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Water is a Electret - and the wheel work of nature

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  • Water is a Electret - and the wheel work of nature

    I have come to the conclusion that there is electricity in water. The way that water has electricity is by the means of it being a electret. It becomes a electret when it evaporates into the atmosphere and is charged up by thunder and lighting and when it concedes it gets a permanent charge.

    In a perfect world water would be neutral with a ph of 7, but we don't live in that world so water has electricity in it. The electricity is small but very powerful when fully understood. One of the best demonstrations of this is from Lord Kelvins water drop generator shown here YouTube - MIT's Walter Lewin Makes a Battery out of Cans and Water (Schauberger's Eco-Tech)
    This video shows that water must have a electrical field around it just like a electret would in order to even get sparks.

    If you want more proof heres a experiment you can do at home with supplies you probably have. Get a plastic cup and fill it with water, place two piece of aluminum foil in the water not touching each other(its best to have one piece of aluminum folded many times). You should see a voltage around 100mV when a meter is connected to both plates. Now leave the two aluminum foil plates shorted out with wire for a few days and you'll notice after you remove the wire that the cell will charge itself back to life. I find that the more pure the water the better, tap water has minerals that might eat away at the aluminum thus not give the best results but distilled water will help keep the cell alive much longer; so I recommend distilled water for long term testing and tap water for proof of concept.. Video on how to make one is here YouTube - How to make a Water Captret Battery.MP4

    To help you better understand these cells think of them as water batteries but instead of using dissimilar metals to make electricity from the galvanic reaction I use similar metals to purely tap the electricity form the water. Since I'm using similar metals the cells should last for a long time because there is nothing to corrode them. Also since this process of evaporating the water to make the electrets has been going on for billions of years I should have a quite a big reservoir of free energy from water.

    Since humans, plants, and animals are mostly made of water and we have our own electricity. Our own electricity is very close to the electricity you'll see when measuring the voltage on one cell from above experiment. Since water is needed by everything in nature that would make water the very wheel work of nature, thus tapping the electricity in water could have you tapping he very wheel work of nature.

    The stuff we drink could have been the free energy all this time and we never considered it. Maybe thats why we need water, it recharges us so that we have electricity for our brain and muscles.
    All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer

  • #2

    Should you not be saying "water is an electret" not "a" ?

    What you say does make sense. Water is hydrogen and oxygen, so there
    probably is some disassociation occuring because of electrical charges in
    the air, and further reassociation occuring thereby creating electricity.



    • #3
      When it comes to using tap water instead of distilled water i find that minerals and ions in the water really give it the best performance over distilled water. My biggest problem with using tap water was that it evaporated and when it did the minerals would get left behind on the aluminum plates. I find that the minerals would start to eat the aluminum, this was never a problem when the minerals where in the water it just when the water evaporates the minerals become a problem. Using distilled water solved the problem of the minerals but even distilled water has it problems too, low ion count gives poor power compared to the tap water cells. Its the minerals that really make these batteries sing.

      So my biggest problem has been to do with evaporation, and i think i may have solved it. Simply covering the cup keeps the water in and the plates lasting longer. I also think if i fully fill up the cup so that no air is there and cover it up so that no water can get out should keep the plates perfect. It is true though that anything in water will corrode eventually but prolonging that for many years is my key and thats why i use aluminum for it anti-rust properties. Also i could start using colored cups to keep light and heat out so to keep in the water. I believe that i can make a battery that will run on purely water due to it's electret effect it shows.
      All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


      • #4
        YouTube - LaserSaber Air Battery Update!
        Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


        • #5
          I don't get why you posted this? Lasersaber is making air batteries that use a galvanic reaction to give him voltage, while i have eliminated the galvanic reaction and my electricity is coming from the water.
          All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


          • #6
            its all a galvanic reaction if you put metal in water even aluminum to aluminum, thats what water does it dissolves anything it comes into contact with by takeing its energy, water absorbs energy,

            Water phase diagram
            Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


            • #7
              Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
              its all a galvanic reaction if you put metal in water even aluminum to aluminum, thats what water does it dissolves anything it comes into contact with by takeing its energy, water absorbs energy,

              Water phase diagram

              Not quite the same, its true that water will dissolves something over a period of time even if it takes billions of years to do so but this not the same as a galvanic corrosion. Galvanic reaction only occurs with to dissimilar metals and not metals that are the same. Here are some quotes from Galvanic corrosion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia confirming this.

