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I figured out tesla and grey

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  • #31
    Work in progress

    no camera yet get it in a few days as I also am building a house so I am kind of unable to at this moment but IT WILL COME SOON have faith young one as I am over a half a centry old.
    P.S. All ideas and improvement cursing or such can be sent to my e-mail or as I will post them on the site my belief is that one person stands no chance of fixing the world but as a group we will win. Moray was shot for these plans and would not give them up so I have to kind of keep my eye out for those things but it is released under the open hardware license to benifit the public and change the world we live in I want nothing but to help the world and had one site removed for this stuff. I came here because I like you guys atitude about things. I enjoy bouncing things off peoples heads just to see if I am still on Earth or if they got me yet. Is not the first step to learn then design and then enjoy. Anyone who helps with this will be included in the site ergo listed as co inventers is that not what we do here.Our goals are all the same but this whole Moray project is the best way to go as it has no moving parts and it is lower voltage safer to use think that this will be in every house buisness etc. in a few years and no one has learned what I figured out for seventy years
    I'm sorry just had to get it out.You guys are great and I will post a video on the site in a few days as I currently use low temp turbine for power.Got the last site removed for that one.


    • #32
      xenophed, That's interesting about the lead/silver in Moray's circuit. I did pick up some years ago that lead was involved but thought he also had used a source of low level radiation like Radium or some natural stone with some radiation to initiate things but I've seen other sides to that story too. Some say it did not involve any.

      Do you have any suggestions on which particular MosFET to use in your circuit?
      There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


      • #33
        Two part circuit

        It has been theorized that any thing that can be done with plasma tube such as Grey used remember that Moray was a big believer in semiconductors having pioneered most of them "not Bell Labs" as most were taught.To crate the ion flow talked about in most all of the radiant energy devices that are proposed it discuses the ion flow inherent in these "plasma tubes"But we know that his first device use a crude semiconductor and bismuth two crate this ion field.We will have to crate this ion chamber to get the same effect he had.If we take a bismuth/aluminum cathode and a tungsten/lithium anode you would have a ion valve to serve the same purpose had used to the point that it all started with him improving the output of a crystal radio where he went to being able to power a loud speaker then a light bulb etc. It was a progression of steps,well we can skip past a lot of these steps and on John Moray's death bed admitted he had a Moray device in his basement.The claims that the components are to expensive to construct just tell me that they are forced to give in to the Elite of the world.I will not as I speak I am constructing a ion valve that would greatly increase the output of the device to levels unheard of by anyone.All the ion device does is create a large Magnetic disturbance inn the local area that can be siphoned off so to speak that is what Grey did in his work as I intend to combine what the world has learned into one device.I will have improved prints on the site in a few days as it is still work in progress but I was able to light a bulb with just a 200v 1amp mosfet. I will now put that as the input to the ion oscillator (Grey type tube).


        • #34
          be clear

          Originally posted by xenophed View Post
          I put a crude driver for the valve on the site.
          Yeh but you havent shown where the valve goes, nor are you very clear about the connections of the valve itself (for instance, is one connector on the lead and the other connector on the copper or is it a totally sealed tube as you have drawn with connectors soldered to the OUTSIDE of copper???). If it is the latter (because that is how you have drawn it), it has no effect at all.

          If you are going to state things as fact and discovery, please be clear when explaining them and it's overall operation.

          Nothing worse than these countless threads where people say they "know for sure" and yet it turns out it is some hairy idea they havent even tested yet.

