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  • PWR=Bananas

    Circuit A plugs into an ac source and creates a resonant field (one banana). Circuit B tuned to the same resonant frequency wirelessly receives and converts it to a bunch of bananas.

    Who owns the bananas produced by Circuit B?

  • #2


    • #3
      Problem no 1:
      A bunch of bananas produced by circuit B is not independent of A. The more bananas is produced at B the bigger has to be one banana from circuit A.
      Last edited by boguslaw; 04-24-2011, 06:41 PM.


      • #4
        Problem no 2:
        Someone eat two bananas produced by circuit B. Circuit B is no longer of the same frequency as circuit A and can't get energy ehmmm pardon "banana-mass" from circuit A.


        • #5
          According to problem no 1 you see that the planter of bananas is the owner of "banana-mass" which is used to create bunch of bananas at B.
          According to problem no 2 you see that to recover from this situation circuit B is forced to "re-adjust" to not natural frequency and produce again bananas from "banana-mass" owned by planter by forced vibrations.


          • #6
            If you find a way to separate two circuits A and B yet still circuit A is a "seed" for circuit B then the "excess" of bananas produced by B is free. You can even convert them to "banana-mass" and feed circuit A

            Now it's your turn to propose how it should be done


            • #7
              One example.

              YouTube - epowerplus's Channel

              Inductive coupling - who owns the induced circuit current?
              Last edited by DavidE; 04-24-2011, 07:39 PM.


              • #8
                According to Wiki...

                Induction chargers typically use an induction coil to create an alternating electromagnetic field from within a charging base station, and a second induction coil in the portable device takes power from the electromagnetic field and converts it back into electrical current to charge the battery. The two induction coils in proximity combine to form an electrical transformer.
                A wireless transformer.

                "Takes power" implies a drink from a finite cup. But is it? What if you put three wireless receivers circuits in the resonant field? Three times the output?

                Can we assume that the transmitting circuit A, does not "see" circuit B?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by DavidE View Post
                  According to Wiki...

                  A wireless transformer.

                  "Takes power" implies a drink from a finite cup. But is it? What if you put three wireless receivers circuits in the resonant field? Three times the output?

                  Can we assume that the transmitting circuit A, does not "see" circuit B?
                  Answer: A quite emphatic NO, you will not get 3 times the power or even close.

                  The concentricity (about the same center) of the setup limits this


                  I have studied this very thoroughly as have many other researchers.

                  There is only one such device I know of that works similar to what you are trying to envision .... Dr. Stifflers 3 coil setup, and ring of fire setup. This is another beast entirely though.


                  • #10
                    Forgot to say,

                    In NO way should you not try what you are proposing.

                    You will learn SO much nuance, and gain an appreciation that I could never convey in a long winded "academic" post. Its odd how what I learn goes through an internal filter, so as to portrait myself as "serious" to the academics and researchers, when in reality, this is selectively is removing the colorful, complete and inspirational insights that hit you like a ton of bricks.

                    You pose a great question. If you let someone else answer it, you will see a lacking photocopy of the intricate tapestry that is, self directed observation and contemplation.

                    take care.


                    • #11
                      With symmetry you have situation with bananas. The more is produced in B the more is needed at A. Everything in balance.

                      IMHO By EM waves it is possible to get gain only using asymmetry and parametric resonance . There are others method not related to EM but to radiant energy,magnetic field manipulation or molecular resonance.
                      Anyway I think our main problem is the definition. Really we don't need energy gain ! We need more work done using the same tiny amount of energy recovered all the time. This is not a way to get energy from nothing but to amplify its effects and re-use.

                      For example using two LCR resonant circuits A and B B must be in such place that energy is always flowing in one direction, which eliminate Lenz drag.
                      Energy from A is flowing to B which respond with a field opposing it and A must be ready to get this energy and use to send back to B.

                      Parametric resonance is needed to overcome looses.


                      • #12
                        Thank you for your comments.


                        • #13
                          YouTube - izgonn's Channel


                          • #14
                            Still stucking in classic Theories without practical Experiments or plain debunking?
                            Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                            • #15
                              YouTube - epowerplus's Channel

                              Here is another example. I remember duplicating some of this work early in its development. Virtually zero amps necessary on the Circuit A side, usable amps available on the B side. Unless I am completely and utterly confused, the phenomena is real. And if so, what might be the implications?

                              This example takes me back to the first question. Who owns the rights to the Circuit B bananas?

                              I realize the tenuous nature of the question, but sooner or later the answer must be broadly discussed - so that when wireless transformers are more widely available, we know what to expect.

                              Original Circuit A
                              YouTube - epowerplus's Channel
                              Last edited by DavidE; 04-25-2011, 02:55 PM.

