interesting balance that
                      does not exist in pure academic sense. Group effort and participation can be found.
                      Dear Milrovolt,

                      You made some good points.

                      1. I shall PM Aaron to see if he objects to have some Chinese Characters appearing in this Forum. If not, I can paste some interesting patent information. Examples include the Wang and Liang patents.

                      2. Thanks for checking out the Mathematics on the piston model. I shall have more than one group checking, rechecking and improving the presentation. Once we accept that model, we do not need to go into the concept of ZPE that is not accepted by the mainstream scientific community yet. We shall be fighting the battle using purely Newtonian Physics. If they reject it, they will be rejecting their own Newtonian Physics.

                      3. I think you made a very good point. Once an Inventor declares that he is working on an OPEN system, there can be no objection based on the Law of Conservation of Energy. He cannot be accused of working on the Impossible Perpetual Motion Machine.

                      4. The fact that many do not have college degrees sometimes gives them an advantage. They have not been “brainwashed” to automatically reject some “controversial” ideas. Many academics automatically condemn overunity research because they refuse even to read the Introduction Page. They automatically and wrongly believe that every system can be CLOSED.

                      The Almighty works Miracles. His Divine Revelation is not for a few Elites. It was like the Miracle of a few fishes and bread feeding thousands. We can all enjoy the feast. The Elite only hands out the fishes and bread. Knowledge will not diminish when it is shared or given away. Amen.


                      • #56
                        hello mr. ltseung

                        I'm currently on a visit to California. I was thinking if you can help me get some DSO info/order. Please check your PM later.


                        • #57

                          Hi Itseung888 very good info you're giving to us . On youtube there was a guy Gurutoyou and shown a resonant ciruit for HHO which I had built. It is very simple circuit with two coils to a ferrite rod. This was true that it resonanted to itself cause the battery took very long time to discharge I noticed. So what you're saying is total truth.


                          • #58
                            Spread the Divine Revelation


                            I am attaching the same slide in Chinese and in English. These slides will be emailed out and posted in the various forums. I shall try to report the responses from the Chinese Forums.


                            Can you post the link to the youtube video by gurutoyou? I have not located it yet. Thank you.

                            With the mathematical proof, it is a certainty that a vibrating tuning fork can create a pulsing order of molecular motion that pulse-pushes other identical tuning forks. The kinetic energy of the air molecules can be brought-in. It is a matter of promotion now.

                            Spread the Divine Revelation and solve the Energy Crisis. Amen.
                            Last edited by ltseung888; 06-03-2011, 03:14 PM.


                            • #59
                              Email to Programmer B

                              Dear Programmer B,

                              The problem is related to the angled collision between an air molecule and an oscillating Piston. I am using the simplest case of a molecule travelling with a molecular velocity of Vm in the +X direction and collide with a Piston moving in the –X direction.

                              The formulae involved are the Conservation of momentum and the Conservation of Kinetic Energy. The X component of the molecular velocity is involved in the Conservation of Momentum Calculation. The Y component of the molecular velocity is assumed to be unchanged.

                              Equation 1: Mm*Vm*cos(a) – Mp*Vp = -Mm*V1m*cos(b) – Mp*V1p

                              Equation 2: Vm*sin(a) = V1m*sin(b)

                              Equation 3:
                              0.5*Mm*Vm*Vm + 0.5*Mp*Vp*Vp = 0.5*Mm*V1m*V1m + 0.5*Mp*V1p*V1p

                              Equation 1 comes from the Law of Conservation of Momentum
                              Equation 2 comes from the Fact that the Y component of velocity is unchanged
                              Equation 3 comes from the Law of Conservation of Energy

                              Mm = Mass of an air molecule
                              Mp = Mass of Piston
                              Vm = Velocity of Molecule before collision
                              V1m = Velocity of Molecule after collision
                              Vp = Velocity of Piston before collision
                              V1p = Velocity of Piston after collision
                              a = angle of travel of molecule before collision
                              b = angle of travel of molecule after collision

                              I can assume R as the ratio of Mass of Piston/Mass of Molecule.

                              In the spreadsheet, I can put in artificial values of
                              Y, Vm, Vp, and angle a.
                              I then get V1p via a small addition/subtraction.

                              V1m can then be calculated in two different ways:
                              A.via Equation 3
                              B.via Combination of Equation 1 and Equation 2

                              I used the stupid and labor intensive technique of varying V1p and get a V1m from A that agrees with a V1m from B.

                              This stupid way gives me a close enough estimate after much hard manual labor. I am looking for a more elegant way of getting the same result. Hope you can help.

                              Thank you in advance.

                              One comment is: “A molecule at an angle of 30 degrees travels towards an approaching piston. It increases its molecular velocity from 1000 to 1178 units. A molecule at an angle of 30 degrees travels towards a receding piston. It decreases it molecular velocity from 1000 to 831 units. That result already confirms that there is energy transfer between air molecules and the oscillating piston. On the LHS, the air molecule gains kinetic energy from the piston. On the RHS, the air molecule loses some of the kinetic energy to the piston. When the piston is moving in the –X direction, all molecules bouncing back in the –X direction will have increased velocity. When the piston is moving in the +X direction, all molecules bouncing back in the –X direction will have decrease velocity. This is the pulsing order you are looking for.”

                              God gave us his Divine Revelation. We just need to look and appreciate. He performed the miracle of turning water to wine. We just need to taste and enjoy! The wine is now available for all to drink. It will not diminish with sharing. Amen.
                              Last edited by ltseung888; 03-10-2011, 02:25 PM.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by ltseung888 View Post

                                I am attaching the same slide in Chinese and in English. These slides will be emailed out and posted in the various forums. I shall try to report the responses from the Chinese Forums.


                                Can you post the link to the youtube video by gurutoyou? I have not located it yet. Thank you.

                                Hi Itseung888 here it is:

                                YouTube - Self resonating powering circuit for HHO cell

