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2011: the year free energy became obvious ...

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  • #31

    For simplicity lets assume a particular point in time, that the coil voltage
    behaves like a step response, then the voltage of the resistor or load will vary
    like this:

    One time constant equals L/R, where L is the inductance, and R is the
    resistance. There is some hesitation for the coil to provide current to the Load
    and if the coil hesitates long enough so that the magnet gets past the coil,
    the deceleration will decrease and as the speed or the time constant
    increases it becomes acceleration.

    So there are two options:
    1. Increasing the speed of the Magnet, which can be done by increasing the
      speed of rotation or increasing the diameter of the rotor.
    2. Increasing the time constant, which can be done by building higher
      inductance coils with less resistance, this can be better achieved by using
      higher permeability core material, such as amorphous metal, which Muller was
      using. Using large loads with low resistance.

    That's it!
    Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


    • #32
      Time delay works to our benefit if we are fast enough.

      There is no violation of anything, we are using the time delay of the
      reaction of the coil to our benefit. The error in the theory of action and reaction
      is that it assumes that reaction is instantaneous but there is no such thing in
      the real world. Reaction is always associated with a time delay, that if we
      are clever and fast enough, we can always escape the reaction, or even use it
      to our benefit.

      Consider Karate Chop for example, how does someone break a brick with his
      hand, without getting hurt? He is performing the action which is breaking the
      brick, but the reaction doesn't reach his hand.

      Or consider the fact that you want to stop a child's swing, if you push the
      swing late enough, you might increase the speed of the swing instead of
      stopping it. This is exactly what is happening in these systems.

      Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


      • #33
        Elias, have you measured watts used by your motor at the optimum speed and how many watts you can draw from the coils at that speed? Also what model is the motor and what type/diameter/thickness magnets are you using?


        • #34
          the circuit of muller generator

          Originally posted by elias View Post
          Hi Tyson,

          Well, not only I was able to speed up when shorting, but also I was able to
          speed up when lighting a lamp with the coil. We need to open our minds and
          look at this, there is and has been so much misinfo and disinfo about these
          devices that distract people from the real effect.

          The reason I think that you haven't seen acceleration effect with your air
          core coils may be the fact that air coil cores are high frequency coils and
          have much lower inductance thus you need to spin your rotor really fast.

          My recent test results, with one coil:

          4500 RPM:
          Shorting causes acceleration.
          Loading with a 55W 12 lamp at first acceleration and as the lamp lights up
          the resistance of it increases thus the time constant decreases thus the rotor
          decelerates a bit.

          5400 RPM:
          Shorting causes acceleration.
          Loading causes no change in speed or slight acceleration.

          6420 RPM:
          Shorting causes acceleration up to 6600 RPM.
          Loading with the mentioned lamp causes acceleration up to 6450 RPM.

          There must be an optimum speed of rotation for a R & L combination and
          these test results show that my theory is correct.

          Lenz is only valid in lower speeds. Thats it!

          Free energy was so obvious. NO MORE SECRECY AND GREED.

          Just spin your rotor fast enough and get your energy.

          Our focus should be from now on not on how to get free energy, but on how
          to increase this effect and extract more energy, for the given input.
          Help us build it.

          please i need the complete circuit for the watson machine and muller generator


          • #35
            The Kromray converter also exhibits the same effect. Bedini shows it in one of his dvd's ... shorting out the coils makes the dc motor spin much faster. The lower the load resistance, the faster the motor spins.


            • #36

              This is my rotor, the magnets are 45mm diameter, 10mm thick:

              This is my next rotor I am building: (8x40mm diameter magnets, 10mm thick)

              I can get more than 10 watts of energy out of each coil at the moment. I am using
              about 60 watts to spin my rotor upto 6000 RPM.

              I am changing my coils and cores and rotor ...
              More precise tests coming soon ...

              You can use a diode bridge coupled with a capacitor, or use the coil shorting
              circuit posted on the first page or any other. You can use Mosfets and Hall
              switches to dump the capacitor on the battery or short and collect the back-
              spike of your coils. I am going to experiment with every configuration in the
              future to see which yields more energy output. Help us if you can by
              performing experiments on these stuff.

              Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


              • #37
                in simplest terms... there are magnets around the wheel, and coils. And the magnets spinning around the coils creates this excess energy (err, it creates a spark which results in this 'dark energy')? If this is true, does RPMs affect the results (I.E., slower creates less, faster creates more)? Additionally, does it affect the system at all to have variant RPMs? That is, sometimes it runs slow, sometimes it runs fast?


                • #38
                  Consider the karate chop for example. If you hit the brick without pulling your hand fast enough, you will break your hand. But if you are fast enough, you'll break the brick and before the reaction hits your hand your hand is gone.

                  The same happens when a magnet approaches a coil, the coil reacts to the magnet approaching it, which is called the Lenz law, but if you move the magnet fast enough, the time the reaction in the coil starts to take place, the magnet is past the coil and sees no drag. That is why I insist that faster RPM is necessary. We can drive the rotor by a dc motor, or pulse drive it with a set of coils.
                  Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


                  • #39
                    What is the resonant frequency of the capacitance + the inductance of your generator coils?

                    I really do not think lenz doesn't see things after a certain speed. Perhaps the passing magnets at a certain speed have relation to the resonant frequency of the components.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Armagdn03 View Post
                      What is the resonant frequency of the capacitance + the inductance of your generator coils?

