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The Lee-Tseung Lead-out/Bring-in Energy theory

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  • e bringing-in of electromagnetic energy via back EMF

    The bringing-in of electromagnetic energy via back EMF

    A quick understanding can be obtained by looking at the introductory video on Back EMF by Peter Lindermann

    YouTube - what back EMF is

    As you may already know, an electric motor takes in electricity and spins a shaft (or converts electrical energy into mechanical energy). An electricity generator is just the opposite. A rotating shaft on the Generator produces electricity. (or converts mechanical energy to electrical energy).

    Normally we call the force (or voltage) to produce motion as the ElectroMagnetic Force (EMF). If we suddenly stop that force, we can observe a voltage in the opposite direction (back EMF). With a steady rotating motor, the back EMF is also present. It acts effectively as an opposing voltage – lowering or reducing the effective voltage. This is commonly known as Lenz’s Law. The conventional thought is – provide extra voltage (EMF) to overcome it. Thus the conventional motors run hot and energy is wasted to overcome this back EMF.

    What happens if we suddenly stop an input DC voltage and thus DC input current? From the oscilloscope, we can observe the change in waveform. Instead of a sharp end to the waveform, we see a voltage spike and hence current in the opposite direction. This spike can have magnitude much greater than the supplied DC voltage. For example, a 12V DC battery can produce a -30V peak voltage. Note the negative sign.

    The interesting question is – what happens if we have a pulsed DC supply? Can the bring-in energy produce a back EMF much higher than the supplied DC voltage? Can that higher back EMF contain more energy than the Input Energy?

    The analogy question is – if we push a pendulum horizontally with 2 units of energy, 1 unit of gravitational energy can be brought-in. The resulting effective input energy to the pendulum system is 3 units. The pendulum bob swings higher or the amplitude of the swing is higher. There is more energy stored in the system than the 2 units of supplied horizontal energy.

    If electron motion energy can be brought-in, how would that extra energy exhibit itself? The answer from the Oscilloscope is – from the much higher back EMF. This higher back EMF (voltage) can produce a higher current. The resulting back Power (voltage x current) may be more than the supplied Power (voltage x current).

    The secret is how to get this higher resulting back Power into a usable form.

    One technique used on the Pulse Rotation devices is to use a separate set of Collector Coils to collect such energy into usable electrical energy. That energy will be AC in nature but will not be sinusoidal as observed on the oscilloscope.

    Another technique is to use the same coil as both Drive and Collector and use electronic techniques to separate them.

    I personally prefer the separate coil mechanism as I had success with it in the Tong Wheel.

    Devine Revelation 2 is getting clearer and clearer. The water has been turned into wine. We shall have many wine servers to further interpret and serve it. Many thanks to the Almighty for providing us with such inexhaustible, non-polluting energy. Amen.


    • Spreading the three Divine Revelations

      Spreading the three Divine Revelations

      One team will be going back to China tomorrow. This team spent many hours with me going through the theory in detail. They have top notch scientists and engineers. They are associated with the top Universities in China.

      They plan to do a set of experiments within the next two months. If the experiments are successful, they will work on production as soon as possible. Their target is to produce something for the Market within 6 months of successful prototyping.

      Their experiments are likely to include:

      1. The Tuning Fork experiments. The minimum they would do is a 4 tuning fork setup and record the sound intensity and duration at a fixed distance from the first tuning fork. The intensity and duration of 1,2,3…n tuning forks in sympathetic vibration will be compared. This will confirm Revelation 1 – bringing-in kinetic energy of air – beyond any shadow of doubt.

      2. The two stage Milkovic Pendulum and a Pulse Rotational Device. They knew about such setups before meeting with me. The meeting only helped to confirm that they did not waste their time and resources in researching in that direction. They feel that with Divine Revelation 2 – bringing in gravitational or magnetic energy – they do not need to experiment blindly. They can do precision engineering and computer programming.

      3. The LCR resonance circuits. They knew about the Steven Mark device, Joule Thief, Joule Ringer and FLEET. Now they also know the Rosemary circuit. They definitely have two oscilloscopes, signal generators, DC power supplies, toroids, transformers and the electronic components. They will have one Oscilloscope for Input and a separate one for Output measurements. They will be hunting for resonance conditions. Divine Revelation 3 – bringing-in electron motion energy via resonating flux changes – will guide them in their efforts.

      Their comments include:

      “Once you explained the concept of OPEN systems, we are no longer blinded by the dogma of wrongly applying the Law of Conservation of Energy.”

