plasma ignition
Please contact the company you got the plasma ignition from.
You are obviously more advanced than the average tinkerer. You should
have no problems getting the most out of your plasma ignition - again,
please contact the company you got it from.
What that article you post quotes is only relevant to conventional spark
ignition methods. You can of course increase a conventional spark with
peaking caps, CDI, or MSD, etc... and various plug modifications, but the
results will always be limited. But there is credit to enhancing the
conventional ignition - you quote: "we went all the way to about 21/1 fuel air ratio’s before any sign of a lean misfire was experienced"
21:1 is AMAZING and most conventional thinking "experts" on car ignition
and engine would say that 21:1 is impossible without destroying the engine.
If anyone can get 21:1 WITHOUT any signs of lean misfiring - that in
and of itself is a tremendous testimony that what is in the books is a bunch
of you know what - assuming that what is claimed by that person is true.
With a lawnmower, I can only imagine what you mean that the spark is
weak to start with. Yes, maybe, but no matter what, if there is enhanced
performance by increasing a spark, that instantly overrides 99% of all
the skeptics arguments that when you have an air fuel mixture and you
ignite it with a regular spark that no more spark can make a difference.
But of course those that actually do the research know that those claims
are only from those that are completely and blatantly ignorant about
anything they think they are skeptical of.
Just look at the market for CDI's and MSD's - it is indisputable they make
a difference. Some of the MSD's are up to 400+mj per discharge range and
those are made for dragsters and anyone telling those racing teams that
most of their ignition energy is simply a waste of energy, time and money
would simply result in them outright laughing at anyone that believed
anything different. They know that the more energy they pump into
the ignition no matter how conventional the spark is, even though it is
an enhanced MSD or CDI "spark", it does make a difference in winning or
I will post references that discuss some of the benefits from the plasma
ignition - the simple results of extending the lean burn limit with plasma
is in my opinion "all-telling" any those that do not get that are not
really taking the time to fully comprehend the profound implications of the
plasma ignition.
Originally posted by turbotrana
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Please contact the company you got the plasma ignition from.
You are obviously more advanced than the average tinkerer. You should
have no problems getting the most out of your plasma ignition - again,
please contact the company you got it from.
What that article you post quotes is only relevant to conventional spark
ignition methods. You can of course increase a conventional spark with
peaking caps, CDI, or MSD, etc... and various plug modifications, but the
results will always be limited. But there is credit to enhancing the
conventional ignition - you quote: "we went all the way to about 21/1 fuel air ratio’s before any sign of a lean misfire was experienced"
21:1 is AMAZING and most conventional thinking "experts" on car ignition
and engine would say that 21:1 is impossible without destroying the engine.
If anyone can get 21:1 WITHOUT any signs of lean misfiring - that in
and of itself is a tremendous testimony that what is in the books is a bunch
of you know what - assuming that what is claimed by that person is true.
With a lawnmower, I can only imagine what you mean that the spark is
weak to start with. Yes, maybe, but no matter what, if there is enhanced
performance by increasing a spark, that instantly overrides 99% of all
the skeptics arguments that when you have an air fuel mixture and you
ignite it with a regular spark that no more spark can make a difference.
But of course those that actually do the research know that those claims
are only from those that are completely and blatantly ignorant about
anything they think they are skeptical of.
Just look at the market for CDI's and MSD's - it is indisputable they make
a difference. Some of the MSD's are up to 400+mj per discharge range and
those are made for dragsters and anyone telling those racing teams that
most of their ignition energy is simply a waste of energy, time and money
would simply result in them outright laughing at anyone that believed
anything different. They know that the more energy they pump into
the ignition no matter how conventional the spark is, even though it is
an enhanced MSD or CDI "spark", it does make a difference in winning or
I will post references that discuss some of the benefits from the plasma
ignition - the simple results of extending the lean burn limit with plasma
is in my opinion "all-telling" any those that do not get that are not
really taking the time to fully comprehend the profound implications of the
plasma ignition.