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Bashar Free Energy Space-Time Antenna Replication

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  • #91
    crazy "backwards" electronics...

    UPDATE: I measured the resistance on my variable pot for this sweet spot and found it to be 100K ohms. I've tried other voltages to drive the oscillator and can get similar POSITIVE feedback results. DC output can charge batteries. Source battery charges too. I appear to have hit something interesting here. Others should try this... to confirm these results.

    As source battery I used "dead" rechargeable 9v battery. As charge
    battery on DC side of AC/DC converter I used 12v led acid.
    Both batteries appear to be charging and the 2N3055 is getting
    hot hot. This is crazy "backwards" electronics.
    In this situation, there are two frequencies ... a slow frequency
    PULSING square-wave with a high-frequency reverse-damped
    oscillation inside. As source battery charges ... the oscillations
    continue longer in the on pulse which is increasing in frequency.

    I had D cell as source battery ... and "dead" AA as charge battery ...
    D cell maintains, dropping in voltage very very slowly ... AA battery

    This is really fun. I hope others can reproduce this.


    • #92
      Does anyone have 3D models of the Space Time Antenna? Or is there anyone who can draft them? Thanks!
      0P3N S0UR(E 3NG1N33R1NG


      • #93
        Bashar Double-Cone Coil

        New experiments by jack scholze

        Bashar Double-Cone Coil

        Bashar Double Cone Coil Part 2

        Self-oscillates and lights 30 watt flourescent ...


        • #94
          3D Model

          Originally posted by Nasa Nate View Post
          Does anyone have 3D models of the Space Time Antenna? Or is there anyone who can draft them? Thanks!
          The cones are just cones with a certain ratio such that it fits in a 3 foot
          tall tetrahedron. Hence, you have a TRIG problem to solve. :-)

          The coil winding is up for speculation as Bashar didn't give this sort of detailed information. Some people are using copper tubing and very few windings. In my case, the full scale version I made used 14AWG wire, closely wound, 180 turns.
          Some have speculated that the wire should follow a SPIRAL path, such as a PHI spiral.

          These sorts of details haven't been worked out.
          The cones are straight forward. The coils, their inductances, not so much.



          • #95
            learning from Hubbard's Coil...

            Bashar STA folks...
            So recently I'm working with the Hubbard Coil (see Hubbard Coil thread). I realized that Hubbard had a PHI ratio between his bigger coils and smaller coils to create a PHI ratio between the frequencies of these coils. This was an AHA moment for me because you can BEAT them together to create yet another lower frequency that is PHI ratio. This seems a natural FIT for the Bashar described coil, given that the cones have sacred geometry too.
            A CONE (or PYRAMID) is a perfectly natural shape for manipulating PHI ratio frequencies.

            It occurs to me that one thing that could be tried for the BASHAR STA, is to have ONE cone be one inductance. Lets call that L.
            The wiring on the 2nd cone could be targeted to have an inductance
            that is equal to

            L(prime) = L / (PHI^2)

            You need to use PHI^2 here to get the PHI ratio frequency difference

            F = 1 / (2 * PI * SQRT(L * C))

            and when you solve for L, given two F's that are PHI ratios of each other, you end up with an L that is PHI squared different than the other L.

            One coil will self resonate (with incoming radiant energy) at frequency F -- completely dictated by how many turns you did, and how you wired the cone. Which frequency that is will likely be the bottom of the AM band or even lower. Say you targeted a frequency that matched the STRONGEST radio station in your area, for example. Your coil would get a VERY large signal at that frequency, given that you have the made it for that frequency. You can shoot for a slightly higher frequency and then using a tuning capacitor in parallel to tune in that radio station. The system will be pretty wide-band, but tuning is nice.

            The second coil would want to resonate at the PHI ratio lower frequency -- on its own. If there is no radio station at that one, you still get a little from background noise. If you could find two radio stations that just happen to be PHI ratios of each other -- BOOM -- ideal.

