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Coulld "water" help Japanese nuclear meltdown?

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  • #31
    On the news that I have seen, there is talk of 3 partial meltdowns in the cores and one breach but no danger. Fires and hydrogen explosions in the reactor buildings and release of radioactive gasses, four explosions big enough to decimate reactor buildings, that’s admitted, but only a low threat.

    Have you seen the Hindenburg disaster? That’s a hydrogen fire on a similar scale to a reactor building. Now ask if that is enough energy to cause the explosions we could see. How much TNT would it take to cause a similar explosion? Or how much uranium?

    If it was a hydrogen explosion, yes it would knock the cladding off but wouldn’t severely damage the reinforced concrete and steel structure. Hydrogen fires or explosions do not cause scudding clouds of dust. If it was steam it would have rapidly condensed and disappeared in the cold Japanese air. The dust is the shattered concrete and other materials, what could do that?

    It’s either everyone burying their heads in the sand and saying it didn’t happen, or it’s a coverup.

    We have radioactive iodine in the Tokyo water supply, contaminated milk and food, does this sound like a Chernobyl type event? Do the pictures of the reactors say the same thing? It’s much bigger than 3 mile island and radiation has now detected in the US, come on it’s the biggest cover up since 911 and it’s all in plane sight.

    It’s not over yet

    Radiation Levels Higher Than Earlier Reported | Newstabulous - Headlines

    Pressure rises at stricken reactor - UK News - News - WalesOnline


    • #32
      We will never know the truth about the explosion.

      The companies top nuclear engineers fly in first then a giant plume is released when the wind is just right. Like physicist playing with velocity equation they decide and later the regulatory agencies come and read the masterfully contrived documents.

      could water help leads into the subject hydrogen blast.
      The truth is:
      hydrogen-2 is used in nuclear fission applications as a moderator to slow neutrons.
      It is found in that compartment.

      The truth is:
      The rods must come together but after an earth quake there is supposed to be another set of control rods come in and
      absorb the neutrons.

      The blast , exposions , bombs is masterfully contrived bunk to disguise the plume release is
      purposefully linked to hydrogen while fuel rods and the responsible use enriched uranium is covered up.
      when you cannot mechanically or manually close the gap to shut down the reactor it will continue getting hotter
      thus making a weapon of mass destruction and those responsible should be accountable in the highest degree.
      A group making terror by omission greed and blatant disregard for human life.
      Last edited by mikrovolt; 03-20-2011, 04:19 PM.


      • #33
        Point of view

        Not argueing with anything said, and maybe all 'disinformation campaigns' are like this.Seems to me it could be called a 'passivisation campaign'.The "Machine" regardless of who you think is running it, needs the citesenry to be active consumers and producers, in order for things to keep running smoothly.This passivisation campaign is designed with that purpose in mind; if people are cowereing in their homes, behind duct tape and plastic, and not going out to work or the grocery store, the machine stops working.
        "You can't con an honest person", meaning you can't con someone who has no interest in getting something for nothing.Similarly, you can't 'passify' someone who doesn't WANT to be passified;whether its 911 the nuke disaster, whatever, they are telling the majority of the people what they want to hear.
        They want to hear "No, there is no need to take iodine, in the US ! No need to be concerned.Just go about your business as usual." Those who WANT to believe, will.Even tho, as said, you don't have to be a nuclear engineer to figure out whats going on; its right there to see.I'm not sure how important it is whether the explosions were like a 'dirty bomb'; hydrogen explosions which spewed radioactive material, a nuclear explosion caused by the fuel melting down, or perhaps a nuclear explosion from melted fuel, where a hydrogen gas explosion acted like the trigger.And, since no one can get close enough, and probably won't for the next kajillion years, we may never know exactly all of what happened.Sure, perhaps analysis of the photos and films tells, but the obvious result, for any thinking person; radioactive dust, or fallout, was obviously spewed into the aptnosphere.
        Remember the feather, at the beginning and end of Forrest Gump? There is simply no way to know or control where a speck of dust will end up.Jim


        • #34
          Originally posted by mikrovolt View Post
          We will never know the truth about the explosion.

