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how this OU thing works indeed ?

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  • #16
    I noticed one strange thing in this video after watching it several times...
    He started motor without inverter, and after motors achieved good speed
    then he turned on the inverter...What is the purpose of this inverter if
    he could run main motor without it ? What is the source for main motor,
    ac from the wall ?
    "There is no love without prayer - there is no prayer without forgiveness because love is prayer - forgiveness is love." Virgin Marry - Immaculate Conception ...The geologists say it's not in the ground, the airforce says it's not in the air, the astronomers say it's not from space, so we are running out of options...


    • #17
      Hi cikljamas, just watched video again, yes he must be using the ac wall outlet to power his main drive motor.
      And so his alternator is putting out dc or ac rectified to charge his 12 volt battery and I would assume he's using the inverter to run a load that is more comparable to his ac mains powered drive motor.
      Though I do wonder about power factor here.
      Also if indeed he is getting the almost COP>2 that he's showing, he could remove the ac mains power and it should self run, if he lowered the load on his inverter to 90 or so watts and directed an ac output from his inverter to the main drive motor and then it should self run powering a light bulb load of some kind.
      Reminds me a bit of the Witts self running setup where he used ac mains then disconnected and caps sustained the drive motor.
      peace love light


      • #18
        Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post
        Hi cikljamas, just watched video again, yes he must be using the ac wall outlet to power his main drive motor.
        And so his alternator is putting out dc or ac rectified to charge his 12 volt battery and I would assume he's using the inverter to run a load that is more comparable to his ac mains powered drive motor.
        Though I do wonder about power factor here.
        Also if indeed he is getting the almost COP>2 that he's showing, he could remove the ac mains power and it should self run, if he lowered the load on his inverter to 90 or so watts and directed an ac output from his inverter to the main drive motor and then it should self run powering a light bulb load of some kind.
        Reminds me a bit of the Witts self running setup where he used ac mains then disconnected and caps sustained the drive motor.
        peace love light
        Hi Tyson, yes, you are damn right !
        He should have presented his "COP>2" in much "more" obvious manner
        just like you explained, but since this video was shot long enough time
        ago we should see by now absolute evidence of his OU in his new videos,
        but there is no new videos that could convince us in his claims...So,
        unfortunately we still have to wait mr. Godot....

        But videos like this could serve to some other useful purposes, for
        example some ideas came to my to make similar constructions and try in my own way what some of us are trying all the time...So, lets roll again...

        I hope i m going to have some preliminary results in 24 hours or so...
        "There is no love without prayer - there is no prayer without forgiveness because love is prayer - forgiveness is love." Virgin Marry - Immaculate Conception ...The geologists say it's not in the ground, the airforce says it's not in the air, the astronomers say it's not from space, so we are running out of options...


        • #19
          Essence of Physical Effect of Generation of Energy of 2nd Field of Ferromagnet

          Re-posted from Next-Energy Forum

          Source Through Google Translate: Google Translate

          1. Эффект основан на преобразовании вторичного ферромагнитного поля ферромагнетика в полезную (свободную) электроэнергию. Effect based on the transformation of secondary ferromagnetic field ferromagnet in a useful (free) energy. Работа на намагничивание (затраты электроэнергии) определяется только тем магнитным полем, что непосредственно образует потокосцепление(индуктивную связь) с обмоткой намагничивания. Work on the magnetization (electricity costs) is determined only by the magnetic field, which have direct linkage (inductive coupling) with a winding magnetization.

