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Muller generator replication by Romerouk

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  • Originally posted by qvision View Post
    According to my results it's nothing to do with the speed that the magnet passes the coil, myself and others have the effect at low RPM's where there is no way the magnet is going fast enough.

    I think it's all to do with the coil, in which case a transformer would be an easier device than a pulse-motor to take advantage of the effect.
    I think the regeneration is always there as long as you load the coil, it is just the matter of more or less. There are many good responds on the subject on various forums so I combine them all to make a possible analysis of what may be going on. I posted a graph showing the losses.

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    The total input would be core losses and load. I also think majority of core loss is hysteresis.

    total input = core losses + load

    Let's say you run the rotor without a core, then core loss and load is zero. There will be input but we offset it to zero as baseline. Now you introduce a core and open coil. The total input would be just core loss as the graph shown. When you load the coil with high resistance, core losses go down but then load go up since we don't delay Lenz too much. Notice that if you add core loss and load for this case, the input would be more than just core. This is conventional. If we keep lowering L/R, then core loss continue to go down and load continue to go down till they reach a value equal to just core loss. This is where no speed change is observed when you load. If we continue to further delay lenz, we will reach a point where core loss and load will be almost zero. This is where speed up observed. However, carefully notice that this a situation with no core, or a baseline case.


    • Yes i did the baseline cases over here (i am DeepCut) :


      It shows what one would expect as far as the core is concerned, it adds drag.


      • Originally posted by elias View Post

        The more I think about this phase shift, the more I understand that it is real. I have an MS in computer architecture, and have studied all of this stuff in the university, They seemed to call this apparent or reactive power, and not real power, but it is real, that was a misconception. It is generated from the vacuum, that is why they did not understand it. They model it like it being stored in the inductor and then released to the load. Because the voltage will be developed in the load, after the current is released to it. But that voltage is about 90 degrees out of phase from the voltage of the source supply, thus the source does not provide that power directly, it is provided by the inductor from the vacuum, as I see it.

        The inductor induces back emf to the applied voltage and then releases the current to the load with a 90 degree lag so that the source doesn't see it. The voltage of the load will be delayed too, and it will be out of phase with the source.

        As I think that reality works in symbols and behaves in strange ways such as I posted my understanding about Iron = Fe = Free Energy.

        Now take this one:

        The digaram above shows the applied voltage to the coil, and its delayed counterpart voltage (E_si) which is 180 degrees in lag to the applied voltage (E_a).

        That is the infinity symbol isn't it! And the current is generated between it! I take that as a confirmation. Thank you universe!

        for me elias?
        every electron that flows out of a generator where does it come from?

        I believe we are taught a misconception about energy right from the word go.

        As i see it. we move the electrons from a piece of copper wire by pushing them out with a magnetic field. the magnetic field does not make electricity
        it just moves the electron in the out shell of the atom from one atom to the next. the Atom then stabilizes its self by replacing the electron.
        My big question? Where does the new electron come from?
        all they will tell you at university is it come from the adjacent atom.
        So where did that one get its electron from and so on. If one coil of copper wire in a generator can supply all the power for a city where is the power coming from?
        Its this concept I have driving me for the last 20 years in this world of unlimited power.

        In my mind the magnetic field is only a pump. just as a fuel pump in a cars fuel tank is only the pump. you still need there to be fuel in the tank.
        that's how is see the electrons in the copper wire.
        Last edited by toranarod; 09-27-2011, 02:23 AM.


        • just the wiring to do

          all coils in place


          • Where electrons come from...

            Originally posted by toranarod View Post
            for me elias?
            every electron that flows out of a generator where does it come from?

            I believe we are taught a misconception about energy right from the word go.

            As i see it. we move the electrons from a peace of copper wire by pushing them out with a magnetic field. the magnetic field does not make electricity
            it just moves the electron in the out shell of the atom from one atom to the next. the Atom then stabilizes its self by replacing the electron.
            My big question? Where does the new electron come from?
            all they will tell you at university is it come from the adjacent atom.
            So where did that one get its electron from and so on. If one coil of copper wire in a generator can supply all the power for a city where is the power coming from?
            Its this concept I have driving me for the last 20 years in this world of unlimited power.

            In my mind the magnetic field is only a pump. just as a fuel pump in a cars fuel tank is only the pump. you still need there to be fuel in the tank.
            that's how is see the electrons in the copper wire.
            I was taught they come from an energized source, if it's not a battery, then it is from the materials being energized. That's why not all materials make a good conductor. With all the atoms in constant movement in copper, which is an unstable element and why it will corrode is because of this instability. These electrons aren't used up, they are recycled. Your "source" is the tank, electrons can not move unless there is a " hole" for them to move to in their path, from the negitive to a more positive source, it's using their energy by a moderated load that allows us to create force without burning out the path and cause a hole (or many holes) in the concuctor for the electrons to jump in....
            Last edited by Rubberband; 09-26-2011, 11:42 PM.


