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I figured out tesla and grey

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  • #16
    More to the point

    It is not the "tube" but the concept there in that makes it work a disruption of the Ether in space Earth lightning disrupts this field as other things do. Moray did not have "the tube" but he figure out "the valve" what I am doing is building a more modern valve whereas we will not need "the tube"


    • #17
      Yes, it's true. You are right. Main problem is to catch this disturbance.


      • #18
        Ali Dialetric

        Hi Ewizard
        Originally posted by ewizard View Post
        Site looks good now. I had not thought about putting a plate in an attic. Thanks for the suggestion. I'm also thinking about a big coil of copper tubing (1" diameter tubing) I've got as it's already shaped like a Tesla pancake coil. I think it might be good for this purpose also although I have run across info before pointing to aluminum and coating it with a dielectric.
        I read the other day about anodising aluminium to create a dielectric layer to increase the capacitance for an air capacitor - may help with your idea.




        • #19
          Originally posted by xenophed View Post
          It is not the "tube" but the concept there in that makes it work a disruption of the Ether in space Earth lightning disrupts this field as other things do. Moray did not have "the tube" but he figure out "the valve" what I am doing is building a more modern valve whereas we will not need "the tube"
          Would you say the main concept is that of RADIAL displacement current? Where you attract electrons inward toward the center of a circle/cylinder/sphere, and then disconnect the initiating voltage source in the center (it seems to work oppositely also, but it seems like electrons like flying away from each other rather than together), and then the charges fly outward, and you collect them farther from the center in an avalanche?

          The way lightning creates a positively ionized core, which attracts negative charges from the atmosphere, and when the ionized column breaks, the ions fly away from each other. The sky around the plasma column can flash in an avalanche at the connect and disconnect, but the disconnect is a greater effect.

          It's the same as a magnetic connect or disconnect on a solar flare of the sun... charged particles fly off at great speeds and we get a solar mass ejection of high speed charged particles.


          • #20
            Art and the ham radio

            I was reading some post from a ham radio blog and it seems that tall ham towers antennas produce shock the @#$3 out of you to the tune of 200-500 volts That would only lay claim that Tesla was right but Moray also noted that his antenna was only 8 ft off the ground but 57 ft long and he produced 50 K watts so I think that there is more to the lead/silver bi-metal device he used that attracts Ether to the antenna. Also would note that Canadian Kromray built a radiant device in his home land back to the point is there is unlimited potential here for energy as I am working up a simple circuit that will self start and it will probably be DC out as I have learned that the voltage varies upon conditions. They were a good source of research without knowing it. I am also working on the Grey matter some too as I have a car coil a simple oscillator ignition-tron where my hopes are to do the following (a.) create a high voltage field around a magnet and propel it in such a way as to create movement in it to then (b.) draw energy in a secondary of the above primary coil movement of said magnets see web site that will work but I have great hope for the Tesla radiant energy system as I read the Ham Radio site and the Danger they discussed about. I mean 500 volts of what ever it is is dangerous by any means and it is not a one time thing it is present all of the time in varying degrees of potential.They had Tesla key and did not even know it.
            Last edited by xenophed; 04-28-2011, 02:29 AM. Reason: typos


            • #21
              P.S. you got it

              As a side note that is what Tesla and Moray and Grey Kromrey etc... all figured out that and we are just building a valve that replaces Grey's tube and Moray's device which by the way is just a valve not a pump ergo generator as they will no longer be needed in life we will only collect energy not pump it as we do today. I also watch a video on youtube were a woman got burns on her hand holding aluminum foil up will bare footed cleaning her grill.Tesla did say a bright surface coated I believe that was for prevention of oxidation.I would also note that aluminum foil can be tacked up across the rafters in an attic I will also try magnesium (Maalox) on one side as it should increase the dielectric potential of the antenna. It goes back to the bi-metal thing from Moray.
              Last edited by xenophed; 04-28-2011, 02:27 AM.


