Originally posted by toranarod
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So to produce the same power more coils would be needed. But then the energy required to turn the rotor would increase back to where you started.

This may not work too well.
But here is something to think about, if you do cancel out Lenz, you may have the very same problem.

The reason is that the back drag on the rotor is part of the power production in the generator coil. If this was canceled out I don’t see how the generator coil could generate full power either.
The coil would only produce one half the power, and take half the energy to turn the rotor, so you would have to add more coils to make up the difference, but then the energy to turn the rotor would be right back to the same place before the Lenz cancelation.

I guess what I am saying is I don’t see any free lunch here even if you do manage to cancel out Lenz.
Just thinking here.