                      I really do not think lenz doesn't see things after a certain speed. Perhaps the passing magnets at a certain speed have relation to the resonant frequency of the components.
                      Really. I couldn't find any other explanation.
                      • Why does shorting coils accelerate the rotor at any speed greater than a certain speed, and decelerate the rotor at a speed less than that?
                      • Why does this effect happen at a higher speed with lower inductance coils?
                      • Why does a smaller load (higher resistance) load the rotor down more than a larger load (smaller resistance)?
                      • Why does shorting coils cause less deceleration than loading them while the same current is being drawn?
                      • Why do shorting air coils decelerate the rotor much less in higher speed?

                      Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Armagdn03 View Post
                        Perhaps the passing magnets at a certain speed have relation to the resonant frequency of the components.
                        Actually this might be an idea. Resonance is usually non-intuitive and tend to give false view of possible gains or energy extraction.

                        Originally posted by elias View Post
                        Really. I couldn't find any other explanation.
                        On very first post You say:
                        Originally posted by elias View Post
                        [..]Also one should understand that the speed of acceleration is a
                        range of operation and if you move the magnet too fast it will not work also.

                        And this implies that the whatever reason for this operations do have maximum. And that is common characteristics of resonance. If it would be just some critical value of speed, then things should be equally better for all higher-speed values. Or it should go better and better while the speed is increased.

                        Colored my comments in red in order for them to stand out, hope you have no objections to that color.

                        Originally posted by elias View Post
                        • Why does shorting coils accelerate the rotor at any speed greater than a certain speed, and decelerate the rotor at a speed less than that?

                          That could be approaching resonance maximum from one side.

                        • Why does this effect happen at a higher speed with lower inductance coils?

                          That would be dependent from resonance frequency and thus also speed. Actually from LC circuit resonance formulation f ~ 1/sqrt{L C} is clear, that lower the inductance, higher the frequency. Since frequency and speed are in direct relation, that would certainly answer the question.

                        • Why does a smaller load (higher resistance) load the rotor down more than a larger load (smaller resistance)?

                          Resistance do change the resonance curve of RLC circuit (essentially every real LC circuit is RLC due to fact, that coil has active resistance). Higher resistance "dampens" the resonance, therefore the speed up would not be so high or speed down would be higher.

                        • Why does shorting coils cause less deceleration than loading them while the same current is being drawn?

                          Can't fully understand question, sorry. It does not make sense - if you add load to coil, you change the resistance, and for same rotor speed you should not be able to draw same current.

                        • Why do shorting air coils decelerate the rotor much less in higher speed?

                          The real resonance curve is usually asymmetric, therefore, different amount of effect in other side can and is possible.

                        By the way - thought a bit about Maxwell equations. And using them. In fact, I am almost certain, that the application of them would not lead to free energy. But it *may* show resonance phenomena.

                        Another thought about experimental part - have you tried to cut power for spin-up motor at the time, when this acceleration phenomena happens? If it would still accelerate not requiring any input power, then it would be very strong proof of concept.

                        Best of wishes!
                        Energy For Free For Everyone! EFFFE!


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Tehnoman View Post
                          Can't fully understand question, sorry. It does not make sense - if you add load to coil, you change the resistance, and for same rotor speed you should not be able to draw same current.
                          I should rephrase that, when adding a low resistance load (A lamp for
                          example) it loads the rotor down more than shorting the coil. Yes loading it
                          draws slightly less current, but decelerates the rotor more than shorting it. A

                          Also one should understand that the speed of acceleration is a
                          range of operation and if you move the magnet too fast it will not work also.
                          I haven't verified this experimentally, because the highest speed I have been
                          able to reach is about 7000 RPM, I have said this according to my
                          understanding of what happens.

                          It is a resonance like effect, but mechanical resonance, not LC resonance in
                          my opinion, like a swing going back and forth, EVERYTHING IN EXISTENCE
                          IS RESONANCE.

                          As an example, the simplest thing in existence is the location of an object, if
                          the object did not resonate with that location, it would not be there. If you
                          want to change the location an object resides, you need to change the
                          frequency of the space surrounding that object and it will teleport to another
                          Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


                          • #43
                            Very concerned about generating coil core material

                            Hello Elias
                            Very concerned about the progress and look forward to your experiment.
                            I am the most concerned about is the core power generation coil, how to choose what material was the best.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by sunboy View Post
                              Hello Elias
                              Very concerned about the progress and look forward to your experiment.
                              I am the most concerned about is the core power generation coil, how to choose what material was the best.
                              The higher the permeability of the material, the better it will be.
                              I am using Iron which has more permeability than Ferrite, and is a better choice, but it suffers from eddy currents. If you find a better, easy and cheap choice it is welcome. I don't know how to get my hands on polycrystalline core material. I have seen some stones attracted to magnets. Maybe I will start a search for a better material out in the nature.
                              Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by elias View Post
                                Really. I couldn't find any other explanation.
                                • Why does shorting coils accelerate the rotor at any speed greater than a certain speed, and decelerate the rotor at a speed less than that?
                                • Why does this effect happen at a higher speed with lower inductance coils?
                                • Why does a smaller load (higher resistance) load the rotor down more than a larger load (smaller resistance)?
                                • Why does shorting coils cause less deceleration than loading them while the same current is being drawn?
                                • Why do shorting air coils decelerate the rotor much less in higher speed?

                                There is a simple test.

                                Take measurements during speed up, taking note of torque, acceleration etc....Then change the values of the capacitor. more than 100% to see if there is a difference in the characteristic operation with respect to rotor speed.

                                The reason I ask this is because i half know the answer. I went down this road with Erfinder a long time ago, and had some very in depth conversations regarding this very subject.

                                Do not separate physical and electrical resonance as two phenomenon, this will only lead to confusion later down the line. same phenomenon, different realm.