          The companies top nuclear engineers fly in first then a giant plume is released when the wind is just right. Like physicist playing with velocity equation they decide and later the regulatory agencies come and read the masterfully contrived documents.

          could water help leads into the subject hydrogen blast.
          The truth is:
          hydrogen-2 is used in nuclear fission applications as a moderator to slow neutrons.
          It is found in that compartment.

          The truth is:
          The rods must come together but after an earth quake there is supposed to be another set of control rods come in and
          absorb the neutrons.

          The blast , exposions , bombs is masterfully contrived bunk to disguise the plume release is
          purposefully linked to hydrogen while fuel rods and the responsible use enriched uranium is covered up.
          when you cannot mechanically or manually close the gap to shut down the reactor it will continue getting hotter
          thus making a weapon of mass destruction and those responsible should be accountable in the highest degree.
          A group making terror by omission greed and blatant disregard for human life.
          Sounds like you know more about reactor operation than me, I just worked on the cooling systems.

          I think the blasts are very significant in spreading radioactive particles, dust and lumps but you are right about the discharges because they come directly from the reactor core. I understand that there is some sort of scrubber on the discharges but is this scrubber still intact and how high is the radioactive discharge?


          • #35
            Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
            Not argueing with anything said, and maybe all 'disinformation campaigns' are like this.Seems to me it could be called a 'passivisation campaign'.The "Machine" regardless of who you think is running it, needs the citesenry to be active consumers and producers, in order for things to keep running smoothly.This passivisation campaign is designed with that purpose in mind; if people are cowereing in their homes, behind duct tape and plastic, and not going out to work or the grocery store, the machine stops working.
            "You can't con an honest person", meaning you can't con someone who has no interest in getting something for nothing.Similarly, you can't 'passify' someone who doesn't WANT to be passified;whether its 911 the nuke disaster, whatever, they are telling the majority of the people what they want to hear.
            They want to hear "No, there is no need to take iodine, in the US ! No need to be concerned.Just go about your business as usual." Those who WANT to believe, will.Even tho, as said, you don't have to be a nuclear engineer to figure out whats going on; its right there to see.I'm not sure how important it is whether the explosions were like a 'dirty bomb'; hydrogen explosions which spewed radioactive material, a nuclear explosion caused by the fuel melting down, or perhaps a nuclear explosion from melted fuel, where a hydrogen gas explosion acted like the trigger.And, since no one can get close enough, and probably won't for the next kajillion years, we may never know exactly all of what happened.Sure, perhaps analysis of the photos and films tells, but the obvious result, for any thinking person; radioactive dust, or fallout, was obviously spewed into the aptnosphere.
            Remember the feather, at the beginning and end of Forrest Gump? There is simply no way to know or control where a speck of dust will end up.Jim
            You summed this up well.


            • #36
              Thanks. and 1 thing to remember

              I suppose its possible there is someone out there who has always questioned everything, and seen the truth thru the lies.Realistically, tho, we were all sheeple at one time.Going about our lives as 20 somethings, looking for a 'mate', then having kids, focusing on a career, then getting divorced, finding a new mate, new jobs, buying a house, whatever.
              At some point, either because of 1 event, or gradually over time, we began to smell the stench of bull****, and to realise what was going on.
              We should try to remember that, when we harshly criticise the sheeple, for not seeing the truth.The truth is hard to see, its like looking directly at the sun.Much easier to climb on a boat, in that river in Egypt.When we talk about the sheeple, remember that we were like them once, ourselves.Think about the 1 event, that it may take, that forces them to dive off the boat, and look at the sun.And have a little compassion and understanding; when it happens, for them, its gonna hit them like a freight train! Jim

