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2011: the year free energy became obvious ...

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Armagdn03 View Post
    There is a simple test.

    Take measurements during speed up, taking note of torque, acceleration etc....Then change the values of the capacitor. more than 100% to see if there is a difference in the characteristic operation with respect to rotor speed.

    The reason I ask this is because i half know the answer. I went down this road with Erfinder a long time ago, and had some very in depth conversations regarding this very subject.

    Do not separate physical and electrical resonance as two phenomenon, this will only lead to confusion later down the line. same phenomenon, different realm.
    I understand, can I have any reference to your discussions with Erfinder? Yes I believe you are right. I am viewing it maybe from a different perspective. I have seen one of your video demonstrations. I am not using any capacitor. Only small coil capacitance.
    Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


    • #47
      Coil core very important

      I always think that the core of the coil is very important, it seems very suitable for the coil core Fe3o4

      YouTube Video Links:
      YouTube - Magnetite Cores
      YouTube - Magnitite Cores 2
      YouTube - Dr. Peter Lindemann Speaks on Magnetite Core Material
      Last edited by yx630514; 03-03-2011, 12:15 PM.


      • #48
        cool, good luck i hope it works out, im doing some test off my own if i find something il post it here.


        • #49
          Originally posted by yx630514 View Post
          I always think that the core of the coil is very important, it seems very suitable for the coil core Fe3o4

          YouTube Video Links:
          YouTube - Magnetite Cores
          YouTube - Magnitite Cores 2
          Thanks for the videos, very much appreciated.
          Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


          • #50
            Elias did you try to interrupt this Coils with something like a Reedswitch too?
            Should may be interesting too.
            But i think, that is not what you will show.
            Something else what i do think about, when you turn your Motor, isnt it,
            that it turns at a certain speed and may that way prevent the Device to turn faster as the Motor runs?
            And beside, did you know that Muller did use special wound Coils for his Device,
            they been like the first (3?)layer 90 Windings, the next 2? with may 50, and the last with about 20 Windings.
            So the coil itself had a different Field as a straight left-right wound Coil.
            Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Joit View Post
              Windings, the next 2? with may 50, and the last with about 20 Windings.
              So the coil itself had a different Field as a straight left-right wound Coil.
              Hi Joit.

              Where did you get this info? I have not seen this anywhere. How did he use the coils, which one for power and which ones for generator, I suspect that the one with higher turns was used for generator coils and the smaller turns as drive coils. This does make sense.

              Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Joit View Post
                Something else what i do think about, when you turn your Motor, isnt it,
                that it turns at a certain speed and may that way prevent the Device to turn faster as the Motor runs?
                I don't quite understand what you mean. But if you mean that my device has a drag on the motor, yes I did find out that there was some eddy drag to my Iron cores, so I went to use ferrite cores, with ferrite cores the system did not see any significant drag in higher speeds, but didn't show any acceleration in the range of speeds I was able to test.

                All I can say at the moment is that something very unconventional happens with these types of rotors at relatively high speed. It is not like a conventional generator AT ALL.
                Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by elias View Post
                  I don't quite understand what you mean.
                  I mean, you speed up the Motor and its tied to a certain RPM.
                  So when you short the Coils, you disconnect the Motor, that it dont runs anymore and is at free run adn take your measurements?
                  Else, when it will run faster, it may cant, because of the fixed speed of the Motor.
                  But this is anyway just guessing, when you would be at a Point,
                  where you have high RPM and the Speed equals, when you do short the Coils.

                  The Muller Coils, i found this Pic on but i am still not sure, if it is an original or someone made it.
                  Anyhow, it is not easy to say anymore, when someone do post something, if it still belongs to the Device, or it it is something selfmade.
                  But the Stuff will stay a long Time in the Internet.
                  I looked at Mullers Page (a Picture bottom), and the Coils (maybe) dont look like this cone shaped one,
                  so i am still not realy sure.
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by Joit; 03-04-2011, 01:58 PM.
                  Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                  • #54
                    DC motors do not have fixed speed, they try to reach the maximum speed for the given voltage, and draw the least amount of current. If I disconnect the motor the rotor will stop due to friction. Also the higher the speed goes it tends to accelerate more.

                    Winding a coil like that is nevertheless worth experimenting.
                    Last edited by elias; 03-04-2011, 03:04 PM.
                    Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by elias View Post
                      If I disconnect the motor the rotor will stop due to friction.
                      You say, that with this device it is not possible to achieve rotation (in this acceleration speed range) without help of motor? That means it is hard to talk about "acceleration", isn't it? If the acceleration can not overcome small rotational-friction, then I would not call it acceleration. It could really be reduction of opposing forces.

                      So, where do we get the free energy then? In shorted coils and current heat output?
                      Energy For Free For Everyone! EFFFE!


                      • #56
                        Acceleration has happened only with my Iron cores and they suffer from eddy drag which will stop the rotor eventually. But I still believe that my theory is correct, and higher the speed less Lenz will be present.

                        If shorting coils lessens eddy drag, then how? Why does larger coils do this at a lower speed? why doesn't reducing drag work in lower speeds? It might be related to Iron itself somehow.

                        In my view these systems don't fit in the conventional model.
                        Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by elias View Post
                          If shorting coils lessens eddy drag, then how?
                          It is actually a tricky question. But it may just be possible.