              • #22
                Moray's secret

                I learned what moray's secret was, It was the lead rod and the silver rod coupled together with out going int to metal conduction times it is simple copper is a good conductor, silver is better then copper but lead is not as good as copper so you have a conductor that is fast and one not so fast it was never his diode that was for better terms a 1N34a germanium diode it was the storing of potential in the silver and the stored potential of the lead as it does not conduct as well as the silver does therefore the oscillator charged the lead and discharged through the silver that is why he could make a device that needed no antenna it was never the antenna as he learned later on in his research. I hope I did not lose to many people in this as it is the binding principal of the device. All we have to do is tune into the harmonic frequency of the Earth and charge and discharge the bi-metal device. Another person was successful using aluminum and bismuth with copper windings to collect the potential but he still had to tune in to the Earths harmonics(they are not the same everywhere you go)


                • #23
                  Xenofed Misinformation

                  Originally posted by xenophed View Post
                  Grey had those made by GE read all of his documentation
                  Sorry, you are spreading misinformation if you are saying my post is
                  the wrong answer. I know who has possession of those Zetex motors
                  in those vids.
                  Those are NOT using the original Marvin Cole technology
                  that Ed Gray stole from him and took as his own.

                  NONE of those devices in the Zetex videos have anything to do with
                  radiant energy!

                  You are misinforming people about the truth. You assume, just like others
                  that just because Ed Gray was related to Zetex that the Zetex motors
                  were overunity, had the Gray Tube, etc... but the do NOT - again,
                  you are completely misinforming people either intentionally or just out of
                  a complete misunderstanding of the facts.

                  What I am saying is NOT speculation - what you are saying is completely
                  made up as a matter of provable fact.
                  Aaron Murakami

                  Books & Videos
                  RPX & MWO


                  • #24
                    Zetex has 100% conventional running circuits

                    Originally posted by xenophed View Post
                    It is not the "tube" but the concept there in that makes it work a disruption of the Ether in space Earth lightning disrupts this field as other things do. Moray did not have "the tube" but he figure out "the valve" what I am doing is building a more modern valve whereas we will not need "the tube"
                    Those Zetex motors are all 100% conventional, period.
                    Aaron Murakami

                    Books & Videos
                    RPX & MWO


                    • #25
                      Why think that way

                      The motor was the Grey device it used less energy then it produced therefore it is a zero point machine the "tube" Produced greater efficiency but not zero point I note that after 23 minutes a battery was dead and that was with a load on it. A device that does not create no electricity is not the answer Moray was right.Tom Bearden pointed out energy is neither lost or gained to create energy you have to discharge at a slower rate then charge ergo copper flows quicker then lead and no solder is or was not all lead as it is a pore conductor it was mixed with tin that is how Moray's device worked a silver and lead rod coupled together. Back to the point the motor "was a zero point device" as it produced more then it used the very definition of zero point.


                      • #26
                        Has this been built? Seems from some of the links you have basically a working blue print. If this is producible now I'm going to radio shack tonight and building it


                        • #27
                          working on a simple print

                          The circuit is very simple take a 1N34a diode and run the cathode to a 365 pf cap on one side the other side of cap to ground the anode you connect to antenna accost the var cap in series you put a 22nf cap the metal conversion tube and another 22nf cap.them feed that in to one side of the MOSFET the other side to the air core transformer about just guessing around 120 turns of 20 ga magnet wire with the metal tube inside or along side the other side to ground and on a separate form wind another coil out of 14 ga magnet wire tapped several times to get the proper voltage they should be 4 inch forms use a 555 to the gate of the MOSFET and use a var resistor to set the freq. then adjust the cap to the best resonance freq. of the Earth and the var res. to the best for the coil the other coil is the output and you should have power also I would note if you take a 1-10 watt res about .47 to 4.7 ohms from the tank circuit to the MOSFET you can supply the 555 through a diode cap for a simple supply in theory at least ( works on two wire electronic flashers). The antenna should be 8 ft off the ground and 57 ft long magnet wire.
                          Last edited by xenophed; 04-28-2011, 06:38 PM. Reason: forgot something


                          • #28
                            the valve tube

                            the valve tube is a 1/2 inch dia. 12 inch long copper pipe then filled with pure lead not solder as they no longer use lead and then it was only 60% tin 40% lead find an old lead acid battery and empty liquid in to jug take and break open wash with water and cut off plates remove the chips off the sides of them then put in pot and melt with gas or electric should work as lead has low melting point fill tube then attach wires to each end of the pipe that is "(Moray? he used silver on his)the valve" the web site explains the theory of operation also read Tom Bearden THE FINAL SECRET OF FREE ENERGY it describes the principles where he talks about doping copper to make it a semiconductor but that is where Moray beat him to the punch by using a bi-metal junction in pairs.As some text I have read many times where he had a silver and a lead rod together ergo the Moray Valve and all this time everyone though nothing of this part.


                            • #29

                              I put a crude driver for the valve on the site.


                              • #30
                                Do you have any videos of a working setup?

                                Scribd account;

