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Centrlal Massachusetts Alternative Energy Group to be created

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  • Centrlal Massachusetts Alternative Energy Group to be created

    My fellow researchers and experimenters,

    Many of you know me by my posts, and know what I am interested in, and what I've learned. If you do, you may know that I spread myself too thin by researching constantly and not experimenting. I have a passion for searching for clues, and extrapolating evidence. I begin projects and never finish them, for various reasons; I am a perfectionist to some extent, and I don't focus on one thing at a time.

    One of my biggest downfalls is my inability to work alone, although sometimes I do have patience, trust, and social issues, which I am working to eliminate.

    I have hundreds of ideas, and the only thing that motivates me to finish something, or to even begin it in the first place is finding an other individual who needs help, or has an interest in something which I can relate to my ideas and knowledge.

    I have no friends with the kind of interest in this area that we here in this virtual community have. Sure, some of my friends are curious, and at times willing to help, but it doesn't come close to what I need for partnership in making my ideas reality.

    I live in central Massachusetts, about half way between Worcester and Springfield. I want to establish a local network and NON PROFIT, CHARITABLE research and development group in the area. Even if it is only one or two people at first, I need others to help me, IN PERSON.

    If you live in the area, or can visit, or can recommend a friend/family member who is active or would like to be active in this type of work, please let me know. I have begun to establish many connections in the area, and many of my friends, family, and acquaintances are well networked, and have far reaching ties and influences. If we can get enough people together, perhaps I would even be able to host, or help make possible a convention in the area.


  • #2

    The person I was refering to about using the Model A coil in the other thread
    lived in Massachusetts. He died a couple years ago, but he had a close friend with an extensive electronics background who I believe is still living there. I will ask his brother if maybe he would be interested in your group.



    • #3
      Excelent Idea !

      Hi SuperCav,

      I had a similar idea, I made a thread here-

      I would like to call it," Local Area Networking for Renewable Energy Development " LANRED for short. It would be kinda neat if we could start them up all over the world and collaborate or share info/interact between the groups. For the benifit of all. Ahhh pipe dreams. People co-operating.

      Still thinking of a way to do it without advertising. I'm a bit remote here but I still hope to get some nearby people interested with some small operational device's. Energy saving mostly. The unconventional stuff can be revealed later. Maybe in a few months i'll advertise. Some hands on help is needed with some projects I think, and also when creating things as a group you have someone's hand to shake when a good job is done.

      I'm in the same boat, some people I know are interested to begin with but they don't see what I see. I can show someone a device but they don't seem to care how it works. Very strange, i've always been the curious type I guess.

      I hope you have some luck, don't give up, I won't. I'll find an associate or an interested assistant sooner or later around here.



      • #4
        Thanks FRC, I appreciate it.

        I'm happy to hear you'd like to do a similar thing, it will be good to get these groups active in LOCAL communities, where others will actually take notice, because it's not as easy to pass it by as it is when on the internet.

        A little more detail about what I plan to do:
        At first I want to create a few products to help with heating and lighting, and maybe a few other bare necessities. Starting with those that can't afford it, and charities that house the sick and homeless. After that I want to move on to town lighting, SAFE non chemical water treatment with uv and ozone (my town water disgusts me, it has so much chlorine in it that filling up the bath tub with 6 inches of water, it is aqua colored), and heat and lighting in local schools ONLY IF they redesign their science, math, and history programs to eliminate the lies, or draw attention to all the left out things and lies in the books.

        I'm not trying to eliminate jobs, and threaten the local economies and utility companies, so I'm going to start small with those who aren't and will probably never be their customers in the first place... Plus, it will create a few jobs through the need to do a small amount of manufacturing, and ever other job associated with a non-profit organization. I don't want the cash, but it can be set up in a way that does give jobs to others.


        • #5

          Sorry SuperCaviTationIstic, I got my information mixed up. Turns out that they
          were in Connecticut living close to the Massachusetts border. Sorry about that.



          • #6
            well I'm only about 3 towns from the CT boarder


            • #7
              Great Idea

              A very good idea!,I'll be working with the Gov't in my state soon for a product I make for handicapped children,perhaps we can help each other learn the ins and outs of working with the gov't?

              If you get a meeting setup I'll attend!

              I'm north of Hartford.
              If you want to Change the world
              BE that change !!


              • #8

                Was it something I said?
                You seemed like you were looking for people of like mind to share ideas ,discuss alternatives ?

                Do you have standards /qualifications for these People?
                Perhaps you should list them next time?
                Oh well Its a good Idea ,I hope you get the folks you want!

                If you want to Change the world
                BE that change !!


                • #9
                  No Ramset, I really apologize, I didn't see your first reply until just now, when the thread got bumped back up. I would love to meet up. I have been very busy with things all over the place, and I usually spend hours and hours on this site, every day, but recently I haven't had that time available. I'm sending you a private message.


                  • #10
                    A Ok!

                    This is a good idea,I believe it should get a little bigger
                    The North East??
                    I know from remarks that have been made we have fellows all over the North east!
                    Working together with people we trust ,people of like mind,can only be a good thing.
                    Gotta go its late.
                    If you want to Change the world
                    BE that change !!

