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question on charging batteries

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  • #16

    Originally posted by blackchisel97 View Post

    I got recently few batteries to restore. Among them one sealed from toy electric car and sealed car battery (spiral cell technology). With those sealed it isn't possible to measure each cell before plugging into the charger but watching input draw will give an idea that one or more cells are shorted out. I usually don't bother with those batteries. Waste of time imo.
    In case of regular acid batts. you can measure electrolyte density and make a wire probe to test each cell before dedicating your time and effort. Each cell should have near 2V. If you see one cell nearly flat and there is a fluid in it the chances are that plates are shorted out. Even with remaining cells being restored, this one cell will prevent entire battery from reaching 12.5V. Back in 70' I would remove faulty cell and swap with a good one from other unit, flush and put new electrolyte in it etc. Today there are plenty of batteries being recycled/discarded and finding some decent one worth restoring is still possible.


    Yes I learned not all batteries worth the effort and with 12v/7aH ones worth $20-30 I'm going to utilize for my tests and ensure the SSG works.
    Down the track just as N8 does I would like to make huge HV spike SSG set-up to see if can rescue batteries as you have done.



    • #17
      ok first of all found 14 ways not to make a fan ssg had 2 that works now one got tangiled up in the wires and riped put the negative of the coil that one was slitly bigger than your standard size pc fan.

      2 fan ssg working gate sins the broke one had a thicker ring magnet fitted it to this one had to shoten the blads though.

      a stared with sld as granig use my motor bikes battery as primaysins a smashed the bike hoked evey thing up played around with it for day had some fun with it though it once a hooked up my meter to the primary battery i found smothig very strang i got a negative current reading and thouth a had the meters leads mixed but it was right! next i disconed the load and got a positve curren reading thought my meter was stufed so borrowed a flick meter and the same thing happend re3adins was 0.03 with out load with load it went to negative 0.176. both meters batterys are good and strong

      got carless with things once agen blow thought 3 transistor due to stort ciurts but chargind sld batteries take to long for me just to find thi voltage drops agen

      so thought wat the hall its suppose to desulfate a battery righ got a old car batterey standing anound to for more than 5 years bet i have tried caring it up with a normal battery charger got it up to 12v last time stong enought to start a car but not if car wont srat first time

      this battery came to mind with the ssg for my charing battery and my primary is a spare car battery thats perfect hook them up primary battery is 12.45v carging battey was 8.83v but there is no current draw form the primay not shor if it chaging but last i check the chaing batterry way 13.6 v and shot cuircut current of 10.58 and dropping fast

      my question is why no curry draw fron the primary and has any one els used car batterys in there fan ssg set up

      ang wen hookins up the ignion coil to light up cfl i can feel the voltage spikes on charing side


      • #18
        Digital meters are no good at reading pulsed dc, especially when reading amps, as the meter is in series and the pulse cannot be smoothed out. It effects the refresh rate of the chip in the meter and gives false readings. Best use an old analogue meter for this as they will give a good approximate average of the current draw.

        I have charged many car batteries with a fan with no problem but a fan is too week to desulfate a car battery well. If you use multiple fans you can do it. Typically you need 10 fans to desufate a car battery well.


        • #19

          Hi guys which frequency did you found best for desulphation lower better?
          You're right about desulfation cause I am using a stingo circuit but it's very weak to desulfate. One needs a large coil for big pulses.


          • #20
            Frequency vs Desulfation

            Originally posted by Guruji View Post
            Hi guys which frequency did you found best for desulphation lower better?
            You're right about desulfation cause I am using a stingo circuit but it's very weak to desulfate. One needs a large coil for big pulses.

            That is an interesting question, I have been using 218Hz if tuned to 1 PPM
            or as high as 400Hz with multiple pulses. (30-60Hz on larger SSG)
            I'm still discovering the most efficient way to achieve this, also if a solid state
            or mechanical oscillations are the best efficiency
            My search continues testing various SSG's on large 6V 420AH Trojan's to
            determine this, thus far have only used up to 300mA and will update this in
            the next week or two when complete new test perameters.

            You sure if that is correct about the coil needing to be large, at the right
            frequency one can obtain higher voltage spikes from a smaller coil in
            number of turns/dimensions?.
            This has been my experience with electromagnetic induction, please explain
            the theory/or results for this conclusion on the coil.



            • #21

              Originally posted by ZeropointEnergy View Post

              That is an interesting question, I have been using 218Hz if tuned to 1 PPM
              or as high as 400Hz with multiple pulses. (30-60Hz on larger SSG)
              I'm still discovering the most efficient way to achieve this, also if a solid state
              or mechanical oscillations are the best efficiency
              My search continues testing various SSG's on large 6V 420AH Trojan's to
              determine this, thus far have only used up to 300mA and will update this in
              the next week or two when complete new test perameters.

              You sure if that is correct about the coil needing to be large, at the right
              frequency one can obtain higher voltage spikes from a smaller coil in
              number of turns/dimensions?.
              This has been my experience with electromagnetic induction, please explain
              the theory/or results for this conclusion on the coil.

              I'm still experimenting regarding coil but there is a little truth about what these guys were talking regarding more amp for desulphating bigger batteries I think. Maybe you're right it's not a matter of coil size but frequency
              Ok if you have any results about this please let me know.


              • #22

                Originally posted by Guruji View Post
                I'm still experimenting regarding coil but there is a little truth about what these guys were talking regarding more amp for desulphating bigger batteries I think. Maybe you're right it's not a matter of coil size but frequency
                Ok if you have any results about this please let me know.
                Hey Guruji,

                Like you I'm still experimenting to obtain the desired results with the variable
                sizes of inductors/number of turns/wire gauge.
                The small coil is susceptible to coil saturation is my set up due to the type
                of welding rods I used "MUST" retain a slight amount of magnetism that
                allows Eddy currents to form after 10-12hrs.
                I'm sure I could rectify these variables by swapping copper coated welding
                rods (Like other SSG's), but it would ruin this unique anomoly.

                Unfortunately, time and weather interfered with my building this weekend
                and thus did not complete the housing for my 4 coiler
                Hope there is no distractions so I can "FINALLY" see a decent result in
                charging such a large capacitance battery

                My results on the oscilloscope when charging 2 identical batteries the faster
                rotor generates the greatest voltage peaks at a faster pulse rate, I have
                uploaded pics in this post.



                • #23
                  Originally posted by ZeropointEnergy View Post
                  Hey Guruji,

                  Like you I'm still experimenting to obtain the desired results with the variable
                  sizes of inductors/number of turns/wire gauge.
                  The small coil is susceptible to coil saturation is my set up due to the type
                  of welding rods I used "MUST" retain a slight amount of magnetism that
                  allows Eddy currents to form after 10-12hrs.
                  I'm sure I could rectify these variables by swapping copper coated welding
                  rods (Like other SSG's), but it would ruin this unique anomoly.

                  Unfortunately, time and weather interfered with my building this weekend
                  and thus did not complete the housing for my 4 coiler
                  Hope there is no distractions so I can "FINALLY" see a decent result in
                  charging such a large capacitance battery

                  My results on the oscilloscope when charging 2 identical batteries the faster
                  rotor generates the greatest voltage peaks at a faster pulse rate, I have
                  uploaded pics in this post.

                  Hi ZeropointEnergy this circuit is giving me good results for desulphation the Bedini Tesla switch combination circuit by Callanan. You should try this.