      “The Bring-in Energy Devices are NOT impossible perpetual motion energy machines because you bring-in energy from outside. Once we look at air, gravity, electric and magnetic fields carefully, we know that we cannot draw an imaginary boundary to form a CLOSED system.”

      “The difficulty is likely to be the precision engineering and computer programming. The many inventors on the Internet do not have the resources. Some are lucky enough to hit on the resonance positions. But they lack the resources to follow-up.”

      “Meeting and discussing the issues directly face-to-face is much better than reading on the Internet.”

      “We shall give you one of our first products. We would like to have you as our consultant. We do not mind donating your rewards to a charity of your choice.”

      “We do not believe in God. But we do not mind you believing. China is becoming a FREE country. Freedom of speech and religion will be honored.”

      Are we going to have more servers of wine? Some of them may not even believe in the Almighty! Amen.


      • Divine Revelation 3 - bring-in Electron Motion Energy

        Divine Revelation 3 - bring-in Electron Motion Energy via resonating LCR circuits.

        The best explanation is to refer to the Two Oscilloscope comparison on a FLEET prototype as shown in the figure – (2 scope comparison 2. jpg). The FLEET prototype is essentially a Joule Thief Circuit with a secondary winding on the toroid tuned to resonance. One LCR circuit is the Joule Thief. Another LCR circuit is the added secondary LCR circuit.

        The best FLEET prototype was produced on Oct 9, 2010 at Hong Kong University by Student Felix. The breadboard technique was used. The inductance L comes from the windings on the Toroid. The capacitance C comes from the wiring on the breadboard. The resistance R comes from the resistor and LEDs we put on. See the figure titled – Best Breadboard Technique producing the best prototype on Oct 9, 2010.
        Attached Files


        • Interpreting the Oscilloscope waveform

          The best oscilloscope picture that provides the comparison was from the figure titled Tseung FLEET comparison Index.

          The top LHS diagram represents the Input. The top curve represents the Instantaneous Voltage. It is pulsed in nature. The bottom curve represents the Instantaneous Current (voltage across a one ohm resistor). The product represents the Instantaneous Input Power (Voltage x Current). Note that the Instantaneous Voltage and Current are NOT sinusoidal and are NOT in phase. Thus the Instantaneous Input Power Curve has both positive and negative areas. It was shown isolated on the top RHS.

          Initially I had some problem in interpreting negative area with the Instantaneous Power Curve. Now with Divine Revelation, the picture is clear. The negative area represents power delivered back to the source! The Joule Thief Circuit with the secondary actually provides feedback (or recharging) the battery. This explains the much longer battery life of the battery.

          The bottom LHS diagram represents the Output. The top curve represents the Instantaneous Voltage. It is strongly pulsed compared with the Input. (32 volts Vpp compared with 1.6V Vpp). The bottom curve represents the Instantaneous Current. It is strongly pulsed compared with the Input and is only 50% smaller (212 mV Vpp compared with 312 mV Vpp).

          The Instantaneous Output Power puzzled me for sometime. It has both high positive area and negative area at the same time! The Divine Revelation 3 finally revealed to me that there was fluctuating or oscillating voltage and current in this Output waveform. There is positive power delivered in one direction. There is negative power delivered back to Input at the same time!

          The negative power may have many different interpretations. Some treat it as feedback to recharge or reduce the power from the source. Some treat it as negative resistance and propose new theories.

          I now treat the positive Power and the negative Power separately. The positive Power is used for the load in the conventional sense. The negative Power can be the feedback. Both are much larger than Input. The increase is due to the Bring-in electron motion energy.

          Such wave forms do NOT occur at all LCR values or physical layout positions. Much tuning must be done. This is the secret of two oscilloscope tuning or hunting for resonance.

          Divine Revelation 3 is now clear. There will be many servers of the tasty wine. Amen.
          Last edited by ltseung888; 06-03-2011, 03:14 PM.


          • Quick Summary of the three Divine Revelations

            Quick Summary of the three Divine Revelations

            Revelation 1 – Bringing-in kinetic energy of air molecules. This is the simplest of all the experiments and such experiments have been done thousands of times already. Strike one tuning fork. One or more identical tuning forks nearby will go into sympathetic vibrations. The resulting sound is louder and last longer. The extra sound energy comes from the kinetic energy of air molecules. Resonance condition is required. At present, this Revelation is used for theoretical understanding. No product based on this Revelation is planned.

