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Bashar Free Energy Space-Time Antenna Replication
Ep. 8 - Inverse Square Law Experiment
YouTube - Ep. 8: Bashar Free Energy Space-Time Antenna (Inverse Square Law)
9:05 pm PST -- while contemplating these experimental results, I realize there might be a flaw in my technique.
I forgot to account for other sources of radiation in the room. The Bashar STA was closer to the florescent CFL lights than the
12x12 foil was. I will try to address that in my next video.Last edited by morpher44; 04-11-2011, 04:07 AM.
Ep. 9 - Wavelength Thought Experiment
YouTube - Ep. 9: Bashar Free Energy Space-Time Antenna (Wavelength Thought Experiment)
Ep. 10 - High Voltage Ping Experiment
YouTube - Ep. 10: Bashar Free Energy Space-Time Antenna (High Voltage Ping Experiment)
I've been watching your thread closely and I've noticed that you've only excited the capacitive part of the system and haven't tried to excite the coil (Atleast when it's in the tetrahedron. The only reason I think that this maybe of some use is that Bashar says that you excite the coil at some particular frequency and the energy will 'come in' which to me says the the energy comes in through the capacitive setup. I could be wrong but it's just another angle you could approach this device fromWell done on the job you've done and good luck on future experiments!
RauiScribd account;
tank circuit
Originally posted by Raui View PostI've been watching your thread closely and I've noticed that you've only excited the capacitive part of the system and haven't tried to excite the coil (Atleast when it's in the tetrahedron. The only reason I think that this maybe of some use is that Bashar says that you excite the coil at some particular frequency and the energy will 'come in' which to me says the the energy comes in through the capacitive setup. I could be wrong but it's just another angle you could approach this device fromWell done on the job you've done and good luck on future experiments!
The "particular frequency" would be resonance, yielding the highest possible voltage. Other frequencies too low would be attenuated by the capacitor and those too high would be attenuated by the inductor. Only at resonance would the balance be struck. Also, if the inductance is large as possible, and the capacitance as small as possible, you can make it ring longer.
What would be interesting to know is whether this inter-penetrating cone coil arrangement suddenly had an order of magnitude change of inductance ... making it suddenly larger than one would expect. If that were to occur, then suddenly resonance would be shifted very much lower, reactance at resonance would be larger, and the ring-down would take longer.
So far I haven't found anything unusual with inductance.
I do have a new idea to try, however... when I can get to it. :-)
Yes the energy arrives through the capacitor. The outer-plate is the surface struck by particles from all directions. The inner-plate surface is shielded, and so you can think of it as being our ground because the inner-plate is quiescent whereas the outer plate is being bombarded with radiant energy.
So even if you had a traditional cylinder coil here inside, you could make
this thing receive. The question in my mind is, why the
interpenetrating cone coils? What is special about them?
I wonder what the significance of the cone vase is here:
YouTube - How to make a homemade anti gravity toy
Very nice experiment.
Imagine this thing levitating in a coil structure with
induced currents as it wiggles around.
Originally posted by morpher44 View PostI wonder what the significance of the cone vase is here:
YouTube - How to make a homemade anti gravity toy
Very nice experiment.
Imagine this thing levitating in a coil structure with
induced currents as it wiggles around.
You should contact Dr. Stiffler on details of what can be done here. He still has an experiment running that is composed of two coils and a large ring magnet. In the exposed (upper) coil he has a round bar magnet that slowly spins around the circumference of the upper coil while slowly rotating on its own axis.
I have included a few photos of the setup.
Aside from the subject matter here, you men cannot possibly believe this guy is not crazy? i mean channeling aliens now for goodness sake!
he should have stuck to doing special effects.
Didn't Tesla make coils like this then modify the design over time to become pancake coils?The history of science shows that theories are perishable.With every new truth that is revealed,we get a better understanding of Nature and our conceptions and views are modified. - Nikola Tesla
stranger things...
Originally posted by arKzeRo View PostAside from the subject matter here, you men cannot possibly believe this guy is not crazy? i mean channeling aliens now for goodness sake!
he should have stuck to doing special effects.
Didn't Tesla make coils like this then modify the design over time to become pancake coils?
he's pretty articulate and looks sane to me. So is his channeling gig a con?
Who knows? It is pretty entertaining and gets me thinking.
I wouldn't worry about it. If your world view -- your paradigm -- is
strongly held by you and you have no fear of anything like this
shattering your beliefs ... then there is no need to get census from
us that Daryl is crazy. You can come to that conclusion on your own.
I know that the strongly religious might think this guy is channeling demons.
I would find that even harder to believe than channeling aliens ...
but that is just me.
Tesla experimented with all sorts of coils.
I have not read that he went exclusively to pancake coils.
He had oil coils when he was lecturing in London. These were
in a box, and kept from the air by being bathed in oil.
Son of Tesla Coil, page 4Last edited by morpher44; 04-20-2011, 01:25 AM.
pondering Ep. 10 results...
I think I know what is going on with the different voltage level spikes. Each spike is associate with a polarity change. The transmission coil has its own ring-down that is down in a much lower audio range. Each polarity change, each zero crossing, of that produces one of these greater-than-symbol shaped ring-down patterns -- at varying voltage levels.
Ep. 11 - Power Curve Experiment
YouTube - Ep. 11: Bashar Free Energy Space-Time Antenna (Power Curve Experiment)
Tetrahedron Capacitor
The formula for Capacitance is:
C = E0 * k * A / d;
where E0 is 8.85E-12 Farad's per meter, k is a dielectric constant,
A is area in sq. meters and d is distance between place in meters.
I measure the tetrahedron capacitance that I built at 680 pf.
Interestingly, when I calculate the capacitance using this formula,
and the size of the 4 sided tetrahedron, I get the exact number
if K is approx. 1. What I didn't know is the dielectric constant
for the foam board. I see on the web that foam board is mostly
a styrofoam material with thin paper on either side.
I looked up the dielectric constant for styrofoam, and find
that it is 1.03 (min & max). It has a VERY VERY predictable
dielectric constant NEAR the value that air has. As such,
it is a very nice material for making capacitors that are similar
to air capacitors. I didn't know that and wanted to pass along
that discovery ... for those of you who want to make your
on capacitors with this material.
My tetrahedron was made in a hurry ... and as such the
plates are not tightly on the foam. Had I improved my construction,
the capacitance is predicted to go to about 943 pf instead
of the value I read which is 680 pf.
This would alter the resonant frequency of the tank circuit
downward toward the bottom of the AM dial ... say 560Khz or
A much bigger Bashar coil would have larger inductance -- yes ...
but I'm thinking that you still want to keep the capacitance small
so that Q for the tank circuit remains as high as possible.
This points to the design choice of keeping the distance between
plates a bit larger than this foam board distance ...
If you were to use a different dielectric material such as
wood, you might need to keep the plates upward to 3 times
farther away from each other to make up for the dielectric
(such as using 2" thick wood for the 44 inch base tetrahedron).
Wood might be a good choice here ... and reminds
me again of the arc of the covenant.
So bottom line ... keep the capacitance small-ish ...
so that Q remains high in the tank circuit.
Some calculations for the 44 inch base tetrahedron.
Assuming 2 inch thick wood walls & dielectric constant worst-case of 2.9,
capacitance is predicted to be around 1 nanoFarad.Last edited by morpher44; 04-22-2011, 06:51 AM.