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This Would Seem To Be The Time

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  • This Would Seem To Be The Time

    To announce alternative CLEAN ENERGY proposals for the masses.

    For all practical purposes Nuclear Energy will not be a viable future source of electricity. In fact, I predict there will be a massive outcry to decommission the existing nuclear infrastructure.

    Broad public announcements now would be shots heard round the world. People are not willing to go without power. The people of the world would likely embrace and echo the possibilities until they were available to all.

    You want economic boom? Introduce these technologies and work to implement at all levels.

    What is the alternative? Withering in a cold damp world. Or maybe adapting to an Aboriginal lifestyle.

    I can think of a dozen inventors or so that could do this. What do you think?

  • #2
    You might want to look at the following thread:

    . . .
    Regular service Signature:
    Follow along on my Algae growing adventure, where I'm currently growing Spirulina and two mystery strains (one of which can also produce Biofuel). All is revealed in the Growing Algae thread...


    • #3
      alternative techologys have been available and supressed for many years, thorium reactors were considered in the 60`s but rejected becouse they could not make a bomb from them.


      • #4
        And aint that the way !

        So we have to remove the middle men. The power companies generate and disperse the power at the moment..they generate based on accepted models, proven techniques and with a meter installed to recoup the power generation. Nothing wrong with that - for the 20th century.
        Now, we need to bring in home generation.
        I agree with the nuclear thoughts. Up until the awful situation in Japan there were proposals for more nuclear powering, a decent enough idea. BUT, with Japanese contaminations reports being suppressed, USA readings being considered as erroneous where frightening radiation amounts were hushed up on boss's reflections to the implications and a myriad of current economic concerns, we have to start gelling our experiments into working home solutions.
        Globally, it's the time - it's where the USA goes bust and the power companies can't get handouts and all that. It's not too difficult to imagine...especially if a Coast to Coast listener LOL

        What's out there ?
        What's able to be home made ?
        And mostly, what works ?

        Personally, I won't mind peddling an exercise bike for 20 minutes 3 times a day if a connected generator gives me power around the house all day.
        I'd also peddle away if next door could get their power and every now and then they peddle away generating wireless electricity to give me a day off.


        • #5
          power to the people !


          • #6

            Reminds me of Citizen Smith on UK TV in the 1980's, if anyone remembers that ?

            I have this idea about bicycles and big generator doodad's and whining sounds of flickering light power creation - but, in common with our original poster, would really like to see more people travelling down our brightening road.

            I hope as a newbie, that I have this forum correct...that's it's up to us lot to create and then demonstrate
            Scaling up the known working energy devices that currently sit on messed up home tables is where we're at ?