            Revelation 2 – Bringing-in gravitational or magnetic energy. A horizontally pulse-pushed pendulum can bring-in gravitation energy. The COP for small angles is approximately 1.5. So long as there is tension in the string, gravitational energy can be brought-in. If we replace the pendulum bob with a magnet and place other magnets around, we can bring-in magnetic energy. Magnetic energy is better because it can be greater, have different directions and can be turned on or off. The oscillation can be replaced by pulsed rotation (resonance pulsing). The secret is in the exact turning on and off of the pulsing that depends on the load. Precision engineering and computer programming is needed for best results. Examples include Tong, Newman, Bedini, Adams, Wang, Liang, 225 HP wheels, etc.

            Revelation 3 – Bringing-in Electron Motion Energy. We can use LCR circuits to produce resonance or oscillation circuits. A LCR circuit can be thought of as a tuning fork. We can have multiple LCR circuits in resonance and electron motion energy can be brought-in. The use of two oscilloscopes to display Input and Output waveforms and Power simultaneously is best. Examples include FLEET, Joule Ringer, Steven Mark Device, Stan Meyer HHO generator, Rosemary Circuit etc. This line of products is expected to mushroom quickly as it has no moving parts and the size can be much smaller.

            With the three Divine Revelations, the mystery of Bring-in Energy devices is clarified. The water has been turned into wine. We just need more servers to interpret and produce products for the Masses. Amen.


            • Workshop for Qualified Scientists from many Nations?

              An interesting email that appears to have real backup and potential.

              邮件收悉.我是维多利亚湖东非自由贸易区招商局的负责人,该贸易区于2008年在北京由非洲54国参与,是 经联合国批准成立的,坐落在乌干达与肯尼亚的交界处,总面积580平方公里,享有地方立法权,自治99年, 商品出口世界各国免受配额限制,目前正在基础建设,正急需高科技、高效益、低排放、低耗能、无污染的环保项 目;亟需大批饱学之士加盟共创美好未来。贸易区以最优惠、最宽松的条件引进人才和项目,(详情请浏览“维多 利亚湖东非自由贸易区的网页”2008年在北京签约的新闻发布会)。
              晚辈在此真诚希望将蒋博士等发明的高科技项目能在维多利亚湖东非自由贸易区得以推广、应用,并 发扬光大。
              Sseesamirembe Eco-City :: Lake Victoria Free Trade Zone Authority - Home

              A brief translation is:

              Dear Mr. Tseung,

              Received your email information. I am the person responsible to recruit Industrialists and Engineers for the Free Trade Zone at Lake Victoria in East Africa. The Free Trade Zone was authorized by the United Nations, signed in Beijing in 2008 and had participation from 54 African Countries. It will enjoy special laws and exemptions from quota systems for 99 years. We are doing infrastructure development now. We are looking for High technology, Environmentally friendly, non-polluting energy projects. We shall provide the best support possible.

              Some participants include Bill Gates and many Distinguished Chinese Industrialists.

              We hope to work with you on your high technology energy project.
              The follow-up telephone conversation was encouraging. They will pay for a Workshop similar to those at Hong Kong University in 2010. If successful, they plan to fund the research and development and establish it as one of the high-priority, show-case technology projects. There will be many qualified scientists and engineers from different Nations to participate in the Workshop. They also contacted other Alternative Energy Researchers such as Dr. Liang, etc.

              Since the development will occur in this new zone, we may be less influenced or affected by the established interests. Most likely, some groups in Hong Kong and China will participate. I am too old to start a new venture.

              God has found more servers and a friendly place to bottle the wine. Amen.
              Last edited by ltseung888; 04-11-2011, 05:16 PM.



                邮件收悉.我是维多利亚湖东非自由贸易区招商局的负责人,该贸易区于2008年在北京由非洲5 4国参与,是 经联合国批准成立的,坐落在乌干达与肯尼亚的交界处,总面积580平方公里,享有地方立法权, 自治99年, 商品出口世界各国免受配额限制,目前正在基础建设,正急需高科技、高效益、低排放、低耗能、无 污染的环保项 目;亟需大批饱学之士加盟共创美好未来。贸易区以最优惠、最宽松的条件引进人才和项目,(详情 请浏览“维多 利亚湖东非自由贸易区的网页”2008年在北京签约的新闻发布会)。
                晚辈在此真诚希望将蒋博士等发明的高科技项目能在维多利亚湖东非自由贸易区得以推广、应用,并 发扬光大。

