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Micro Tesla tower plays Starwars

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  • Micro Tesla tower plays Starwars

    Hi all,

    this is a nice way of making music

    YouTube - Micro Tesla tower plays Star Wars Imperial March

    Check out his other video's as well, quite interesting.

    an example: Mini tower 3.7V 340mA. good wireless field and plasma

    YouTube - Wireless exciter - D471 demo

  • #2
    Does this make me famous ?
    Hehe thanks for posting.

    To explain the quirk of the setup for the Imperial March - it's a direct earphone feed from the PC, of a YouTube video where a Tesla coil plays the Imperial March !
    There's a link to the original video in the description. So, headphone output, 1 lead to Ground, one to the Base of the transistor and then get the volume level to sound somewhat ok.
    With some finer adjusting, music can sound really very good, but with low overall volume at the moment.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Slider2732; 04-30-2011, 02:06 AM. Reason: Pic added, none too clear what's doing what on the video


    • #3
      And, it's not as though we'll ever hear the beautiful clean and clear tones of an opera singer from a Tesla tower is it ?!

      OR IS IT !

      Here we have the same 'Walgreen AT' as I call it, modified today with a performance of such a thing in mind.
      The worlds first opera singing micro Tesla tower ?

      YouTube - Walgreen AT - the opera singing Tesla tower !!!


      • #4
        Hello Slider, great work!

        Could you be so kind to spray some water mist/vapor at your little plasma spark and tell or better video the result?

        Sincerely C'man


        • #5
          What does it do ?
          Well, there's reason enough to try it out ! Yep, will do that this afternoon and see what happens. If it works like explosion stage effects at concerts then i'm all for it lol, if it just puts the plasma out then fair enough. Either way, my work table needs a clean

          Update - the only spraying thing we seem to have is a Windex bottle. It was nearly empty so I put water in. Didn't get anything of an effect when sprayed, but most probably the drops are too big ?
          Last edited by Slider2732; 05-01-2011, 06:50 PM.


          • #6
            Although there might not be the interest at the moment, I would really like this thread to become somewhere where people could post their plasma speakers, share tips, tricks etc.
            There can't be just you and I who are into this Cherryman lol
            I know the audio is tinny and needs work, but that would be the point of the thread

            Some more experimenting now see's great volume from the original tower, good range wireless power to boot.
            The circuit and whole look to the 'Walgreen AT' has been tidied up, by placing the L1 primary coil inside the tower ! Future designs can now look a lot less cobbled together.
            As a bonus, i've found that vinyl style scratching of the plasma music is possible with the tip of a pencil !!!

            YouTube - Walgreen AT - a few more plasma audio tricks !

            Transistor this time is a PNP B647A, running at 7.5V from a wall adapter.

