Opinions, insight???
What is the general opinion of the forum members, in regard to the following typical thinking? Anyone care to address any of these conventional thinking statements as true or false, or perhaps elaborate further?
“Present science says it’s not possible, the acceleration of an object via Permanent Magnets without lock-up, demonstrating the net gain of energy with no apparent input of energy.”
“The normal field from considering a magnet as a bar with two opposite poles, on each end, only produces a conservative field. That is, when one integrates the force from that field around a closed path, the overall net force sums to a Vector Zero. Hence, no work can be performed.”
“You cannot break the Lorentz Symmetry in your circuit or system, and thus violate the present Electrical Engineering Model, you will not and cannot produce COP>1.0 via excess free EM energy extracted from the vacuum.”
“The EMF induced in an electric circuit always acts in such a direction that the current it drives around a closed circuit produces a magnetic field which opposes the change in magnetic flux. There will always exsist a “drag” on a rotor or a back-EMF in all permanent magnet attraction designs of force.”
“Permanent magnets cannot perform work that would violate the first and second Laws of Thermodynamics. Having developed Energy Conservation and the Laws of Thermodynamics, the game is over for free-energy motors and generators. They just can't work. It's not a matter of looking for one special arrangement that works among millions that don't. There are exactly zero arrangements that work.”
“Of course, we now know with a certainty that the rotor of such a generator is subject to a magnetic back-torque that is proportional to the output current drawn, due to the operation of Lenz's Law, which states that: a current set up by an EMF induced due to the motion of a closed-circuit conductor will be in such a direction that its magnetic field will oppose the motion causing the EMF.”
What is the general opinion of the forum members, in regard to the following typical thinking? Anyone care to address any of these conventional thinking statements as true or false, or perhaps elaborate further?
“Present science says it’s not possible, the acceleration of an object via Permanent Magnets without lock-up, demonstrating the net gain of energy with no apparent input of energy.”
“The normal field from considering a magnet as a bar with two opposite poles, on each end, only produces a conservative field. That is, when one integrates the force from that field around a closed path, the overall net force sums to a Vector Zero. Hence, no work can be performed.”
“You cannot break the Lorentz Symmetry in your circuit or system, and thus violate the present Electrical Engineering Model, you will not and cannot produce COP>1.0 via excess free EM energy extracted from the vacuum.”
“The EMF induced in an electric circuit always acts in such a direction that the current it drives around a closed circuit produces a magnetic field which opposes the change in magnetic flux. There will always exsist a “drag” on a rotor or a back-EMF in all permanent magnet attraction designs of force.”
“Permanent magnets cannot perform work that would violate the first and second Laws of Thermodynamics. Having developed Energy Conservation and the Laws of Thermodynamics, the game is over for free-energy motors and generators. They just can't work. It's not a matter of looking for one special arrangement that works among millions that don't. There are exactly zero arrangements that work.”
“Of course, we now know with a certainty that the rotor of such a generator is subject to a magnetic back-torque that is proportional to the output current drawn, due to the operation of Lenz's Law, which states that: a current set up by an EMF induced due to the motion of a closed-circuit conductor will be in such a direction that its magnetic field will oppose the motion causing the EMF.”