Anyone here ever build a working pulse current multiplier? It's from the Hyde generator (see hyde generator) at Rex research.
Supposedly it's like the opposite of a voltage multiplier. I'd love to get one of these up and running, but I'm a bit doubtful of the design. Moray King has a simplified schematic in his book Quest for Zero Point Energy showing a string of caps and diodes in series. I was thinking this might be a great way to harvest the energy from the water spark plug design or from other high voltage impulse devices. Has anyone every worked with one of these? The photo shows three stages, but they recommend ten or more...
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Supposedly it's like the opposite of a voltage multiplier. I'd love to get one of these up and running, but I'm a bit doubtful of the design. Moray King has a simplified schematic in his book Quest for Zero Point Energy showing a string of caps and diodes in series. I was thinking this might be a great way to harvest the energy from the water spark plug design or from other high voltage impulse devices. Has anyone every worked with one of these? The photo shows three stages, but they recommend ten or more...
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