          Ap = ψn*I/2 Ap = ψn * I / 2
          I – ток; I - current;
          ψn - потокосцепление – Bi*S*Nk ψn - linkage - Bi * S * Nk
          Ap - работа на намагничивание Ap - Work on the magnetization
          Установка состоит из намагничивающей обмотки с ферромагнитным сердечником(обязательно!) и расположенного через воздушный (диэлектрический) зазор вторичного ферромагнитного сердечника (их может быть несколько). The installation consists of the magnetizing coil with a ferromagnetic core (required!) and located through the air (dielectric) gap secondary ferromagnetic core (there may be several).
          Свободное магнитное поле Bi2 (вторичное) - это поле (см. рисунок), которое замкнуто только вокруг вторичных сердечников. Free magnetic field Bi2 (secondary) - this field (see figure), which closed just around the secondary cores. Поле Bi2 не пронизывает витки индуктора и вообще не участвует во взаимодействии ферромагнитных объемов системы. Bi2 field does not permeate the inductor coils and is not involved in the interaction of the ferromagnetic volume of the system. Т.е. Ie поле Bi2 образует свободную магнитную энергию Wn2. field Bi2 forms of free magnetic energy Wn2. При фазе размагничивания поле Bi2 преобразуется в электроэнергию в специальной дополнительной съемной обмотке (на рисунке не показана) на вторичном ферромагнитном сердечнике. When the phase of the demagnetization field Bi2 is converted into electricity in a special additional detachable coil (not shown) in the secondary ferromagnetic core. При этом и генерируется дополнительная свободная "сверхзатратная" электроэнергия (во вторичной съемной обмотке). At the same time and generating additional free "sverhzatratnaya" electricity (secondary detachable coil).
          2. 2. Свободное магнитное поле Bi2 не образует потокосцепление с намагничивающей обмоткой. Free magnetic field Bi2 not form flux linkage with the magnetizing winding. На образование свободного магнитного поля источник электроэнергии не тратит никакой энергии. The formation of free magnetic field source of electricity does not waste any energy. Поле Bi2 не входит в формулу работы на намагничивание. Bi2 field is not included in the formula work for the magnetization.
          Все затраты электроэнергии в обмотке ограничены (больше затратить источник тока просто не может!) только той магнитной энергией, что образует связь с обмоткой намагничивания. All costs of electricity in the coil is limited (more costly source of power simply can not!) Only the magnetic energy that forms a link with coil magnetization. Поле Bi2 и связанная с ним магнитная энергия образуется абсолютно даром без дополнительных затрат энергии. Bi2 field and the associated magnetic energy produced absolutely nothing without the additional cost of energy.
          3. 3. В результате полученная магнитная энергия системы полей оказывается больше, чем затраты электроэнергии на ее образование. As a result, the resulting magnetic energy of the system of fields is greater than the cost of electricity to its formation. Нужно лишь преобразовать всю эту магнитную энергию при размагничивании в электроэнергию. Just need to convert this entire magnetic energy into electricity for demagnetization. Это весьма похоже на режим работы обратноходового трансформатора (fly back), но с преобразованием более сложной топологии магнитного поля. This is very similar to the mode flyback transformer (fly back), but with the transformation of more complex magnetic field topology. Полученная в результате этого электроэнергия (с нескольких обмоток) будет больше, чем затраченная (так как в электроэнергию преобразуется и энергия поля Bi2 - Wn2) The resulting electricity (with a few coils) will be more than spent (since converted into electricity and energy fields Bi2 - Wn2)

          Все это возможно благодаря тому, что ферромагнетик образован спиновыми квантовыми токами. All this is possible because the ferromagnet formed by spin quantum currents. На спин электрона (этот квантовый ток) не действует вихревое электрическое поле Максвелла. On the electron spin (the quantum current) are not a vortex electric field, Maxwell. Квантовый ток может идти даже против встречного вихревого электрического поля, ЭДСi. Quantum current can go even against the oncoming vortex electric field, EDSi. Ферромагнетик обладает нулевым индуктивным сопротивлением, импедансом (и собственным, и вносимым). Ferromagnet has zero inductive reactance, impedance (and his own, and insertion).

          В отличие от токов в катушках из провода, в ферромагнитный сердечник невозможно внести дополнительный импеданс. In contrast to the currents in the coils of wire, the ferromagnetic core is impossible to make an additional impedance. Например, квантовые магнитные токи в магните динамика никак не зависят от внешней ЭДСi. For example, quantum magnetic currents in the magnet speaker does not depend on external EDSi. Магнит намагничивает железо без затрат. Magnet magnetize iron without the cost.
          4. 4. Вся работа на намагничивание совершается за счет квантовой энергии спинов токов. All work on the magnetization occurs due to the quantum energy spin currents. Каждый спин электрона в ферромагнетике совершает как бы "квазиработы" против контрЭДСi за счет квантовой энергии. Each electron spin in a ferromagnet commits like "kvaziraboty v. kontrEDSi by quantum energy. Ферромагнитный сердечник индуктора не совершает работу на намагничивание других ферромагнитных объемов. Ferromagnetic core inductor does not work on the magnetization of ferromagnetic other volumes. Затраты совершает только ток в обмотке! Costs commits only the current in the coil!

          Часто спрашивают: "Но ведь сердечники взаимодействуют?" People often ask: "But the cores interact?" Да, есть взаимное подмагничивание. Yes, there is mutual magnetization. Но оно не увеличивает затраты, на намагничивание, а уменьшает их. But it does not increase costs to the magnetisation, and reduces them. Второй сердечник не добавляет дополнительных затрат в индуктор. The second core does not add additional costs to the inductor. Изменяется лишь форма кривой намагничивания (становится круче). Changes only the shape of the magnetization curve (becomes steeper). Сам ферромагнитный сердечник индуктора не совершает никакой работы на намагничивание (спинам электронов не нужно преодолевать ЭДСi против тока) соседних ферромагнитных объемов. Sam ferromagnetic core inductor is not committing any work on the magnetization (spins of the electrons do not have to overcome EDSi against the current) of adjacent ferromagnetic volumes. В отличие от витков с током из провода, добавить, внести в ферромагнитный сердечник индуктора дополнительное индуктивное сопротивление (импеданс) невозможно. In contrast to the coils with a current from the wire, add to a ferromagnetic core inductor additional inductive resistance (impedance) is impossible.