            Ok now what will happen. I imagine in the Bashar STA the two coils will create a BEAT frequency which is the difference of the other two frequency .. but also the PHI ratio frequency lower than the smaller input frequency.
            Other harmonics may appear too.

            A spectrum analyzer would probably be needed (I don't have one), to see if those harmonics are there.

            Certainly you don't need to use radio stations like this if you have TWO signal generators (or one with 2 channels), or some other means of inputting the proper PHI ratio sine waves to study the system. Doing it with radio stations is clever, given the power is arriving to your HOME/LAB for free.

            The BASHAR STA is suppose to utilize Tachyon particles. This is well above my pay grade ... but I do have a very basic understanding in simple radio circuits.



            • #96
              Originally posted by morpher44 View Post
              The coil winding is up for speculation as Bashar didn't give this sort of detailed information. Some people are using copper tubing and very few windings. In my case, the full scale version I made used 14AWG wire, closely wound, 180 turns.
              Some have speculated that the wire should follow a SPIRAL path, such as a PHI spiral.
              Don't know if this helps but on this thread, you'll find a photo of a copper double cone and later on the statement: "After i read the Walter Russell Book i realized that the Bashar Antena must have the same lenght of wire in the top and bottom, so it must start with small intervals and grow up gradualy until the base."


              • #97
                correct coil dimensions...

                Originally posted by Ein~+ein View Post
                Don't know if this helps but on this thread, you'll find a photo of a copper double cone and later on the statement: "After i read the Walter Russell Book i realized that the Bashar Antena must have the same lenght of wire in the top and bottom, so it must start with small intervals and grow up gradualy until the base."
                Yes I'm familiar with that URL. NOTE: The math for the cones is all wrong. Its NOT 19.5 (very Richard C. Hoaglandish). Rather, the math, if I did it correctly works out to have a cone that is:
                Diameter of Cone(s) ~ 14.37 inches (36.5cm)
                Height of Cone(s) ~ 24.26 inches (61.6cm)
                Tetrahedron is 36" tall and has sides that are 44 inches.
                I used the math for Tetrahedrons found on Wikipedia...

                The statement "same length of wire" is still vague in terms of
                trying to achieve a certain frequency or a certain inductance.

                I know there is a real temptation to be thinking in terms of symmetry and balance and equilibrium -- with many examples in nature of that, etc.
                However, nature also has many examples of asymmetry (some threads on this sight on that). Humans build machines that try to copy nature ... and have models that don't consider everything. Actually, a proper experssion here would have SOME symmetry and SOME assymetry.

                Take the Benjamin Franklin "Bell" for example. You see two bells -- aha, symmetry. Yet ONE is grounded and the other has an antenna -- assymetry. Hence there is a PHYSICAL geometry symmetry here, but not symmetry with respect to CHARGE creation. We have a dipole situation -- yin/yang, intentional imbalance devised to trigger a FORCED re-balance.

                If both Bashar cones are exactly the same, like the Franklin "Bell" you can connect one to an Antenna and another to Ground.
                OR, another way to go is the very Armstrongian Heterodyne Receiver approach, where the two cones are NOT the same, and a beat frequency is established between them.

                Now why was Armstrong Regenerative and Heterodyne circuit (thank you Reginald Fessenden) an advancement over traditional AM receivers of the day? Answer: He was exploiting "positive" feedback to create a "gain".
                Regenerative circuit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                It stands to reason, therefore, that this could be done "passively" by just creating two different coils that have two different self-resonant frequencies that BEAT against each other. The question to answer here is which approach gives the largest "gain". When you further attempt the PHI-ratio frequencies in this way, would you see an even larger "gain".

                The only way to have power build here is "positive" feedback in the oscillations using some sort of negative resistance. I.e. each cycle you get a slightly larger amplitude than before (like pushing a child on a swing or like Tesla's earthquake machine). When you add a load, the resistance goes the other way, and thus the signal dampens. Balance your negative resistance to your load resistance, and you sustain at the same voltage (or power level -- assuming constant resistance load).

