First of all, Many Thanks to Paul Falstad and his Circuit applet.
He does have other many interesting Applets there also.
Math, Physics, and Engineering Applets
I did play around with it, and it becomes handy for me.
Its an usefull Applet where you see how Current runs and what do happen in there and it works so far i can see.
I build up a Timer Circuit, what runs from 500hz up to 4khz,
I can still adjust to a low duty cycle and frequency, even when it is some tuning around at some cases.
A Meter for measure the Frequency is very handy for that, or an Oscilloscope for the Duty Cycle.
First download the Zip File from here,
http://www.falstad.com/circuit/circuit.zip it (fast, fast, so far it is still free, lol), is not very big.
Extract the Zip file into a new Folder with a Name of your Choice.
Make sure, you have Java installed, else download it from here. java.com: Java + You
Double click at Circuit.jar at this new Folder, and the Applet with a standard Circuit comes up.
Click right top at the Menu at File-Import. A Empty Box comes up, and past this Digits in.
Now you can see the Circuit and how it runs, when you change one of the 3 Resistors right Side below.
Optional you can place another 1K 5k or 10K Potentiometer to R1 Left Side top in Series, for a better fine Tuning.
Right side Top are Levers for the Simulation Speed.
Some other Keys for the Applet.
Mouseover an Object and holding Ctrl + Shift + by pressing left Mousebutton you can move the Object with the Mouse.
Mouseover an Object and holding Shift + by pressing the left Mousbutton you can move the alignment from the Object.
Rightclick on a Object for a additional Menu like Show Voltage at the Object.
Richtclick on the Backround for additional Elements,
check them with your Mousebutton, go back to the Window and 'drag' them in with your Mouse
by pressing left Mousebutton and moving the Pointer.
Works for the Wires also.
Menu at Top File - Export, export the Digits over copy/past into a new Textfile anywhere on your PC,
to save your Work.
And please note the Circuits Examples at the Menu at Top.
Material needed.
R1 50k Potentiometer
R2 10k Potentiometer.
R3 10k Potentiometer.
Unpoled Capacitor 100nf or equal.
Optional 1k, 5k or 10k in Serie with R1(50K).
And dont forget to connect Pin1 with Ground and the one Side of the Capacitor,
which is assumed at the Applet.
Have Fun.
Circuit Simulator Applet
Circuit Applet done
If someone can make improvements, feel free to do so.
First of all, Many Thanks to Paul Falstad and his Circuit applet.
He does have other many interesting Applets there also.
Math, Physics, and Engineering Applets
I did play around with it, and it becomes handy for me.
Its an usefull Applet where you see how Current runs and what do happen in there and it works so far i can see.
I build up a Timer Circuit, what runs from 500hz up to 4khz,
I can still adjust to a low duty cycle and frequency, even when it is some tuning around at some cases.
A Meter for measure the Frequency is very handy for that, or an Oscilloscope for the Duty Cycle.
First download the Zip File from here,
http://www.falstad.com/circuit/circuit.zip it (fast, fast, so far it is still free, lol), is not very big.
Extract the Zip file into a new Folder with a Name of your Choice.
Make sure, you have Java installed, else download it from here. java.com: Java + You
Double click at Circuit.jar at this new Folder, and the Applet with a standard Circuit comes up.
Click right top at the Menu at File-Import. A Empty Box comes up, and past this Digits in.