              "Galvanic corrosion is an electrochemical process in which one metal corrodes preferentially to another when both metals are in electrical contact and immersed in an electrolyte. The same galvanic reaction is exploited in primary batteries to generate a voltage."

              "Dissimilar metals and alloys have different electrode potentials and when two or more come into contact in an electrolyte a galvanic couple is set up."

              ---- They also point out to stop galvanic reaction you can use the same metals.
              "It is also possible to choose metals that have similar potentials. The more closely matched the individual potentials, the lesser the potential difference and hence the lesser the galvanic current. Using the same metal for all construction is the most precise way of matching potentials." there's no better way to match potentials then to use the same metal.
              All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


              • #8
                You appear to be misusing the word electret. An electret is formed when a medium with an electrolyte is brought slowly through the change of state from liquid to solid, while exposed to a high voltage field (dielectric stress), such that the electrolyte molecules set completely aligned.
                Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
                  You appear to be misusing the word electret. An electret is formed when a medium with an electrolyte is brought slowly through the change of state from liquid to solid, while exposed to a high voltage field (dielectric stress), such that the electrolyte molecules set completely aligned.

                  Electret (formed of elektr- from "electricity" and -et from "magnet") is a dielectric material that has a quasi-permanent electric charge or dipole polarization.

                  Water is a dielectric material.
                  YouTube - Water as a Dielectric

                  An electret generates internal and external electric fields, and is the electrostatic equivalent of a permanent magnet. This videos shows the external electrical field that water gives off YouTube - MIT's Walter Lewin Makes a Battery out of Cans and Water (Schauberger's Eco-Tech)
                  and for the internal electric is what i'm measuring in my cells.

                  How you would make a normal electret would to take a wax or some type of dielectric material and heat it up to almost boiling state and supply high voltage through it and continue the high voltage until the dielectric material has fully cooled down thus giving it a permanent charge.

                  How the water becomes a electret is much the same. When water is heated it evaporates and goes into the air. In the air exist high voltage, think of lighting and thunder, and is given a nice bath of high voltage. The water condenses thus cooling it and it falls back to earth. Its been doing this process for billions of years now. Reason why the voltage is not high like a normal electret has to do with the water being water, it likes to spread out and so does the voltage; the voltage becomes diluted to a certain point.
                  All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                  • #10
                    I think it is slightly improper to call water an electret also, however, that is only in the liquid phase. When crystallized into ice, if done so under the influence of an electric field, the resulting crystalline mass could be considered an electret. On the other hand, if you were to use a jelling agent, perhaps something as simple as pectin, or something more robust that microscopically binds the water due to a great amount of porosity and therefore surface area, but without any chemical/ionic/covalent bonding, you could have yourself something that might be termed a water electret.


                    • #11
                      Graphite cells

                      I've replaced the aluminum plates with graphite you get from pencils and find I get about the same voltage reading. Graphite is less likely to corrode in the water than aluminum, in fact people who make the galvanic water batteries use graphite and some other metal and the other metal will corrode long before the graphite will. It really is amazing that I'm able to use similar metals such as graphite and get any voltage period, this goes to show that its not a galvanic reaction. You simple can't get a galvanic reaction from similar metals. I also used distilled water and two of the same size graphite pieces. Heres the video YouTube - Graphite only distilled water battery

                      This is simply amazing because its been known that this should not happen. If both metals are the same then there's nothing to give up like in a galvanic cell, so where does the electricity come from? The only explanation I could give is that theres electricity in the water and its due to it being a type of electret.
                      All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by SuperCaviTationIstic View Post
                        I think it is slightly improper to call water an electret also, however, that is only in the liquid phase. When crystallized into ice, if done so under the influence of an electric field, the resulting crystalline mass could be considered an electret. On the other hand, if you were to use a jelling agent, perhaps something as simple as pectin, or something more robust that microscopically binds the water due to a great amount of porosity and therefore surface area, but without any chemical/ionic/covalent bonding, you could have yourself something that might be termed a water electret.

