Hi Guy's, I was distracted when thinking of tree's, and started playing with coils and ended up looking at transmitting power.
So after reveiwing Tesla's Transmission patent here.
NIKOLA TESLA - Google Patents
And his Ignition coil patent here.
NIKOLA TESL-A - Google Patents
I came up with this circuit to do the pulsing, a mosfet switch with good gate driver and good PWM should be able to get to 200 Khz or more. The two self induction coils are four (two was easier to draw) on one form and it has a removeable core I can get from 40mH to 170mH.
Seems to me this might work. Tesla's system is basically a ground connected logitudinal wave "exciter" for want of a better word.
I drew the spiral going all the way to the center but I intend to leave a hole so I can place another single layer cylindrical coil through the center, Maybe.
So after reveiwing Tesla's Transmission patent here.
NIKOLA TESLA - Google Patents
And his Ignition coil patent here.
NIKOLA TESL-A - Google Patents
I came up with this circuit to do the pulsing, a mosfet switch with good gate driver and good PWM should be able to get to 200 Khz or more. The two self induction coils are four (two was easier to draw) on one form and it has a removeable core I can get from 40mH to 170mH.
Seems to me this might work. Tesla's system is basically a ground connected logitudinal wave "exciter" for want of a better word.
I drew the spiral going all the way to the center but I intend to leave a hole so I can place another single layer cylindrical coil through the center, Maybe.