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ST fields, Chandlini Plates, Crystalography, passive reciever

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  • ST fields, Chandlini Plates, Crystalography, passive reciever


    In this thread I will re-explore some of the interesting insights and experiments I have been working on over the past year or so since I stopped regularly posting.

    The work will primarily use the language of the Alchemanual. I am a classically trained engineer and scientist, who found a very interesting story of scientific advancement through modern renascence man Walter Russell. After years of study, correlating his work to modern theory, I found it was incomplete as Russell himself said. After reading several other alternative texts I met Aaety Olsen, and noticed incredible similarities between the two works (alchemanual and work of Russell).

    If there are any questions about terminology, please ask, bridge the gaps.

  • #2
    I'm sort of all over the board here lately but have had interest in Alchemy for a long time and recently got a pdf of Walter Russel's 'The Universal One' and 'The Secret of Light'. I briefly skimmed them enough to know I'd like to read them but getting the time is difficult now. It seems I've been getting nudged lately by many alchemical things so I probably need to pay more attention and dig in.

    It's great to see someone with your background open to Alchemy. When you refer to 'alchemanual' are you talking about the info available at ?
    There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


    • #3
      Originally posted by ewizard View Post
      I'm sort of all over the board here lately but have had interest in Alchemy for a long time and recently got a pdf of Walter Russel's 'The Universal One' and 'The Secret of Light'. I briefly skimmed them enough to know I'd like to read them but getting the time is difficult now. It seems I've been getting nudged lately by many alchemical things so I probably need to pay more attention and dig in.

      It's great to see someone with your background open to Alchemy. When you refer to 'alchemanual' are you talking about the info available at ?
      Yes thats the one.

      Alchemy in this sense might be thought of as a search for understanding.Science, spirituality etc. are all attempts at understanding and so could be included in this view.

      The most interesting and easily accessible way to see what is going on in these studies is through the study of Cymatics. Hans Jenny pioneered much of this work and others have followed.

      YouTube - Cymatics - Bringing Matter To Life With Sound (Part 1 of 3)
      YouTube - Cymatics - Bringing Matter To Life With Sound (Part 2 of 3)
      YouTube - Cymatics - Bringing Matter To Life With Sound (Part 3 of 3)

      This a study of how the kinetic energies, and the potential energies, two sides of one concept, interact with each other. (in the alchemanual the Kinnetic aspect of the universe is called S field, and Potential aspect called T field. This could be considered the B field and A field respectively. Right hand rules apply of course!)


      • #4
        I think alot of the visual displays of cymatics are incredible in and of themselves, and one could sit for hours marveling at them. There is alot to be learned here.

        For example.

        We stimulate a confined region with a sweeping frequency. Noting that different resonant peaks produce interesting coherent patterns of alternating predominance. The heavy particles almost get "sucked" into certain areas, while simultaneously pushed out of others, till they find a resting place or are confined to a particular area.

        What is really interesting here is how this stimulated frequency actually causes a natural stratification of materials according to density! This is incredible and I really think deserves attention.

        For example, say you have 3 powders, A,B, and C. A is the most dense, followed by B then C, the least dense.

        Now mix all together and scatter on the chandlini plate. Excite the plate at a resonant peak, and let the mixture settle into its preferred areas.

        The areas with nothing in them represent a region of Kinetic or S field predominance. The central areas where particles "gravitate" towards are Potential predominant areas.

        If we now turn off the excitation, and disect one of the areas of potential predominance, where all the particles have gathered, what you find, is that the most dense particles (A) have taken a position in the very center then surrounding these are the B particles, then on the outside are the C particles the least dense. They stratify.

        what is even more interesting is that this can be done in 3d space as well....


        • #5
          YouTube - Acoustic Levitation Chamber
          YouTube - Ultrasonic Levitation


          • #6
            One of the fundamental Postulate of the the Alchemanual is that T field (potential) gathers to a center. T field predominant particles will then gather towards a center, just like in the described demonstration.

            Planets are similar to this, the most dense particles finding their way to the center. Almost as if each particle has a location....within the stratification....which he calls his home nation....ha ha ha. But seriously, it has an address in this Field, which corresponds to its potential. If you put a human (water) up in the atmosphere, he will drop down, if you push below magma, and he managed to survive, he would be very "bouyant" and move upwards.

            Each particle displays a force towards its "zone of comfort". Sometimes we call it gravity sometimes it is bouyancy. Really it is closure and expansion.

            Each particle has a home or location within a paterened field (much like a chandlini plate) where its potential and the fields potential match, take it out of this area, and it will exert a force in moving towards it once again.

            Look at these descriptions of what net force an object feels given by Walter Russell as an explanation for gravity.

            "Weight is the sum of the difference between the two pressures that act on every mass."

            "Weight is the measure of difference in electric potential between a mass and the volume it occupies."

            "Weight is the measure of unbalance between any mass and its displaced environment."

