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Permanent Magnets

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  • Permanent Magnets

    Ashtweth has suggested I post this information for your review and comments. I’ve done some experimenting with permanent magnets. Attached please find a link to a blog I recently set up that consolidates some of this work I’ve done for convenient review. No elaborate motors or claims. However, I do think it warrants a quick look on your part.

    One 4-minute video, and three articles. You can cut right to the third article summary, after the video, if you’re pressed for time. It will give you a better overview of what I think is the theory behind the demonstration. Thank you. Green Energy 211

  • #2
    an interesting Project what you have done here. Nice Work.
    I wish again i had that much Magnets to rebuild it.
    Are there more Plans about the Setup from the Magnets and this Stick, what rolls over?
    I would say, this would work, when someone is interested to build it into a Way or something similar, just shows, that Oil still rules us.
    Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


    • #3
      Very great. it can be used to drive trains. Eric Laithwaite would be so proud.
      Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


      • #4
        PM Track and Rotor layout

        I think the largest barrier in seeing a machine built that runs off permanent magnets is our current mental state. There’s no question in my mind that it is quite possible. However, present science says, “it’s NOT possible, that acceleration of an object via Permanent Magnets without ‘LOCK-UP’, demonstrating net gain of energy with NO apparent input of energy.”

        My basic approach is breaking the magnetic symmetry. This is accomplished by creating multiple additional electromagnetic fields from the placement and movement of the permanent magnets. The rotor being magnets as well allows magnetic fields to pass through one another. This is where many new possibilities exist.

        Six of these are forces are created in this video demonstration. Here’s an example - When the electrical conducting and magnetic rotor enters the “field” and begins to move all conditions change. The track rail (stator) is also an electrical conductor (static field) and the Moving Dual Permanent Magnets induce a Motional EMF and cause currents to flow. I’ve tried to cover everything in the articles. If this concept is alien to some, I laid a foundation in the first two articles for a better understanding.

        I don't have any formal building plans, yet I certainly can provide enough information and diagrams for someone that is genuinly interested. First however, it is important to grasp what I am trying to communicate to those that may have less experience. This realization that symmetry can be broken with the PMs own fields is critical. The possibilities are endless.


        • #5
          The future...


          I don’t know and haven’t interacted with most of you. However, I’ve been a “lurker” for years. That doesn’t mean I haven’t been paying attention. The endless contributions from Aaron over the years, and the many senior people like Joit and Elias are priceless.

          I’ve probably read and seen all of Peter’s work as well. As a matter of fact, I was recently reviewing the video I got on Motor Secrets. Great stuff! I’ve built many of the concepts presented, including the more common ones like John’s work with radiant energy and coils.

          My point is, there comes a time when it all begins to come together. I’m sure many of you can relate to this, that have been at it for a while. Recently I did a lot of work with PWM and coils, permanent magnet levitation, and electric motors. I’m beginning to realize how these various disciplines can combine to create better machines. The possibilities are phenomenal.


          • #6
            Can't speak for the others, but I, for one, would love to see a diagram of the track and "rotor". I have a pretty good idea of how to use this.


            • #7

              First of all, welcome to the forum!

              Now, it would probably make it easier to design anything involving magnets if you understand that magnetic field does not belong to a magnet.
              Unipolar dynamo is a perfect example of it.

              Permanent (and any other) magnets only create a distortion in the surrounding ambient magnetic field.



              • #8
                magnetic field does not belong to a magnet...

                Good point. You’re absolutely correct ABC, there’ is no energy in a magnet. Conditions have been created by altering the base elements, allowing the energy field to pass through the magnet. The poles are actually entrance and exist points as I see it.

                So, I guess even if you accept the premise that a magnet can indeed “perform work”, it would be an incorrect statement. The permanent magnet alters the universal environment (or vacuum) allowing the already existing energy in space to be distorted, and hence putting it to work under correct conditions. It would seem only when we “distort” it, we become aware of it.

                In regard to the magnetic field “not belonging to the magnet”, correct again. Matter of fact, this is one of the six situations I capitalize on in the magnet track. The magnet alloy material rotating through its own magnetic field, which does not rotate with the physical elements.

                A rotating conductive magnet is detectable by the electric field produced when its free charges separate radially, due to the force produced by rotation of the conductor within its own magnetic field. A secondary magnetic field is created, and, a torque as well. Contributing to “breaking” the magnetic symmetry that prevents work from occuring.

                This is all of course, open for discussion and other opinions.

                Shamus, I will gather some diagrams of polarity layouts and flux patterns this weekend and post them. Okay?


                • #9

                  I really like your work, and you have done a great job at presenting the information. I haven't had time to fully study your work or to really analyze the video, but I have a few quick questions from a very preliminary look. Is this similar to the LaPlace Rail or this configuration? These examples are of a linear homopolar motor configuration with an external electrical current being supplied.

                  Is your setup using the induced EMF to move the roller through the magnetic field, as in the above videos, without the use of supplying an external current (the induced EMF is replacing the external power)? If this is the case, then your setup is a combination between a linear homopolar motor and a linear homopolar generator without any input power. Maybe no CEMF/BEMF in your setup, if I'm understanding it correctly.

                  I will definitately be following your progress and taking a better look. Thanks for sharing your work with us.

                  Last edited by gravityblock; 03-05-2011, 05:09 AM.


                  • #10
                    no outside power source

                    GB, I’m not familiar with the LaPlace Rail, so I can’t comment. I will review it though and offer an opinion later. Within the track that is demonstrated, there is NO outside power contributed. There are many secondary electromagnetic fields (currents) induced altering the symmetry, however all forces are created only by the movement of the rotor through the stator fields. Only permanent magnets, lots of permanent magnets.

                    As I've tried to make apparent in the video, when static, everything is as expected, locked, and symmetrical. Just the way PMs are expected to behave. However, as soon as movement begins, a multitude of additional forces come in to play. All these other forces manifest due to movement, and this layout. The forward torque far out weighs the lock and drag. Symmetry IS broken. It's more amazing in person. With N50 neo magnets in the track AND in the rotor, nothing is going anywhere - the rotor is locked, drag is emmense. Once movement begins, the rotor cuts through it like a field of melting butter.


                    • #11
                      Opening statement in Part 2...

                      …”In quickly summarizing some of the opinions that were offered in the first article ‘Energy and Magnetics’ Let There Be Light (Part 1): The magnetic photon does possess effective mass and energy. Symmetry can be broken, replaced with anisotropy and vector zero can be overcome. Work can be performed without the violation of Thermodynamic Laws. The virtual equal and opposite actions can be nullified or modified. There exists only one single fundamental phenomenon: light.”


                      • #12
                        not a LaPlace Rail

                        GB, no similarity to the LaPlace rail. No mystery there. There is no external power applied to the track or rotor in this demonstration.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Dean2 View Post
                          GB, no similarity to the LaPlace rail. No mystery there. There is no external power applied to the track or rotor in this demonstration.
                          I know there is no external power in your system. The induced EMF is moving the roller through the magnetic field instead of the applied power. Induced EMF or applied power to move the roller in both systems is based on the same working principals, IMO.



                          • #14

                            GB, I agree.


                            • #15
                              Thanks Dean, looking forward to it.