                Google - Language Tools

                Dear Dr Chiang, Hello!
                E-mail has been received. I Lake Victoria, East Africa is the head of Free Trade Zone Investment Promotion Bureau, the trade area in 2008 in Beijing by the 54 countries in Africa, is established with the approval by the United Nations, located in the junction of Uganda and Kenya, with a total area of 580 square kilometers, enjoys the local legislative power, autonomy 99 years, world merchandise exports from quota restrictions, is currently the infrastructure is in urgent need high-tech, high efficiency, low emission, low energy consumption, pollution-free environmental projects; need a large number of learned men who joined a better future. Trade Area of ​​the best and most relaxed conditions the introduction of talent and projects (for details please visit the "Free Trade Area of ​​Lake Victoria, East Africa Web" signed in Beijing in 2008 press conference.)
                The existing Bill Gates, the world excellent Chinese, Chinese entrepreneurs, Chinese are joining.
                Sincerely hope that the younger generation in this invention to Dr. Jiang and other high-tech project in Lake Victoria, East Africa to promote free trade, application, and carried forward.
                ltseung888 Chinese translation
                Dear Mr. Tseung,

                Received your email information. I am the person responsible to recruit Industrialists and Engineers for the Free Trade Zone at Lake Victoria in East Africa. The Free Trade Zone was authorized by the United Nations, signed in Beijing in 2008 and had participation from 54 African Countries. It will enjoy special laws and exemptions from quota systems for 99 years. We are doing infrastructure development now. We are looking for High technology, Environmentally friendly, non-polluting energy projects. We shall provide the best support possible.

                Some participants include Bill Gates and many Distinguished Chinese Industrialists.

                We hope to work with you on your high technology energy project.
                Are you Mr. Tseung and Dr Chiang the same person ? Your translation provided the open source community seems a bit off also.

                Open Source Experimentalist
                Open Source Research and Development


                • @fuzzy,

                  I believe few established organizations will rely on google translation for their important documents.

                  You can understand why.

                  Some Chinese Researchers translated my English Posting via Google or similar tools. Their feedback was - rely on the English Original. Get a real translator.



                  • Absolute confidence on LCR resonance circuits!

                    Some worthwhile comments on reply 109

                    The Output Power waveform is a classic standing wave at resonance. The two adjacent points where the value is zero will denote a wavelength or some submultiples.

                    Once you see such a curve, you know that you have hit a resonance point.
                    When we have a standing wave, its maximum amplitude is the maximum +Y or –Y. The Energy is the area enclosed in the power curve. We should take the positive power and the negative power separately. Taking the mean will give a low or even zero value. How can one say that at resonance, the huge power amplitude represents zero value?

                    The argument advanced by poynt99 at one time was definitely WRONG. He used the mean value!

                    The correct comparison must be the Positive Area of the Output Power wave compared with the Positive Area of the Input Power wave over the same time period (or same number of waveforms). It can clearly be seen that the Output Power Area is much greater than the Input Power Area (either Positive or Negative). Overunity has been achieved. COP is definitely >> 1.

                    Overunity was achieved in Hong Kong with FLEET on July 13, 2010. We have many prototypes and corresponding waveforms to prove it. It took the absolute correctness of Divine Revelation 1 – bring-in kinetic energy of air molecules via resonating tuning forks – to give me absolute confidence that I was correct. LCR circuits at resonance can indeed bring-in electron motion energy. Amen.
                    Last edited by ltseung888; 06-03-2011, 03:14 PM.


                    • Guaranteeing a working FLEET for every participant.

                      Standing wave and resonance

                      The Output Power curve from a FLEET is a standing wave. From Physics, we know that standing wave is always associated with resonance. (e.g. Standing Waves - The Physics Hypertextbook)

                      Standing waves don't form under just any circumstances. They require that energy be fed into a system at an appropriate frequency. That is, when the driving frequency applied to a system equals its natural frequency. This condition is known as resonance. Standing waves are always associated with resonance. Resonance can be identified by a dramatic increase in amplitude of the resultant vibrations.
                      We observed high increase in the Output Power amplitude on our FLEET prototypes in July 2010. The waveform puzzled us. It did not occur to us at that time that it was the classical standing wave. I did not have the mathematical model confirming that kinetic energy of air molecules can be brought-in at sympathetic vibration (resonance) at that time.