            "Weight is the measure of the force that a body exerts in seeking its true potential."

            "Weight is the sum of the difference between the inward pull of gravitation, and the outward thrust of radiation."

            Now imagine that there is no empty space. There is only areas of Potential predominance and kinetic predominance in a harmonic agreement, with many undertones and overtones, each affecting the others , in a beautiful array of pattern we cannot see with our limited senses atuned to a small spectrum.


            • #7
              What I find interesting about following this line of thinking is that it puts alot of concepts in the the realm of practice.

              I really have taken an interest to Bedinnis thread on the Crystal Battery....I think this is an amazing concept and I think there is a lot to offer in this field.

              I am want to try my hand at this too! but this is my approach and I do not want to muddle his thread with out of context posts.

              The reality of Cymatics is that it is the study of Energy flows. Ordered Energy flows could be considered Crystals. Crystals have many wonderful energetic properties.

              One of the very interesting properties of crystals is the way they interact with and order the fields around them.

              For example, review a few of Bedinis Videos where he pokes around some natural ores and minerals noting a DC potential on a small micro amp meter.

              Now review some of the cymatics videos, and note the circulation of particles from one part of the "crystal" to the other. There are not just AC oscillations present...THERE ARE DC ordered flows of energy! And we can play with configurations, resonant modes, etc on different media with the study of sound waves to note how energy orders itself.

              Imagine a fish tank, filled to the brim with water, and filled also with oil, and various other liquids of varying density which to not mix. Excite this confined area with a resonant mode, and wham!!! a 3D matrix or pattern will emerge. The most dense liquids ocupying the centers of most potential, while the least dense with their spacious atoms ocupy areas of corresponding potential, creating a self ordering environment. If you remove a liquid particle from its zone of comfort, it will exert a force in wanting to return!


              • #8
                I've seen cymatic demos and videos many times and long ago. I have seen every video here except the ultrasonic levitation one. That was very interesting to see. I think sound has the ability to heal and once had someone do sound healing on me (that person gained this ability after a near death experience). It did seem to work very well in healing a fairly chronic pain from an injury. I keep hoping I will find a good use for all the myriad of natural crystals I have.
                There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


                • #9
                  I see great potential for this thread Armagdn! I think that this shows clearly that this is a universe of motion and not matter. One could go a step further and say that the elements are mere vibrations and that by interacting with the 'plate of the universe' one could interact directly with matter by changing it's motion. I think it's very important to see the very striking similarities between pictures produced by field-emission microscopy and patters produced by cymatics. Here is a picture of an iridium crystal - and another of tungsten - It's interesting to note that this method of microscopy is mentioned in the alchemanual.

                  Scribd account;


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Raui View Post
                    I see great potential for this thread Armagdn! I think that this shows clearly that this is a universe of motion and not matter. One could go a step further and say that the elements are mere vibrations and that by interacting with the 'plate of the universe' one could interact directly with matter by changing it's motion. I think it's very important to see the very striking similarities between pictures produced by field-emission microscopy and patters produced by cymatics. Here is a picture of an iridium crystal - and another of tungsten - It's interesting to note that this method of microscopy is mentioned in the alchemanual.

                    You beat me to it! Those are amazing examples. Its hard to deny the resemblance of interference patterns. In fact one can draw concentric circles depicting kinnetic predominance or potential predominance ( light and dark regions) and note how they interact with other concetric circle regions. Each high density potential region, is surrounded or insulated by an equal and opposite kinnetic or S field region.

                    Not to mention we can create these standing patterns at home to observe.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ewizard View Post
                      I've seen cymatic demos and videos many times and long ago. I have seen every video here except the ultrasonic levitation one. That was very interesting to see. I think sound has the ability to heal and once had someone do sound healing on me (that person gained this ability after a near death experience). It did seem to work very well in healing a fairly chronic pain from an injury. I keep hoping I will find a good use for all the myriad of natural crystals I have.
                      I could not agree more. Look into it share what you find.


                      • #12

                        I found this quote today which summed up what the next step I wan to take and descibe on this thread.

                        "because of the false concept of gravity which assumes it to be force of attraction which pulls inward from within instead of a cyclic force which controls the expansion of cold into heat, and the expansion of heat into cold... Nature's first principle of power production and the construction of matter is to produce heat from the cold of space. The heat thus generated radiates back into cold to complete the wave cycle which automatically repeats itself in this ageless universe of infinite continuity."

                        The design I currently envision does not produce heat from cold, but to act as Maxwell's daemon and create a device which "gathers heat". Which will use crystals to turn to energy eventually.

                        To understand this approach, first several thing must be taken into acount

                        1)there is no empty space. There are only divisions of kinnetic and potential predominance in corpuscular arrangement.

                        2)Light is not an object. It is a signal that is transferred from corpuscle to corpuscle. Nothing travels with a signal, only the information it carries. the word "Light" includes all signal transferred from one body to another including heat and infrared spectrum.