                          I am not pretending to give absolutely accurate description, but I imagine it would be as follows. The varying magnetic field do induce rotational electric field, that sends eddy currents around the Iron core. And eddy currents create opposing magnetic field to movement of magnet. And basically the energy is dissipated in heat.

                          That is quite conventional, I believe You should not have trouble to accept that.

                          And the tricky part. Shortening coil. If you do shorten the coil, You allow current to flow trough the coil. And such current in coil (similar circular current as in eddy current case) would create it's magnetic field (again opposing the movement of magnet). But due to magnetic permeability of Iron the magnetic field in core would be increased. And this magnetic field due to superposition principle reduce total magnetic field in core (because created magnetic field is opposing the one that is given by magnet) and therefore reduce induced eddy current in coil. And also reduce the dissipated energy.

                          Why the losses are smaller? I think it is because the current is mainly allowed to flow only on outer edge (coil wire) of electric magnet, that has higher electric resistance. But magnetic field could be just the same due to amplification of core. Logical question - why the same amplification does not hold true for eddy currents in Iron coil? I think the answer lie in center. Smaller the radius of circular eddy current, smaller magnetic flux to be amplified (smaller cross section area).

                          Probably one can make much better explanation of this phenomena using appropriate formulas, but unfortunately I do not have a time for that now.

                          On thing to remember, though. In electromagnetic there are plenty of cases when intuition start to fail to describe a system. But trough correct interpretations of respective equations, I have (and my professor has) explained all observed (professor has much larger experience, than me, but I have done so also - for cases I have been presented) phenomena.

                          And when you go to high frequencies, then it starts to be even more strange!

                          But I do doubt that Lentz force is just "not valid" for higher speeds. I imagine that one could pass the coil so fast, that current would not start to flow and there would not be opposing forces, but then there is also no current and no work done.

                          Sorry, misunderstood You in the beginning, thought that you are able to obtain acceleration without motor help.

                          But anyways, best of wishes to obtain FE out of this system.
                          Last edited by Tehnoman; 03-06-2011, 11:49 PM.
                          Energy For Free For Everyone! EFFFE!


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Tehnoman View Post

                            And the tricky part. Shortening coil. If you do shorten the coil, You allow current to flow trough the coil. And such current in coil (similar circular current as in eddy current case) would create it's magnetic field (again opposing the movement of magnet). But due to magnetic permeability of Iron the magnetic field in core would be increased. And this magnetic field due to superposition principle reduce total magnetic field in core (because created magnetic field is opposing the one that is given by magnet) and therefore reduce induced eddy current in coil. And also reduce the dissipated energy.
                            That is a very good explanation, thank you! but thing to note is that acceleration only happens when a certain speed is reached, can you explain how can this phenomena only reduce the Eddy drag in higher speeds?

                            I see that when you increase the speed of the rotor, the drag due to Lenz decreases significantly, that is why in higher speeds we see acceleration with Iron cores, instead of deceleration, the eddy drag is decreased by the magnetic field of the shorted coil, and also the Lenz drag is much lower in such speeds thus it accelerates.

                            But I do doubt that Lentz force is just "not valid" for higher speeds. I imagine that one could pass the coil so fast, that current would not start to flow and there would not be opposing forces, but then there is also no current and no work done.
                            But current does flow, as I experimented carefully, When you keep the coils shorted a current of about 3A circulates in the coil regardless of the speed of the rotor, and higher the speed goes less drag is seen by the rotor. The reason that the current draw remains the same is because as the frequency increases the impedance of the coil increases, thus the current draw remains the same while voltage is increased. It is the time delay between action-reaction principle I have talked about in my former posts, that make it work.

                            Unfortunately I blew up my new rotor running at about 6000 RPM, and I am very lucky I am typing here right now! I was shocked in total amazement, wow!

                            Nevertheless I verified many things with that setup, and I am pretty sure now that Mullers generator does work, and also Watson did have a working FE machine, and they take advantage of high speed rotors, to reduce the Lenz drag. Muller's genius odd-even arrangement, makes it possible to reduce Lenz even further.

                            No one seemed to explain how these devices did work in a manner that satisfied me, so I came up with an explanation myself.

                            Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


                            • #59
                              hi folks, this video sure looks interesting and could be displaying similar effects to what elias is speaking about, though without any iron or ferro losses since it only uses rotating neo magnets.
                              it seems that the magnet interaction at a certain speed im betting, is allowing an asymmetric gain in torque.
                              He has the magnets in attraction and each rotor is offset to the next.

                              YouTube - Free Energy Electric Power Generator Overunity Magnet Motor

                              Could this be using a delay effect of the magnet fields, or a bending like a rubber band of the flux field creating a slingshot asymmetric effect imparting more momentum to the passive generator magnet rotor.
                              peace love light


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post
                                Could this be using a delay effect of the magnet fields, or a bending like a rubber band of the flux field creating a slingshot asymmetric effect imparting more momentum to the passive generator magnet rotor.
                                peace love light
                                You might be right, it might be something like the karate chop effect. The magnets on the main rotor perform action upon the second rotor, and if it happens fast enough, before the reaction reaches the magnet from the second rotor it is gone. But this is only an idea, I don't know for sure how long does it take for a magnetic field to start reacting.
                                Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.