            • Where do electrons come from

              Good grief people wake up

              The magnetic field is a neutral field until it is coupled by the electric field.
              Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


              • wow

                Originally posted by Dave45 View Post

                Good grief people wake up

                The magnetic field is a neutral field until it is coupled by the electric field.
                it sounds like those little thingies are really spinning....


                • Originally posted by toranarod View Post
                  just the wiring to do

                  all coils in place

                  That is beautiful!
                  Trust your own instinct. Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else's ~BW~ It's kind of fun to do the impossible ~WD~ From now on, I'll connect the dots my own way ~BW~ If I shall be like him, who shall be like me? ~LR~ Had I not created my whole world, I would certainly have died in other people’s ~AN~


                  • Originally posted by Rubberband View Post
                    it sounds like those little thingies are really spinning....
                    The magnetic field is a neutral field thats why it passes through everything, its only when it is coupled by the vector field (electrical field) that it has charge, when a magnet moves past a coil it creates a magnetic field in the coil(induction) this also creates a vector field around the coil, when it passes past the coil the vector field callapeses into the coil(bemf)
                    A magnet motor is not the way to free energy you need to collect the vector field before it couples with the magnetic field.
                    If you can understand this you will find unlimited energy, this is the way a galaxy works, this is the way our planet works.
                    This is very very important please please look and understand.
                    Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                    • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
                      The magnetic field is a neutral field thats why it passes through everything, its only when it is coupled by the vector field (electrical field) that it has charge, when a magnet moves past a coil it creates a magnetic field in the coil(induction) this also creates a vector field around the coil, when it passes past the coil the vector field callapeses into the coil(bemf)
                      A magnet motor is not the way to free energy you need to collect the vector field before it couples with the magnetic field.
                      If you can understand this you will find unlimited energy, this is the way a galaxy works, this is the way our planet works.
                      This is very very important please please look and understand.
                      Well Dave I am speechless, so what you are saying is all this work in electromagnetic's is for nothing? I am not disagreeing with you just not convinced to give up my current line of research based on evidence I have to the contrary. How do you suggest we exploit this vector field?


                      • Originally posted by toranarod View Post
                        Well Dave I am speechless, so what you are saying is all this work in electromagnetic's is for nothing? I am not disagreeing with you just not convinced to give up my current line of research based on evidence I have to the contrary. How do you suggest we exploit this vector field?
                        There are many ways Don Smith was doing it, I dont blame you for not giving up, you are a serious researcher Iv followed your work for a long time, but just give the models I posted a serious look, look into Don's devices think about how the electric field is coupling with the magnetic field, please take a good look, someone with your knowledge and experience could do it, it can be done with just one coil.
                        Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                        • Im sorry I'll not derail this thread, take a look at, its a long read but you will see how I came to this conclusion with help from MonsieurM.
                          Please take a look
                          Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                          • Originally posted by Shadesz View Post
                            That is beautiful!
                            I have acceleration under dead short circuit condition. one coil at a time.
                            I have not tried all coils simultaneously. that will be the tester.
                            I will do a video and post up on you tube. this thing really hammers out the RPM


                            • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
                              Im sorry I'll not derail this thread, take a look at, its a long read but you will see how I came to this conclusion with help from MonsieurM.
                              Please take a look
                              Truth emanates from that thread.
                              Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


                              • Originally posted by Shadesz View Post
                                Phase angle difference - YouTube

                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Does this video get you thinking about how we can control the phase shift under variable loads?

                                Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't this proof that we can control, to some extent, the timing of current flow in the pickup coil thus the timing of lenz? That would be great information if my understanding is correct!
                                The part where he inserts the Iron core is important as it shows that Iron itself induces delay to the magnetic field, And that is what we actually need to exploit. A cap cannot be used to further the delay of the current. I think that we should consider 90 degrees of phase shift as an optimum which causes coil neutrality. The phase shift of the core material added to the 80 degrees of phase shift for example will decide that the rotor will accelerate or not.

                                Thanks for your new experiments!
                                Please also tell us how your rotor behaves without the coil near your rotor.
                                I think that long coils are better for delaying lenz, as Tesla quoted above also did suggest that.

                                I have made five coils for testing purposes:

                                coil #1: This coil is about 400 turns of 0.7 wire on 16mm laminates:

                                coil #2: This one is about 700 turns of 0.7 wire on a 10mm ferrite core. This yielded the best performance in delaying Lenz.

                                coil #3: This one is about 700 turns of 0.7 wire, but unlike the previous case it is fatter instead of being longer, this one really dragged the rotor while shorting.

                                coil #4: This one is about 150 turns of 2mm wire, this one also behaved nicely under short but not as good coil #2, but also had better current capability.

                                coil #5: This one is two coils one wound above the other, the both have same amount of turns, and interestingly the second one which was wound above the other, dragged the rotor much more under short, because of the more resistance it had.

                                Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.