          Эти уникальные физические (квантовые) свойства ферромагнетиков открывают технические возможности для генерации электроэнергии. These unique physical (quantum) properties of ferromagnetic materials offer technical possibilities for generating electricity.



          • #20
            Ochom ti gabarish?


            • #21
              Originally posted by bugler View Post
              Ochom ti gabarish?
              Hahahah...Bugler, ti gavarish pa ruski ? Well, it is slavish language,
              and Croatia as part of former Jugoslavija was 50 years in very friendly relationship with USSR, so many people have learned russian (my elder sister too)...That is why i understand a lot of russian words...

              Mais je comprends beaucoup des mots francaise aussi, parce que j`ai
              appris la langue francaise quelque annees, et si je me souviens bien tu es l` homme francais, n`est-ce pas ?

              I just saw this film on croatian television :

              YouTube - Chicken a la Carte

              25 000 people die EVERY DAY of hunger because of greed of wealthy
              countries !!!

              So, free energy TODAY we the people demand, and cheap food for all NOW !

              See this short film and go to sleep tonight with peace in your heart if you can!
              "There is no love without prayer - there is no prayer without forgiveness because love is prayer - forgiveness is love." Virgin Marry - Immaculate Conception ...The geologists say it's not in the ground, the airforce says it's not in the air, the astronomers say it's not from space, so we are running out of options...


              • #22
                I am almost done with a replication of that set up, ill have 36 disk / 8 rotors and a additional configuration. My orginal version (what i think will work) is a little different than what shown by mindfreer, but i made it so i could also test it out the way mindfreer shows his. We will see.

                Here is the other thread


                • #23
                  Thank you Roland so much for this link !!!

                  Guys, this is OU system for real !

                  Now i know what i have to do,we do not have to look for something better than that, here is solution, the real prise we have to pay for are magnets, but
                  alternators and drive motors are not big problem if you get them from the
                  scratch so to speak, am i right !

                  Awesome ! Yes, this video was so inspiring that i had to start thread with
                  it, and it is worthy of attention indeed !

                  Go for it !
                  Last edited by cikljamas; 03-09-2011, 12:04 AM. Reason: f
                  "There is no love without prayer - there is no prayer without forgiveness because love is prayer - forgiveness is love." Virgin Marry - Immaculate Conception ...The geologists say it's not in the ground, the airforce says it's not in the air, the astronomers say it's not from space, so we are running out of options...


                  • #24
                    Hi folks, I'm also building a form of replication.

                    I'm using axially placed 1" neo magnets instead of on periphery.

                    I'm going to use a 120 volt DC 1.5-2 HP treadmill motor as the drive motor and will use my dual rotor stanley air-core motor as generator, it has 6 coils sandwiched between 2 rotors with 6 - 1" neo stacks per rotor.

                    Working on mounting a disc with magnets to my treadmill motor, have to get creative for it, using a large pulley wheel and attaching disc to it while pulley has hex bolt to secure to 5/8" shaft.

                    peace love light


                    • #25
                      Hi Skywatcher !
                      What do you think about belt transmission instead of magnetic transmission ?
                      I will try that first, i just need one more part to accomplish whole construction
                      (belt transmission)...So i have 300 W inverter with cooler , i have alternator,
                      drive motor, belt, and i just need appropriate ring for drive motor shaft...
                      I am very anxious to see how it works with this kind of configuration (transmi-
                      ssion)...What do you think would i be able to achive at least cop > 1 like that ?
                      ...And that axially placed magnets is interesting idea, but i am not sure
                      that it is going to work with same efficiency as periphery variation ???
                      "There is no love without prayer - there is no prayer without forgiveness because love is prayer - forgiveness is love." Virgin Marry - Immaculate Conception ...The geologists say it's not in the ground, the airforce says it's not in the air, the astronomers say it's not from space, so we are running out of options...


                      • #26
                        Hi cikljamas, Using a belt sounds like the Chas Campbell flywheel generators setup, which to me has not been disproved.

                        This may just boil down to some kind of pulsed mechanical resonance as some have speculated, so a slack belt may work also, who knows.

                        I have most of the stuff i needed, so i figured i'd run some tests to have a look at this and see if anything novel shows up.

                        almost finished setting this up to see what happens.
                        peace love light


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post
                          Hi cikljamas, Using a belt sounds like the Chas Campbell flywheel generators setup, which to me has not been disproved.