                      Now we know that we actually achieved resonance with the FLEET prototypes. We played with (or tuned) the LCR values on the secondary circuit. We used two oscilloscopes to display the Input and the Output waveforms. Every one of my student helpers produced one or more FLEET with the above mentioned waveform. They wound their own toroids and soldered their own circuits. It took them hours to tune their device to achieve the Standing Output Power waveforms.

                      For the coming seminar/workshop sponsored by the United Nations, we can have our student helpers build a working prototype for every participant (54 African Countries maximum). Even if a participant cannot produce a working FLEET within the short time of the workshop, they can have one to test and take home.

                      This will be the first workshop in the World in which we can guarantee that every participant will be able to take a working overunity device home. This will be money well spent by our United Nation Sponsors. Amen.
                      Last edited by ltseung888; 06-03-2011, 03:14 PM.


                      • Comments at the Christian Fellowship

                        Comments at the Christian Fellowship

                        Comment 1: “How did you get United Nations involved? How can you be sure that they actually represent United Nations?”

                        Tseung: “It must be God’s Blessing. I did not actively contact that Organization. They found me on the Internet. Apparently, the person responsible for attracting high technology into the Free Trade Zone was a believer in alternative energy. I knew that he was responsible because I read the information in their website.”

                        Comment 2: “What is involved at this stage?”

                        Tseung: “They already talked to me on the phone. They examined my posted information. They confirmed that the Output Power Curve was a standing wave. That boosted their confidence (and mine too).”

                        Comment 3: “How about the seminar/workshop?”

                        Tseung: “They first asked me how much money or shareholdings do I want. I said – none. The technology is to benefit the World. They then asked about the possibility of holding one or more seminars/workshops. They said that they had experience and funds available for such activities. I know that it is true because they are Chinese Nationals working in Shenzhen. Shenzhen was one of the early Free Trade Zones in China. It grew from a small farming community to one of the top Cities in China in about 30 years. Their organizing and promotional capabilities are second to none in the World.”

                        Comment 4: “God sent angels to you indeed. We do not mind helping in whatever way we can. Amen.”


                        • Excellent information from China

                          Dear Mr. Tseung:

                          Thank you very much. Here is the link to my new proposal: e-Print archive, viXra:1104.0052, Energy Multiplier in Retarded Resonance
                          Have a good day!

                          In this work, we describe a wireless power system in which the distance between the source and receiver is 1/4 of wavelength. The induced electromotive force (EMF) from the receiver to the source is phase inverted due to the retardation so that the source absorbs energy instead of output energy. This system is an energy multiplier since both source and receiver gain energy.

                          Xiaodong Liu
                          The paper provides great insight to resonance in multiple LCR circuits. It will guide the experimental scientists further.


                          • Originally posted by ltseung888 View Post
                            The paper provides great insight to resonance in multiple LCR circuits. It will guide the experimental scientists further.
                            Very good paper, I would suggest you take the time to graphically depict what this means (Pictures!).


                            • Hi folks, speaking of resonance, I lubed up our old 1915 Victrola and with a few easy cranks of the spring steel coil it was blasting sound from the tuned ports.

                              If these old music player inventions don't say it all, I don't know what does.

                              It is so loud, it hurts your ears to be too close to the machine, all from a few easy cranks of a steel coil.
                              There is no way I input that much energy by cranking to cause that much audio output.
                              It must have come from leading out/bringing in energy from resonance of the wood inner chamber acting in concert with the diaphragm needle pickup assembly. Here is a pic of the old magic machine.

                              Uploaded with
                              peace love light


                              • Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post
                                Hi folks, speaking of resonance, I lubed up our old 1915 Victrola and with a few easy cranks of the spring steel coil it was blasting sound from the tuned ports.

                                If these old music player inventions don't say it all, I don't know what does.

                                It is so loud; it hurts your ears to be too close to the machine, all from a few easy cranks of a steel coil.
                                There is no way I input that much energy by cranking to cause that much audio output.
                                It must have come from leading out/bringing in energy from resonance of the wood inner chamber acting in concert with the diaphragm needle pickup assembly.
                                peace love light

                                Thank you for showing your precious antique music player. I was also reminded of the high school physics we learned over 50 years ago by an old classmate.

                                Forced Vibration

                                Resonance is not new. But spotlighting that the extra sound energy comes from the kinetic energy of air molecules requires Divine Revelation. That pointed to the lead-out/bring-in of electron motion energy using multiple LCR circuits. Amen.

