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Muller generator replication by Romerouk

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  • Hi folks, Hi slider, thanks for reply, I'll check out your foamy design.
    Hi bruce, I can confirm what the video you posted shows.
    On my dual rotor air coil motor, when adding the separate coils in series, as long as the voltage is increased to maintain the same rpm, the input wattage remains the same, however the shaft torque increases many times.

    I think what this will equate to if expanded enough, it will exceed COP>1 at some point, or as Newman calls it, the production efficiency will exceed 1.
    peace love light


    • was the failing to build a Bedini SSG in the first case that got me really into all this. Weird really. I'm very sure that some time down the road a chap will demo something and my wow comments will result in him saying 'oh its just a standard Bedini XLS, everyones made one' !

      Got a system problem here, in perhaps a beneficial way for future projects. I put the original coil back on that video'd motor and the neon won't light as it should, neither will it speed up with the bulb being placed across. I want to find out at what load value and with what type of loads the speed increases.
      As happened a few weeks back with an apparently self running Adams motor of own circuit, I seem to have hit the nail on the head on the first try...clawing back over many hours now to replicate my own work.
      All day has been spent fine tuning, altering angles by small amounts. It HAS lit the neon, did do it reliably and so I hotglued, superglued, did everything to secure the coil at that specific spot...and now it won't light up. As yer do, I was holding the coil in my hand and then scrabbling to find glues with the other, while leaning around the table lol
      What it's shown though is again that month of tuning thing that Romero talked about.
      But i've done it twice now, only afterward realising that placement was so critical.
      It's something to remember for replicators. Once you hit that sweet spot...triple mark everywhere around, take pictures, get it video'd and seal the area !!!

      Thanks Bruce, might be a good time to reuse this motor again with those 'super coil' experiments


      • Thanks "Slider2732", "toranarod" timely response.
        In order to accurately understand, I use the "Slider2732" provides the circuit, Re-made ​​a map, Please help me confirm. Correct?

        PS: I use multistrand wire is 10x0.18mm, 1,2,3,4,5 can be used as a group, 6,7,8,9,10 to another group?

        Thanks again
        Attached Files


        • Hi slider, may be a careful review of your video would help find your original coil position.
          Magnetic fields can be so picky.
          May be some thing else has changed position.
          At least you have got a video of the effect.

          One other thing is, capacitance.
          Many times I have run into electronic circuits I could not duplicate due to small changes in capacitance between the wires and parts.

          Capacitance in a setup where there are so many variables as in your generator, may be critical to the circuit and hard to duplicate if the wires and the position of the wiring has changed much.
          Even though a capacitor was not used in the circuit, there is sill some capacitance between wires and parts, may be enough to make a difference in your setup.
          Usually where there is inductance, there is some capacitance, even if just a little.

          In any case, if you get to work again, you might want to lock it up in a safe.

          Last edited by Steve220; 07-01-2011, 06:05 AM.
          One thing to keep in mind is, man wrote the laws regarding the conservation of energy, not nature.
          Nature writes it's own laws regardless of what man thinks or does.


          • @yx630514 - Yes that will work
            I numbered my wires oppositely, but the wires themselves don't know which numbers they are given.
            My circuit looks great as you have drawn it, didn't recognise it !

            @Steve - Been studying up on capacitance and ringings (incorrectly termed it would seem, but applicable in a layman talk way).
            Indeed, that setup originally has been picked over and over and the video paused etc. I was spinning the rotor clockwise, then saw I was spinning it anti-clockwise in the video LOL. Such things as not replicating ones own work is half the fun here...the learning is huge and all is useful.

            Here's a vid, just a quick and dirty demo of the raw power mega coil *cough* the big coil from the monitor circuit board. And, ya know, the setup looks dirty, in need of a clean, but it really isn't as bad as it looks on the video
            What it shows, is the thing running the rotor at 3V from the wall wart. Note, the sheer size of neodymium required to halfway balance the magnetic forces, to not pull the neo's off their superglued mounting positions on the rotor !
            The vibration you'll see at 12V that emanates from the coil, hopefully demonstrates the resonating forces of this type of coil connecting and the Litz type wire properties.
            Smaller magnets will eject from the back of the coil when it's powered up at even 3V
            Whether 3V or 12V, the rotor speed remains exactly the same...possibly a law breaker in it's own right lol
            Current draw is 40mA at 3V, 140mA at 12V.

            YouTube - ‪Big monitor coil demo‬‏
            Last edited by Slider2732; 07-01-2011, 06:26 AM.