                          This may just boil down to some kind of pulsed mechanical resonance as some have speculated, so a slack belt may work also, who knows.

                          I have most of the stuff i needed, so i figured i'd run some tests to have a look at this and see if anything novel shows up.

                          almost finished setting this up to see what happens.
                          peace love light
                          Hi SkyWatcher ! So we are going to make our OU machine almost the
                          same day...I was busy today and almost finished my setup too...
                          See picture :

                          ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting

                          That date on the photo is wrong, i just shot this picture few minutes ago,
                          wrong date is because it bothers me to adjust all the time date when i reset
                          my camera, and i have to reset it often....

                          I could not finished it because of shortage of magnets...I used so far 30
                          magnets and i need 30 more...Tomorrow i go to the city to buy some 50
                          magnets of that size so to be able to finished it...

                          But even with this 30 magnets i succeeded to spin the rotor of alternator
                          pretty nice, so 30 more magnets have to be enough i think...

                          So, although i thought i was gonna make belt connection first i made
                          magnetic transmission (half of it) in just one day, hahahhah....

                          We`ll see, but this time i am going to jump first and then say hurrah !

                          Maybe some help from sky would be also welcome !

                          So i will watch the sky too....

                          Cheers !
                          "There is no love without prayer - there is no prayer without forgiveness because love is prayer - forgiveness is love." Virgin Marry - Immaculate Conception ...The geologists say it's not in the ground, the airforce says it's not in the air, the astronomers say it's not from space, so we are running out of options...


                          • #28
                            Hi cikljamas, thanks for the update and pic.
                            That looks pretty close to mindfreer's setup, what are the black rotors made from that the magnets are mounted to?

                            My first setup is a little crude, the wood disc I'm mounting the magnets to for the drive motor didn't get cut perfectly round with my router, it must have shifted on me and so it would be hard to shave off that much excess on the one side. Though it's good enough for medium rpm's.

                            And I'm only using 2 of the 1" X 1/8" thick neo magnets stacked for drive rotor, whereas the generator has 6 neos stacked per hole.
                            Just want to get an idea how this axial setup will work, if it seems good, then i will make a better setup, either axial or periphery mounted magnets and make a structure suited better for the purpose.
                            peace love light


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post
                              Hi cikljamas, thanks for the update and pic.
                              That looks pretty close to mindfreer's setup, what are the black rotors made from that the magnets are mounted to?

                              My first setup is a little crude, the wood disc I'm mounting the magnets to for the drive motor didn't get cut perfectly round with my router, it must have shifted on me and so it would be hard to shave off that much excess on the one side. Though it's good enough for medium rpm's.

                              And I'm only using 2 of the 1" X 1/8" thick neo magnets stacked for drive rotor, whereas the generator has 6 neos stacked per hole.
                              Just want to get an idea how this axial setup will work, if it seems good, then i will make a better setup, either axial or periphery mounted magnets and make a structure suited better for the purpose.
                              peace love light
                              Hi Skywatcher !
                              Well, i did what i said i was going to do, i bought neos, a lot of them, spend
                              60 $, but what can i do, i even bought one old alternator (same kind as this
                              one on the pic) for just 20 $, and when i have talked with that guy who
                              sales alternators about our stuff he told me that there is no way that i could
                              spin my alternator with 150 W drive motor...Hm, i understand why, because
                              my alternator is not repaired with permanent magnets, so inside is still
                              electromagnet, and when electromagnet is activated then i could have
                              problem with horse power of my 150 W drive motor...

                              So before i even tried to turn CONNECTED (with battery) alternator with my
                              drive motor i just think that this magnetic transmission importance and
                              advantage comparing it with belt transmission is MAYBE possibility to
                              turn even CONNECTED alternator with my weak drive motor...

                              Yes, i havent spent much time to study theory cause i was too anxious
                              to make it first (hahaah...i always do like that, first make something, then
                              study the theories), but i was going to ask you : what is the main advantage
                              of that magnetic transmission ???

                              Well, i have spent whole day making this magnetic rings :

                              ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting

                              But i could not try it with connected alternator (with unconnected alternator
                              it turns beautiful but i had to hold alternator with just one hand so i could
                              not test it more than few seconds) cause tomorrow i have to find the way
                              how to fix alternator beside drive motor, and then (not before) i ll be able
                              to test it with instruments and everything...

                              I am finished for today !

                              Whats up with your setup ?
                              "There is no love without prayer - there is no prayer without forgiveness because love is prayer - forgiveness is love." Virgin Marry - Immaculate Conception ...The geologists say it's not in the ground, the airforce says it's not in the air, the astronomers say it's not from space, so we are running out of options...