                        3)A corpuscle acts like a coil, having intrinsic properties of inductance and capacitance (other similar words could be used, S and T field predominance, Kinetic and Potential, permeability and permittivity, etc.)

                        This being the case, the corpuscle has resonant modes, sometimes referred to as valance shells. These are alternating layers of potential predominance and kinnetic predominance, like the layers of an onion. These two conditions always stand side by side but are never separate. It is a very common condition to have alternating areas of predominance. For example our potential predominant planet, is surrounded by a kinnetic predominant atmosphere, and there are divisions within this as well, notice the clouds have their own "ground" they will not fall below.

                        4)now we need to understand how signals interact with corpuscles, as this is they key to knowing how to manipulate the world of signal and matter.

                        Next I am going to expand upon how the corpuscle many times has a pressure, and density gradient much like what was described with the stratification of the differing materials within the chandlini plate.

                        This is important because as a signal transfers from one density to another there is a speed change. The ratio of light in a vacuum to the speed change gives us a number called the INDEX OF REFRACTION, this tells us how far light of a perticular frequency will bend, and where the point of TOTAL INTERNAL REFLECTION happens. Imagine a window in a room which lets heat through in one direction, but has a complete internal reflection to the heat when it tries to escape, this is what the natural stratification of densities does....(look up Snell's law and Total internal Refelction)

                        Refraction, Snell's law, and total internal reflection

                        By the way for those who are "out there" consider this, signal is initial impetus, the root cause.


                        • #13
                          Quick asside:

                          Really interesting video, lots to learn.

                          YouTube - First Follower: Leadership Lessons from Dancing Guy

                          Also as an asside, I will be moving away from the "daily grind" as it were with my wife to be, and will visiting and living with several communal living groups. This may change the dynamic of my threads, lol, im going crazy im sure.

                          also I have been working on a version of my "Charge conserving Capacitive spring" with user Tecstatic. Once he has completed his masterful driving circuit, I will post instructions for build.

                          I am considering just making this thread my blog/rant/outlet back to the energy community. Ill try to keep as organized as possible however.

                          Last edited by Armagdn03; 04-11-2011, 03:34 PM.


                          • #14
                            Tinkering around with cymatics, chandlini plates, and other field separating acoustic devices (or even just watching the videos) its easy to see the stratification of density that takes place. The most dense materials move towards "nodes" while the least dense move radially (outwards) from this.

                            I contend, that a sphere (like earth for example) with a similar stratification, dense towards the center, with decreasing density moving towards the circumference (the outer reaches of the atmosphere) causes radiation to spend extra time within its structure, it "traps energy"

                            This can be explained very simply through application of Snell's law.

                            Refraction - Snell's Law

                            snells law, describes the angle of refraction, and the concept of total internal reflection.

                            "In 1621, a Dutch physicist named Willebrord Snell (1591-1626), derived the relationship between the different angles of light as it passes from one transparent medium to another. When light passes from one transparent medium to another, it bends according to Snell's law"

                            Just how much it bends depends on the index of refraction of each material. This is starting to sound complicated but is really very simple. The index of refraction is a ratio, between the speed of light in the vacuum and the speed of light in the material in question. So if the speed of light in the material is half that of the speed of light in the vacuum, then the index of refraction for that material would be 2, (1/0.5).

                            Now generally speaking, the more dense a material is the slower light travels through it. The term optical density is applied. So we could see that the earth for example, with its increasing density in materials, would also have an increasing density in its index of refraction.

                            Now, one might be saying, wait! the earth is opaque! But this is not the case! it is opaque to our spectrum of light...and in reality only parts of it are, the ocean and atmosphere transmit visible light quite easily. The earth and rock and more dense materials are not opaque in other areas of the WHOLE spectrum of light.

                            So we know that as light impinges upon our planet, in goes from one lesser density to higher density and bends characteristically each time. It is easy for light (signals) to enter our planet.

                            However, there is an interesting effect when light tries to LEAVE our planet. This is known as total internal reflection. When light, going from a greater density, to a lesser density (changing in speed from slow to fast) there is a critical angle where something interesting happens. At this angle (which you can research) a Total Internal Reflection happens. This means that instead of passing through the mediums and bending, it is actually completely reflected. It does not make it pas the barrier of more density to less density. As light enters our planet, its angle of attack is bent. As it tries to leave it can either leave bent again, totally internally reflected.

                            A greate example of total internal reflection can be seen when you look in a

                            YouTube - Total Internal reflection

                            This causes an energy increase towards the center of the planet.

                            Could it be that this contributes to the heat gradient we see with our planet? perhaps it is not "cooling" and giving off heat, but rather collecting it towards its center, only to radiate later? Is the geometric shape and natural stratification of our planet causing it to collect energy?


                            • #15
                              Think about it....How does this concept challenge gravity?

