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Permanent Magnets

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  • Ciao a tutti, sto tentando il ciclo ...
    Hello everyone, i am trying the cycle ...

    Il problema è superare il primo statore...
    The problem is to overcome the first stator ...

    Prima occorre modulare il magnetismo a statore...
    First it should be modular magnetism to stator ...

    Poi il segreto (ingegneria) è cambiare il magnetismo del rotore
    Then the secret (engineering) and change the magnetism of the rotor - YouTube
    Last edited by mostromagnetico; 12-27-2011, 07:50 PM.


    • Try this trick : make a very easy rotating wheel and place the "dead spot magnet" on that wheel and make a way to rotate it using a force created by the first part when magnets create rotation of rotor. What I mean is the way to flip magnet outside when magnet on center rotor is on dead spot.
      Anyway it will be a toy only.


      • Io ci vedo una camma e allo statore una slitta... ma ciò è possibile ?
        I do see a cam and the stator a sleigh ... but is this possible ?

        Cioè riuscire a spostare la massa del 1°statore senza fermare il moto del rotore ?
        That is able to move the mass of 1 °stator without stopping the motion of the rotor ?


        • Use part of power created by rotation of rotor inside to turn the largest magnet outside when center magnet is approaching dead spot.For example place this magnet on wheel with very good bearings and put transmission belt to turn magnet wheel.Sorry, language barrier.

          Redirect Notice


          • language barrier... why ? (I'm studying...)
            Attached Files
            Last edited by mostromagnetico; 02-11-2012, 12:09 PM.


            • Where has Dean2 gone? Has any one tried to replicate his work?


              • Perché non tentate di superare il magnetic wall ricercando un gate come Howard Johnson ... anche meglio... per un assetto a disco ?

                Why not try to overcome the [U]magnetic wall [ /U]seeking a [U]gate[ /U] as Howard Johnson ... even better ... for a trim disc ?

                Io sono per fare ricerca così:
                I am researching so:
                Attached Files


                • 3 Effects



                  • [QUOTE=Dean2;135325]Hi C. Rosenkreutz, One of the first simple permanent magnet demonstrations I ran across was the original TOMI from Stewart, and later Hickman as well. If, anything influenced my pursuit, it was this. Probably, the first gate concept I saw. Thinking, this is simple – soon lead to the realization – it was anything but. Certainly one of those classical situations, the more I learned, the less I understood.

                    I spent a lot of time with Howard Johnson; I have all the videos, interviews, and read everything published. I have also replicated his work, as well as built everything you have referenced (and then some). After a few years, I learned all the ways that didn’t work (perhaps not all, I’m sure I could come up with a few more that don’t work). I think one has to get past the point of slight-of-hand, multiple angles and tricks. Simply look to nature, how does it really work. This “energy” is all around us – and working quite well.

                    I’ve studied every design I could find and replicated most. ALL the latest claims, 1200 (recorded) years’ worth of efforts (and magnet cons).

                    It’s my opinion that many of us fail at this, because we never get past “innocence”. This naive approach has some positive points, the blundering ahead and all. Yet, until we begin to think through, and truly understand the nature of these phenomena – no leaps can be made. One must internalize the concepts; approach an understanding, an intuitiveness. Yes, it’s OVERWHEMLING. If you have gotten to this point in understanding the Universe – then you are on the right path. It’s challenging for a finite mind to understand an infinite concept. (Perhaps we have to open our minds to the infinite?)

                    I don’t care much for Edison’s legacy, (more of a Tesla guy) but he did make sense once when he said; "Genius is one per cent inspiration, ninety-nine per cent perspiration". I may not be the “record holder”, but I’m certainly a “contender” in knowing more ways that permanent magnets cannot perform work.

                    My biggest drive; knowing it's possible! A key point; every time I found something that worked, I spent time to figure out WHY it worked. You start with “theory” and test the practical. Once it works, you rewrite the theory and improve upon it. My apologies for rambling on. Yes, re-read the three articles and all the posts. I think you will glimpse more from them, each time. At the point you start to get “excited”, or have an ah-ha moment… you’re close.
                    Green Energy 211[/QUOTE
                    I joined for updates to Dean2 and his work.