            • Hey Slider
              one quick question,
              have you tried running your coil without a core in it, just an aircore?
              it might not pull the magnets off the rotor if it doesn't have a core in it.
              not sure if that is applicable, but it popped in my head, so I figured I would throw it out there
              great work so far, very interesting!
              The absence of proof is not proof of absence


              • Wow

                Great video slider.
                Your new coil sounds heavy duty.
                Sounds more like a 220 volt welder operating than a little spinner coil.
                And just from a little wall wart too.

                The rotor speed staying the same at 3 volts or 12 volts is odd for sure.
                But there must be some kind of increase in the magnetic field inparted to the rotor magnets from the drive magnet that the new coil picks up. Kind of a carry over effect, like the rotor magnets act like a transporter of the magnetic field from the drive coil. May be this is why the speed stays the same.

                The rotor may not be doing any extra work, but the drive coil and pick up coil are. May be with the bias magnet on the rear of the pickup coil, the rotor magnets effect is canceled out and the pickup coil only sees the added magnetic field from the drive coil. I would guess the frequency of the pick up coil matches the frequency of the drive magnet if the drive magnet is triggered off the rotor.

                May be, the drive coil could be placed core to core with the pick up coil and the drive coil operated with a square wave generator and amplifier set at the same frequency and make the pick up coil operate the same way.

                No rotor needed to operate the pick up coil. May be if a coil of wire was placed on the core of the pickup coil, enough current could be induced in the coil to drive a load. A solid state generator device.

                No rotor required.

                Last edited by Steve220; 07-01-2011, 12:31 PM.
                One thing to keep in mind is, man wrote the laws regarding the conservation of energy, not nature.
                Nature writes it's own laws regardless of what man thinks or does.


                • Hello Slider
                  Its is very interesting your attempt to replicate your own work and finding out the position is critical. this goes along with my idea that the surface area of magnet and coil is very important.
                  the only problem with this is it can take weeks to build different coils and changing magnets.
                  What we need to construct is an adjustment table like the kind used on a machine to move the cutting tool. the coil needs to be put on an X Y Axis table that is full adjustable with setting and locations for recording.

                  Also the fluorescent globe are polarized. you need to determine + and - for them to operate. I know they work from house mains AC but that is different to our circuits. The circuit in the globe is a switching circuit complete with its own coil and transistors. Just a point of interest.

                  your coil configuration has become the most promising thing since Romero.
                  I have been doing experiments all day. Looking good
                  Last edited by toranarod; 07-01-2011, 09:51 AM.


                  • Series wind for voltage.

                    Bruce maintains he gets increased voltage from wireing his Litz in series. Big deal on that, when a single thinner wire of more turns produces the same result.

                    Bruce went further to make an utter fool out of himself over at the OU forum by alledging we can "take advantage of Ohm's Law" by multiplying the amperage from seperate wires times the increased voltage in a set of series wound ones on a multi strand coil to gain power.

                    Bruce has made fundametally very stupid asertions because Ohm's law only applies to values in a SINGLE CONDUCTOR.


                    • Originally posted by Steve220 View Post

                      I have to say, that out of all the billions and billions of coils made on this planet, it seems odd that this effect had not been seen before. Or has it?

                      May be Muller did.

                      It has (or at least similar) : YouTube - ‪‬‏

                      YouTube - ‪Slayer007 Back Energy Booster---My replication‬‏


                      • May be, but this seems to be different because it is all done internal to the coil.
                        The coil is shorted out internal to the coil.
                        No external are parts needed.
                        It is done with just wire, a bobbin and a core only.

                        One thing to keep in mind is, man wrote the laws regarding the conservation of energy, not nature.
                        Nature writes it's own laws regardless of what man thinks or does.


                        • Hello ALL,

                          Synchro, as usual misrepresents the facts, and had ZERO understanding of what I was experimenting to achieve, and to this day doesn't understand.

                          His personal attacks led to him being placed on moderation. And if he continues his ways here, he will AGAIN be placed on read only.

                          He is a person in serious need of attention, with a very small ability to comprehend anything that might not fit his 1950's physics, and he does NOT listen.