                        I don't understand why everyone is so hard pressed to call water a electret. The definition of a electret is " a dielectric material that has a quasi-permanent electric charge or dipole polarization." Water is a dielectric material proven here YouTube - Water as a Dielectric

                        Water has a permanent charge on it like for example it replied by a magnet shown here YouTube - "Anti" Magnetic water and Levitating Graphite by Diamagnetism

                        and that permanent charge can be collected from it falling between conductive plates much like copper passing a magnet in a generator shown here. YouTube - MIT's Walter Lewin Makes a Battery out of Cans and Water (Schauberger's Eco-Tech)

                        It all points to water be a electret. A low voltage electret but still a electret.
                        All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                        • #13
                          What is an electrect

                          An old topic but a quite interesting one though.

                          One can start to think ( or even can say ) confuse him/herself with a very simple idea about relations between an electret ( and electret type of materials ) and its CONDUCTIVITY to Dielectric Field ( Charles Proteus Steinmetz talks about the Dielectric Field in its extreme simplicity and beauty and its duality to the Magnetic Field - Elementary Lectures on Electric Discharges, Waves and Impulses, and Other ... - Charles Proteus Steinmetz - Google Books) and magnet ( and magnetic type materials ) and its CONDUCTIVITY to the magnetic field.

                          An electrect is an absorber/trap of the dielectric field in the same way that a magnet is an absorber/trap for the magnetic field. Any substance that is able to absorb dielectric field in high degree, and any substance/material can with different coefficients 0.0 ( no absorption ) to 1 ( full absorption ), can be named electret. A mirror/duality image of that is any substance/material can absorb magnetic field 0.0 to 1.
                          So now an electret is just a material with a sufficiently high coefficient of absorption ( probably a better word is needed here, interaction maybe? ) of the Dielectric Field - a dielectric constant - as a Magnet is a substance/material with a sufficiently high coefficient of interaction with the Magnetic Field - a magnetic constant.

                          A good electrect has high dielectric constant and low magnetic constant and a magnet has this in opposite.

                          Ones we start to think in this terms, flow of energy and its manifestation electricity, comprised by interacting dielectric and magnetic fields, gets to be a little more clear. The concepts, takes time to get used to, especially when all our lives, we have been given incorrect knowledge.

                          I cannot add that ones an electret is full ( you can imagine it a sponge full with water ) with electricity, and can not radiate to fast from the rate of absorption it starts sparking. This is why we cover our wires with dielectric material ( oil/plastic/wax based ), ones the material can not exchange the dielectric field fast enough with the electret it is contact with, the air, it starts sparking.

                          And now something that will make you even more confuse. A wire, or a metal, is actually insulator for the dielectric field. So the dielectric field permeates everything but what we know as "conductors". So, one starts to ask the question, what EXACTLY is a conductor and what exactly is insulator and for WHAT FIELD.

                          Ones we start to ask these questions and give satisfactory answers that can predict even the strangest of electrical manifestations we see, than we will be on the right path of understanding what we commonly know as Electricity, or the interactions between the Dielectric and Magnetic fields and their manifestations.

                          Last edited by epwpixieq-1; 04-29-2012, 10:56 PM.


                          • #14
                            Suggest you ignore the " can't Bees " and look at the suggestions you may have not noticed. To improve your current or voltage in your cells someone suggested adding something to make the water rigid, ie. ice or gelatin or pectin. They also suggested that you use an applied force during the solidification process. As good as your getting now it might improve if you look at the suggestions? Have you applied a voltage to the water as it freezes? if the voltage/ current improves then something to solidify water while charged could be the very thing you need?


                            • #15
                              hello ibpointless2

                              good video that of graphite and distilled water, I like so much
                              I also think that the free energy from water : Thumbsup:

                              Tariel Kapanadze, also connects the earth to a water pipe, water pipes form a very extensive underground network with which the water ends up being charged for electricity

                              193 sr user who managed to replicate the famous invention of kapagen, also connects the ground to a radiator full of water

                              mustafa another user named, says succeeded to obtain the free energy of kapagen, and that chance that there is water in between

                              Thomas Heny moray, also connected the ground to pipe water from your basement

                              rays which discharge a large amount of energy, also consist of water

                              when the pyramid of Kukulkan released the beam up was also present water clouds

                              enough evidence for me that energy comes from water