$ 1 1.0E-6 2.803162489452614 50 9.0 43
165 496 128 688 128 2 0.0
v 112 272 112 208 0 0 40.0 9.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
c 256 352 256 416 0 1.0000000000000001E-7 3.010186976662886
w 112 272 112 416 0
w 112 416 256 416 0
g 112 416 112 448 0
w 112 96 112 208 0
p 640 192 688 192 1
174 224 128 256 192 0 50000.0 0.33170000000000005 Resistance
w 224 96 112 96 0
d 624 320 624 352 1 0.805904783
w 224 96 224 128 2
w 496 96 560 96 0
w 560 96 624 96 0
w 464 160 496 160 2
w 624 192 640 192 0
w 640 192 640 320 0
w 640 320 624 320 0
w 624 352 528 352 2
w 496 368 432 368 0
w 432 368 432 352 0
w 432 320 432 192 2
174 432 128 464 192 0 10000.0 0.18320000000000003 Resistance
174 496 336 528 368 0 10000.0 0.9554000000000001 Resistance
w 432 352 432 320 0
w 496 192 432 192 2
w 400 192 432 192 0
w 624 160 624 96 0
w 400 192 256 192 0
w 256 96 496 96 0
w 256 160 256 192 0
w 224 96 256 96 0
w 496 256 496 224 0
w 496 224 496 192 0
w 256 272 256 352 0
w 256 192 256 272 0
o 7 64 0 363 18.707220957835556 9.765625E-55 0 -1
o 7 16 0 42 10.0 1.52587890625E-6 1 -1
o 2 64 0 35 10.0 0.025 2 -1
165 496 128 688 128 2 0.0
v 112 272 112 208 0 0 40.0 9.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
c 256 352 256 416 0 1.0000000000000001E-7 3.010186976662886
w 112 272 112 416 0
w 112 416 256 416 0
g 112 416 112 448 0
w 112 96 112 208 0
p 640 192 688 192 1
174 224 128 256 192 0 50000.0 0.33170000000000005 Resistance
w 224 96 112 96 0
d 624 320 624 352 1 0.805904783
w 224 96 224 128 2
w 496 96 560 96 0
w 560 96 624 96 0
w 464 160 496 160 2
w 624 192 640 192 0
w 640 192 640 320 0
w 640 320 624 320 0
w 624 352 528 352 2
w 496 368 432 368 0
w 432 368 432 352 0
w 432 320 432 192 2
174 432 128 464 192 0 10000.0 0.18320000000000003 Resistance
174 496 336 528 368 0 10000.0 0.9554000000000001 Resistance
w 432 352 432 320 0
w 496 192 432 192 2
w 400 192 432 192 0
w 624 160 624 96 0
w 400 192 256 192 0
w 256 96 496 96 0
w 256 160 256 192 0
w 224 96 256 96 0
w 496 256 496 224 0
w 496 224 496 192 0
w 256 272 256 352 0
w 256 192 256 272 0
o 7 64 0 363 18.707220957835556 9.765625E-55 0 -1
o 7 16 0 42 10.0 1.52587890625E-6 1 -1
o 2 64 0 35 10.0 0.025 2 -1
Optional you can place another 1K 5k or 10K Potentiometer to R1 Left Side top in Series, for a better fine Tuning.
Right side Top are Levers for the Simulation Speed.
Some other Keys for the Applet.
Mouseover an Object and holding Ctrl + Shift + by pressing left Mousebutton you can move the Object with the Mouse.
Mouseover an Object and holding Shift + by pressing the left Mousbutton you can move the alignment from the Object.
Rightclick on a Object for a additional Menu like Show Voltage at the Object.
Richtclick on the Backround for additional Elements,
check them with your Mousebutton, go back to the Window and 'drag' them in with your Mouse
by pressing left Mousebutton and moving the Pointer.
Works for the Wires also.
Menu at Top File - Export, export the Digits over copy/past into a new Textfile anywhere on your PC,
to save your Work.
And please note the Circuits Examples at the Menu at Top.
Material needed.
R1 50k Potentiometer
R2 10k Potentiometer.
R3 10k Potentiometer.
Unpoled Capacitor 100nf or equal.
Optional 1k, 5k or 10k in Serie with R1(50K).
And dont forget to connect Pin1 with Ground and the one Side of the Capacitor,
which is assumed at the Applet.
Have Fun.
Circuit Simulator Applet
Circuit Applet done
If someone can make improvements, feel free to do so.