                          @ SLIDER

                          Keep going! There is something wonderful about working with strands, that the likes of Synchro will NEVER understand, because they never do any experimentation themselves. PC heroes... lol

                          P.S. All of my work with strands, I open sourced. Romero read it often. Here is the link to my work and you can read the crazyness of Syncro for yourselves. He kept insisting that I was "shorting" the coil, when I was doing no such thing. By the way, shorting ANY strands within the coil, kills the coil dead....
                          Bruce's TPU Theory and Experiments ver.1.2


                          Last edited by Bruce_TPU; 07-01-2011, 01:46 PM. Reason: Adding comment


                          • Originally posted by Bruce_TPU View Post
                            Hello ALL,

                            Synchro, as usual misrepresents the facts, and had ZERO understanding of what I was experimenting to achieve, and to this day doesn't understand.
                            I agree with you here, Bruce. It depends, how you look at it and it shows that Syncro have a lack on understanding at this.

                            When ONE Strand in a Coil IS Shorted, then there is Electrical Resistance.

                            Maybe Wikipedia does help him, hopefully.

                            Ohm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                            The ohm (symbol: Ω) is the SI unit of electrical resistance, named after Georg Simon Ohm.
                            Electrical resistance and conductance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                            The electrical resistance of an electrical element measures its opposition to the passage of an electric current; the inverse quantity is electrical conductance, measuring how easily electricity flows along a certain path. Electrical resistance shares some conceptual parallels with the mechanical notion of friction. The SI unit of electrical resistance is the ohm (Ω), while electrical conductance is measured in siemens (S).

                            Btw, one Idea would be, to put the Load on the one Wire, what you loop,
                            so the Resistance in the Loop depends on it.

                            And Btw2. i did do that allready with my SG, i wound 2 Coils opposite CW CCW over eachother,
                            when i put a Load on the Coils my Input drops.. But the Point, where the Field is stronger is anywhere in the middle of my Coils, so it does not affect the Rotor just the Input, and thats enough for me atm.

                            And oh well, it looks like, all the Guys who get moderated at come now into this Forum to cry further?
                            I dont get this Guys, why dont they look for a nice shiny Forum where they can jabber with her sort,
                            as they drove out all Peoples from there, what dont agree with her one-sided View into things.

                            Is there really a need for them now, to come into alternative Forums, to bore and bother Peoples there to dead,
                            instead staying at theyr Hardcore-Experts Forums?

                            Hows about the OUR Forum from Point99, or still moderated there too.
                            Last edited by Joit; 07-01-2011, 02:24 PM.
                            Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                            • On track

                              I hope this thread can stay on track as there is something very interesting and new being discussed here.
                              One thing to keep in mind is, man wrote the laws regarding the conservation of energy, not nature.
                              Nature writes it's own laws regardless of what man thinks or does.


                              • Hey, think of it another way.....referencing Slayer's and Lidmotor's very cool videos (thanks Xenomorph).
                                We have OU forum as 1 winding, here as another winding and connected multistrand by the internet. Results so far are the BEMF. With new discoveries made we're increasing the BEMF by linking back through the forums.
                                There's a small amount of bias that needs filtering out

                                “The practical success of an idea, irrespective of its inherent merit, is dependent on the attitude of the contemporaries. If timely it is quickly adopted; if not, it is apt to fare like a sprout lured out of the ground by warm sunshine, only to be injured and retarded in its growth by the succeeding frost.”
                                “The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane.”
                                - Nikola Tesla

                                All 3 coils so far do the no speed up or slow down thing. Amperage increases with they convert volts to amps to stabilise, by increasing the magnetic field. The magnets can audibly shake due to that and is a net effect result we can see. A self regulating transformer.
                                We can see that the exact 100ns flip BEMF spike power is right there, that myself, toranarod and others have witnessed even within this thread. 100ns is a figure seen often and such a small window is difficult to find. Movements of the coil by hand are like pushing around a grain of rice when wearing a boxing glove !
                                The solid state version will need no rotor. It can be boxed in a small unit, coils linked and resonating in a beautiful harmony to demonstrate the science that we have waited for over a century to enjoy. I too believe we don't need to spin anything around and work such as Bruce's or Thane's lays it out for the new text books to adopt.

                                However - the solid state devices aren't proven as a generating OU device yet but Romero's Muller machine has been. We can see them running in our minds eyes though, can see them lucidly and we are learning about what we need to do to transfer them to matter.
                                The vast electric company power plant hall's, emptied, paint peeling from the walls. Transferring their business to different energy generators that install right there on any premises, from car to house to business - noone wants to rid the world of companies that do a good honest job.
                                No black outs, no energy cartels, no corporation controlled model of politics.

                                So let's get the machines whirring