                Another possibility to point out with the Heterodyne approach is the following. Let us suppose that the frequency you were after was a real low frequency. Oh, lets say it was 7.83 Hz or something (Schumman et al). One way to TUNE for that really low frequency is to heterodyne two signals that have a resultant that is 7.83 hz. In this way you could create TWO heterodyne frequences, one of which is 7.83 hz (the other you toss by filtering).
                You then have a frequency that can be PUMPED into the ground ala TESLA ... and wait for the world-wide round-drop.

                Hey, btw, 7.83Hz implies that the signal goes FASTER-THAN-LIGHT around the circumference of the Earth... something that Tesla wrote about. It is close though ... but FASTER. You would predict it should be slower since its going thru all sorts of non-vaccum air, water, etc. Perhaps there are short-cuts around the globe...
                Last edited by morpher44; 01-09-2013, 12:55 AM.


                • #98
                  Bashar STA / Tesla experiment

                  Hi guys,

                  There was an experiment I did with the Bashar STA that I never got around to videoing...

                  I hooked up the Bashar STA in a Tesla-coil manner


                  Where one cone was the secondary and the first coil was the primary. I had an AC capacitor (I think it was 10MFD ... pretty crazy big for capacitance), and a spark gap.

                  I feed the primary part of the circuit from an auto-ignition coil driven by a 555 timer circuit. So this stage produces voltages in the 100s of volts, and the amount of Joules that can build up in the capacitor I had was enough to make you be able to physically HEAR the crackling of the foil inside.
                  Since the CAP was 10MFD, it would take a bit of time, as you hear this scary crackling noise, for the spark gap to FIRE... and then BOOM the noise was absolutely deafining. I could only stand running it for about 10 CLAPS before turning the thing off in fear.

                  This was not a very controlled experiment... just messing around.

                  Unlike a Tesla coil here, the primary/secondary Bashar STA coils are the same ... so you would expect no step-up. You do see a great big CRASHing voltage after the spark-gap lets go, however.

                  Wear ear protection, rubber boots, rubber gloves, if you do this craziness.

                  The EMF was LARGE I'm sure. Don't have your cell phones and laptops or children, spouse and your pets near by.

                  Last edited by morpher44; 01-09-2013, 12:38 AM.


                  • #99
                    New Bashar STA idea to share...

                    My recent work with Hubbard Coil and Hendershot Motor is filling
                    me with ideas.

                    The question is always asked: "Where is the energy coming from?"

                    I have been speculating that with Lenz's Law, and magnetic fields,
                    it should be possible to create a situation where more radiant energy
                    can be directed down to a plate antenna surface, for harvesting.

                    Enter .. the Bashar STA device.

                    Suppose the Bashar STA was made with the following specifications,
                    given this GOAL of harvesting radiant energy.

                    1. Construct the cones from poster board (as I had attempted), but
                    this time, have a plate capacitor in the cone former. The plate
                    capacitor should be diamagnetic, such as aluminum foil.
                    For example, glue foil on both sides of the poster board.
                    Seal the foil with see-thru material to protect it from tearing, etc.
                    2. Calculate (with an easy to write program), various diameters up
                    the cone that are PHI ratios. For example, suppose you want
                    20 turns on the cone. Compute where these turns should be
                    on the cone such that each of the 20 loops follows the rule that
                    is a phi ratio diameter smaller than the lower loop. It occurs to me
                    it might be possible to pre-wire the flat cone template, taping
                    the wire to the former prior to bending it into a cone shape.
                    You could then solder the loops together and connect them in series.
                    The number of loops will be discussed after this list.
                    3. Be sure that at least one of the loops is the Hydrogen Line.
                    Specifically that line would have a diameter of 8.3095 inch.
                    {I'm not sure if you have to make it bigger because speed of light
                    in copper is slower. Perhaps so according to Antenna theory.
                    Can anyone confirm this? And what would the ratio be for magnetic
                    copper wire? Around 85% speed of light?}
                    4. The wire loops can be on the same plane, and then you can wire
                    the lower wire to the loop below and the upper wire to the loop above.
                    This is ok. The wiring need not be an actual spiral, which would be
                    a bit more challenging to map out. I'm thinking that this notion of
                    wiring these loops together is similar to a YAGI Antenna, in that each
                    loop is a "specific" frequency.
                    5. Each wire loop could be a different gauge wire with big loops thicker
                    and smaller loops thinner wire. You could even attempt to pick wire
                    gauges that are "near" phi ratios. I don't think this level of effort is
                    necessary ... but probably looks very nice.
                    6. One cone is cut into two pieces so that the other full cone can be
                    turned upside down and placed into the hole. You then put the
                    apex of the cut cone in, and poke one hole for the feed thru to
                    connect the base loops to the apex loops.
                    7. Create two tank circuits with upside-down cones capacitor wired
                    to its own coil and right-side-up cones capacitor wired to its coil.
                    Then connect the two tank circuits in parallel.

                    Now for the tricky "balancing" act, that might need to be figured out.

                    Suppose you also did the extra effort of figuring out a multi-turn coil
                    loop at each LOOP, rather than just a 1-turn loop. Let us suppose that
                    you could determine the self resonance of the coil such that not only
                    is it the correct shape for the intended frequency, but it also
                    were to self-resonate at that frequency. For example, if the loop
                    is the Hydrogen Line which is 1420.40575177 Mhz, the coil you create
                    for that loop on the cone would have enough turns such that it self
                    resonates at the HL. You would then place this coil, like a wreath,
                    over the cone and it will fit done at its correct location.
                    The advantage afforded by this was mentioned by Tesla.
                    You not only have the correct circular shape for the standing wave
                    at that frequency, you also have the correct self-resonance.
                    Search for the formula for inductions and don't use the Wheeler
                    formula because that one assumes a certain length-width ratio.
                    This is a LOOP-coil with a very tiny width.

                    Now as to the problem of how many loops to place over each of the
                    two cones. I have no idea. On the one hand, lots of them will give you
                    the widest possible band reception for a plethora of frequencies.
                    On the other hand, just a few might be enough -- similar to how
                    a Yagi Antenna only has a few dipoles for a range of channels from say
                    channel 2 upwards to channel 13 for a TV.

                    You could even calculate what the capacitance will be, given the
                    area of the two plates. This is easily done and will be pretty accurate.
                    The hardest thing to measure, probably, will be the thickness of the
                    paper between the plates. So what capacitance should this be?
                    It may not mater. We are summing all these coils into a larger inductance
                    and then creating a tank circuit with the "unknown" capacitance.
                    It will RING at some frequency. Perhaps the capacitance should be
                    adjusted such that the final ringing frequencies is also a PHI ratio
                    of the biggest ring.

                    Now WHY all this business about PHI ratio frequencies.... and why does
                    a CONE that happens to also be made with the PHI ratio afford any

                    The answer?
                    Only PHI ratio frequencies will MIX perfectly. They will heterodyne

                    So it occurs to me that by doing these "complex" things, a new
                    kind of antenna can be made that is targeting frequencies from
                    say 1Ghz upward to infinity. Physics tells us that "most" of the
                    energy is in the higher frequencies.

                    The cone shape also has coils around it. These will create magnetic
                    fields that will DRAW down particles INTO the mouth of the cone,
                    on either side. These will interface with the capacitor and enter
                    the tank circuit, creating oscillation, and giving a GAIN in magnetic
                    That is the thinking ... I have not tried it ... but I have just
                    worked this out from other experiments.

                    Feel free to suggest improvements to this idea. We are doing
                    stepwise refinement here for this replication.
                    None of these enhancements were mentioned by Mr. Bashar,
                    but I am encourage by this idea of a CONE-SHAPED YAGI-LIKE
                    antenna, with a added notion of self-powered GAIN.

                    This sounds easy to build... perhaps a 2-nite project.
                    You need poster board, aluminum foil, a protractor, a pencil,
                    some glue, some wire, and some good geometry math skills.


                    • Why PHI?



                      • wire gauge question

                        Aha! For loop antennas, probably the wire gauge needs to be 14AWG
                        or thicker... The gain is largest in copper wire at about .08 in diameter
                        to .1 inch diameter...
                        See this:

                        Antenna Notes


                        • PHI - Bashar STA Antenna loop data...

                          So I wrote a little program using recursion that calculates
                          the LOOP diameter for N loops up a Bashar STA cone.
                          Here are the results for N=9:

                          $ ./bashar.exe
                          loop 9 (HL): d=8.309498 in, h=14.026210 in, frequency=1.420406 Ghz
                          loop 8: d=5.135552 in, h=8.668674 in, frequency=2.298265 Ghz
                          loop 7: d=3.173946 in, h=5.357536 in, frequency=3.718671 Ghz
                          loop 6: d=1.961606 in, h=3.311139 in, frequency=6.016935 Ghz
                          loop 5: d=1.212339 in, h=2.046396 in, frequency=9.735606 Ghz
                          loop 4: d=0.749267 in, h=1.264743 in, frequency=15.752542 Ghz
                          loop 3: d=0.463072 in, h=0.781654 in, frequency=25.488148 Ghz
                          loop 2: d=0.286195 in, h=0.483089 in, frequency=41.240692 Ghz
                          loop 1: d=0.176878 in, h=0.298565 in, frequency=66.728836 Ghz

                          Loop 9 is the Hydrogen line, and then all subsequent diameters
                          are a PHI ratio higher in frequency, smaller diameter.
                          9 was an arbitrary choice, but was in keeping with the 3-6-9 stuff.

                          Each loop should self-oscillate NEAR these frequencies.
                          It occurs to me that you may not have to connect these loops
                          together. I am searching for more info on Yagi antennas. I've seen
                          one image that has all the dipoles just influencing the ONE
                          dipole that you connect to. Hence, it might be that you
                          only need to connect to loop 9 here, and the other loops
                          will heterodyne with phase conjugate weirdness...

                          The "art" here would be to get the MOST gain from this that you can.

                          The "ham radio-ish" sort of advice here is to "tune" these loops by
                          reducing the diameter gradually until you see resonance (cutting wire off a loop
                          that was made just a little bit bigger). So the tuning here is tricky and your
                          need a signal-generator up in the Ghz range -- and a scope. This is expensive
                          equipment. Perhaps we can just trust the math and get something going....
                          Last edited by morpher44; 02-02-2013, 12:21 AM.


                          • Or perhaps we can trust Bashar to give us some more information on this idea, so that we can continue without going at it blindly. As so far, nobody is getting anywhere with this. Is this a possibility to pursue? Can you look into it?


                            • Darryl Anka

                              Originally posted by Nick_Z View Post
                              Or perhaps we can trust Bashar to give us some more information on this idea, so that we can continue without going at it blindly. As so far, nobody is getting anywhere with this. Is this a possibility to pursue? Can you look into it?
                              I'm not associated with Darryl Anka and wouldn't know how to contact him.
                              Yeah, more info would be good.


                              • For those of us that have not seen where this idea came from, you may want to look back to this video, and if you want to skip the first part and get to the area of this free energy coil, then just go to minute 52, on.
                                Bashar - Today is Yesterday's Tomorrow - YouTube

                                There are several new channeled videos by Bashar, only hours old.
                                Those can be found on
                                Bashar - This and That (Part 1/4) - YouTube

                                If there are any suggestions as to how to contact Bashar or Darryl Anka, concerning obtaining any further information about this antenna coil, and how to make it work to produce an output from the surrounding ambient energies, please come forward with any ideas.

